Selenium Tutorial Java

Selenium Tutorial for Beginners: In this post, we will share about Selenium Tutorial Java. Selenium is an open-source framework that enables automated testing of web applications.

It allows developers and testers to write scripts in various programming languages to simulate user interactions with web browsers, such as clicking links, filling out forms, and navigating pages.

Selenium offers testing capabilities and supports multiple browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Whether you are a software developer or a quality assurance specialist, learning to use Selenium can significantly streamline your testing process and help you deliver high-quality software faster. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of Selenium and provide step-by-step instructions on how to get started with test automation using this powerful tool.

In this Selenium tutorial Java, we are going to cover all topics of Selenium, like how to install Selenium on your local machine, how to use it and what the Selenium automation testing features and its implementation with some real-time examples, what are the advantages of using Selenium, what type of application you can test by using Selenium WebDriver, etc.

Selenium Tutorial For Beginners

Throughout this Selenium tutorial java, we will explore the key components of Selenium, including Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, and Selenium Grid. We will also cover how to set up a Selenium testing environment, write test scripts in popular programming languages such as Java and Python, and execute tests on different browsers and operating systems.

Additionally, we will discuss best practices for organizing and maintaining test scripts, debugging common errors, and reporting test results. By the end of this tutorial, you should have a solid foundation in using Selenium for web application testing and be able to apply this knowledge to your own projects. So, let’s get started and dive into the world of Selenium!

Selenium WebDriver Tutorials Syllabus

Introduction: Before Directly Jumping into the course, we will first understand a few things:

What is Automation Testing
Tools for Automation Testing
What is Selenium?
Use of automation Testing
Why is automation for your career?
Advantage of Selenium
Test Automation Best Practices

IDE Software For Programming: To speed up our practice, we will use some IDE to write our automation script. Several IDEs, such as Eclipse, PyCharm, and IntelliJ IDEA, are available online.

But we will try to discuss some of the most frequently used IDE’s and their features one by one:

How to stop your execution
How to debug in Eclipse
How to insert a breakpoint
How to find errors in a program
How to debug step-by-step
How to pause your execution
Understanding console output
How to add Watch variables
How to debug step by step

Setup Automation Environment: The first step to start our automation is to set up the environment. In this section, we will see how to set up the Environment properly to run our program without any issues.

Download Selenium WebDriver
How to Setup Automation Project
Create First Java Test Case
How to Create Packages
How to Import WebDriver Source file

WebDriver Interface In Selenium: In this section, we will discuss browsers in WebDriver and how to launch the Firefox browser using it easily. We’ll also explore the Selenium WebDriver & WebElement interface.

Navigation Commands In Selenium For Browsers: With the help of Selenium, we can perform web automation, and their browser plays a vital role. So, in this section, we will discuss various operations of browsers and navigation commands.

How to get Page Source Of Web Page
How to Navigate Back & Forward
How to Navigating to a Specific Page
How to Open a URL
How to Verify Page Title
Difference between Close & Quit
Different Ways to Refresh a Page

Browser Profile: We are going to discuss various ways of profile handling.

Selenium Locators With Examples: Before starting this section, we expect you to have basic knowledge of HTML. With HTML knowledge, we can understand the different attributes associated with a WebElement, and by using those attributes and locator details, we will try to locate the element.

How to Easily Identify Elements In Browsers: As an automation tester, finding elements in the web browser is the most common activity carried out in Selenium. In some applications, it isn’t easy to find web elements.

So, most of the testers are spending more time locating the elements, but some life-saving add-ons and tools are available that help you reduce the time to locate complex web page elements.

Handling Dynamic Objects/ID Page
Element Inspector Mozilla
Handling Dynamic Objects/Id Page
Element Inspector Chrome
Xpath Helper Plug-in For Chrome
Selection Of Effective Xpath

Handle Various WebElement In Selenium: In this section, we will discuss the basics of Selenium automation, where we will try to automate various web elements of a webpage.

Enter Text into an Input Field
How to Click on Different Elements
Finding All Links On The Page
Objects of Specific Areas of Web Page
How to Check Element is Displayed
How to Check Element is Enabled
Clear Text Of an Input Field
Managing Input fields, Buttons & Links
Get More Than One Object From Page
How to Check Element is Present
How to Check Element is Selected

How to Handle Tables, Checkboxes & Radio Buttons: Most web applications have some common elements like Tables, Checkboxes & radio buttons. So, in this section, we will understand how to handle these elements.

Identify Table Rows And Columns
Dynamically Identify Tables Data
Drop Down Handle
Select & Deselect Operations By Index
Select & Deselect By Visible Text
Extracting Values From A Cell
Select Class In Selenium
Select Multiple Values From The List
Select & Deselect Operations By Value

Selenium Waits: This Selenium Waits helps you solve issues like time lagging, so in this section, we are going to understand this in detail:

Implicit Wait In Selenium
Expected Conditions Selenium
SetScriptTimeout In Selenium
Strategy To Poll For An Object
Different WaitUntil Conditions
Thread Sleep In Selenium
Explicit Wait In Selenium
PageLoadTimeout In Selenium
Fluent Wait In Selenium
Webdriverwait In Selenium

Switch Windows & Alert In Selenium: You see multiple windows and alerts while automating web applications. So, in this section, we will try to understand how to handle SeleniumAlerts & Switching Windows.

Managing Ajax-Based Components
How to Handle Confirmation Alert
Diff Btw Window Handle & Handles
Switch Multiple Tabs & Popups
How to Handle Simple Alert
How to Handle Prompt Alert
Switch Windows In Selenium
Extracting Window IDs with Selenium

Actions Class In Selenium: By using the action class in Selenium, we can handle complex object features and we can various operations such as:

What is an Action class in Selenium?
Mouse Movement In Selenium
Drag And Drop In Selenium
Sikuli In Selenium
Robot Class In Selenium
Mouse Hover In Selenium
Finding Coordinates Of A Web Object
Frames In Selenium
Frames In Selenium

JavaScript Selenium: This section will discuss the various operations we can perform through JavaScript while doing automation.

Item text
Item text

Browser Profile: In this section, we’ll cover various kinds of browser profiles, user authentication methods, and examples. These will be important for testing secure and user-authenticated websites.

How to Create a New Firefox Profile
How to Create New Firefox Profile
Set up Firefox Options In Selenium
How to Create a New Chrome Profile
Setup Chromeoptions In Selenium

How to Automate: Until the moment, we have seen how to automate simple web applications, and now we will try to understand how we can handle complex scenarios like below:

How to Handle Ajax Components
Handle WebTable with Paginations
How to Handle ShadowDOM Elements
Handle Complex Frames/iFrames
Page Wait use cases
How to Handle Complex Calendars
Handle infinite Page Loading
How to Handle SVG Elements
Handle Complex Psuedo Elements
Element Wait use cases

TestNG In Selenium: TestNG is a great ready-to-use framework for building your own test framework, and we’ll explore it in this section.

Selenium Tutorial – Selenium Interview Questions

Selenium Tutorial – Other Interview Questions

  • Data Structure Interview Questions

Interview Related Testing Stuff

Selenium Interview Questions

Selenium Subjective Interview Questions

Final Words:

We hope that this Selenium WebDriver tutorial has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of the basic and advanced concepts of Selenium automation testing. We have included step-by-step instructions and practical examples to help you learn Selenium WebDriver effectively.

We will update this tutorial regularly and encourage you to share it with your friends on social media. If you notice any errors or inaccuracies in our tutorials, please email or contact us on the Contact Us page. Your feedback is valuable as we strive to provide the best learning resources for Selenium learners.

FAQS About Selenium Tutorial

Can I learn Selenium on my own?

Yes, you can learn Selenium on your own! With online resources, dedication, and practice, you can master Selenium and become proficient in test automation.

How do I start coding in Selenium?

To start coding in Selenium, you must first learn a programming language (like Java or Python), install Selenium libraries, and set up a development environment.

Can I learn Selenium without coding?

It’s possible to use Selenium without coding using tools like Selenium IDE, but a basic understanding of coding concepts is still recommended.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

10 thoughts on “Selenium Tutorial Java”

  1. Thanks for the great content, The best part is that each and everything is available on clicks on the same place.

    • Thanks Vandana Dhiman, We are still working on providing all the topics with real time example and also with detailed explnation

      • Hi,
        For instance, under the topic “Selenium Locators With Examples:”
        Types Of XPath
        Relative XPath
        Xpath Functions In Selenium
        CSS Selector In Selenium

        and also under the topic “Handle Various WebElement In Selenium:”
        Enter Text into an Input Field
        How to Click on Different Elements
        Finding All Links On The Page
        Objects of Specific Areas of Web Page
        How to Check Element is Displayed
        How to Check Element is Enabled
        Clear Text Of an Input Field
        Managing Input fields, Buttons & Links
        Get More Than One Object From Page
        How to Check Element is Present
        How to Check Element is Selected

        As like the above most of the topics are not able to click. Please help and support to follow the tutorials


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