Selenium Mock Interview Questions

Selenium Mock Interview Questions: Mock interviews are an excellent way to prepare for a real interview and boost your confidence in answering common questions. This is especially true for technical interviews, such as those for Selenium testing roles, where employers seek specific skills and knowledge. Selenium is a widely used automation testing tool, and as such, it is important to be well-prepared for Selenium mock interview questions to demonstrate your proficiency in this area.

Mock interviews provide a simulated interview experience, allowing you to practice answering questions and receiving feedback from a seasoned professional. They effectively identify areas where you may need improvement and help you build confidence in your interview skills.

Selenium mock interview questions may cover various topics, including Selenium architecture, automation testing, test frameworks, programming languages, and debugging. By practicing and reviewing mock interview questions, you can gain a deeper understanding of these topics and refine your responses to impress potential employers.

This article will explore some commonly asked Selenium mock interview questions to help you prepare for your upcoming interview. By practicing your responses to these questions, you can feel more confident and increase your chances of success in landing your dream job.

Selenium Mock Interview Questions

  • Explain the Architecture of Selenium.
  • Explain the selenium java Architecture.
  • List the methods of SearchContext and WebDriver interface.
  • Difference between get() and navigate().
  • What are the locators? What are the types?
  • What is CSS, write its syntax, and what are the shortcuts supported? What are the limitations?
  • What is XPath? What are the types?
  • Write the syntax for all types of XPath.
  • Explain independent–dependent XPath.
  • Explain type casting using selenium with respect to TakesScreenshot.
  • Explain typecasting with respect to JavascriptExecutor.
  • What are the uses of JavascriptExecutor?
  • What are the methods of WebElement?
  • What is the difference between findElement and findelements?
  • Write a script to count the number of links present on the page.
  • How will you estimate the time to automate a scenario?
  • How to perform Right Click.
  • In a Dynamic Table, if I give one cell value, it should give me the values of other cells in that row.
  • Have you developed any Tools? If yes explain
  • Write code for handling Frames
  • Read from a text file and store it in HashMap
  • Print the occurrence of each character if it is present more than once in a given string.
  • Write code for nested drop-down, and You have to check all the values in the dropdown, All permutations, and combinations.
  • Advantages of Selenium
  • How to check if a checkbox is displayed
  • If the element is not present, how will you print the Element that is not present in the message?
  • What all exceptions have you faced
  • What all difficulties have you faced in Selenium
  • What all TestNG Annotations do you use in the project
  • Where will you maintain the code
  • What all Collections do you use in your project
  • How to run multiple test cases
  • What are Primitive and Non-primitive Data Types
  • What are JDK, JRE, and JVM
  • Settings.xml in Maven
  • Eliminate the first and last string from the array and print
  • What is Encapsulation
  • What is the use of build() and perform() in Actions
  • How will you check the actual vs expected result?
  • Xpath Axes, Ex: Following
  • Automate Menu and Sub Menu, click on the link in Sub Menu, navigate to the page, and click on an element.
  • Syntax for Alerts
  • How will you generate Reports
  • What is the execution time of your test cases
  • Print a Reverse Pyramid
  • Go to frame, click on the upload button, and select the file in this directory.
  • Difference between PUTS and POST in API
  • Read data from Excel, give that data as input for login and password, click on submit and validate the popup that says Login is a success.
  • What is WebDriver – interface?
  • Why do we need Interface in a test?
  • How to integrate your test with Jenkins?
  • Any example or practical usage of Run time polymorphism?
  • How to find dynamic elements?
  • What is the difference between CSS selector and XPath? Which is better from a performance perspective?
  • Difference between Instantiate and Initialize in Java.
  • What is meant by fluent wait?
  • What kind of framework have you made?
  • What’s TestNG Listener Class & why do we use it?
  • Any idea about the Selenium Grid? Or Parallel execution.
  • What are the challenges you face when running automation scripts?
  • Difference between == and =.
  • What’s Page Factory?
  • How do you click a button without using click() and CSS & XPath selectors?
  • Are multiple inheritances possible in Java? Why?
  • Are all methods in an abstract class abstract?
  • Can we make an Object of Abstract class or an Interface?
  • What’s the difference between method overloading and overriding?
  • What’s the use of the Java Static keyword?
  • Different types of polymorphism.
  • Can we write webdriver dr = new webdriver();
  • What are the different plugins used for Maven? And it’s used?
  • What is the difference between Abstract and Interface?
  • Try, Throw & Catch syntax. And why is it used?
  • How do you manage to re-run only failed test cases?
  • How to make TestNG.xml at run-time?
  • What’s a Singleton class?
  • Can we have the Finally block without Try & catch blocks?
  • Use of Super and This keyword in Java.
  • What’s Data binding?
  • What’s the difference between Final, Finally, and Finalize?
  • What is the difference between Absolute and Relative XPath? Which is faster?
  • How to execute a Java program from the command prompt?
  • What is Continuous Integration?
  • What is the return type of DataProvider?
  • What’s the Maven Life cycle?
  • What’s the difference between plug-ins and dependencies?
  • How to make a class immutable?
  • Write code for Action class
  • Write code for positive and negative scenarios for Alerts
  • Write code for handling multiple windows
  • Find an odd number
  • Disadvantages of Selenium
  • Difference between get() and navigate().to()
  • Write code to click on the Checkbox which is inside the Dynamic Table
  • Write code for taking Screenshot
  • Explains Maps in Java
  • Explain framework (Questions based on your framework explanation)
  • What is Pom.xml
  • Which is the correct Xpath for this code (Lot of questions on Xpath)
  • Xpath methods Ex: Starts-with & Contains
  • The syntax for a CSS selector
  • How to identify dynamic images
  • From a given string, separate characters, integers and special characters and store in a separate variable and print them
  • Remove duplicates from ArrayList
  • Print all the frame names
  • How to read from XML or CSV file and store in hashmap
  • Get the value of a cell in Dynamic table
  • What is the Burndown chart (Agile)
  • Print these characters from a given string and change to uppercase
  • Explain Access specifiers
  • Difference between Priority and Severity
  • Example of High Priority and Low Severity and vice versa
  • Difference between Test Strategy and Test Scenario
  • What Software Metrics you have used in your project
  • How to handle Dynamic Elements, since the webpage is designed in Angular Js
  • Implicit and Explicit Waits
  • Write code for Cross Browser Testing
  • Explain Method Overloading and Method Overriding with Example
  • What is Static Keyword
  • Dependencies in Pom.xml
  • Write code for fetching data from Excel
  • Select this value in the dropdown and hover to this element and click
  • Assert and Verify
  • Check if a given string is Palindrome or not
  • Remove duplicate characters from a string and print
  • Which Code Repository you are using (Ex: GitHub)
  • How will you estimate the time to automate a scenario
  • How to perform Right Click
  • In a Dynamic Table, if I give 1 cell value, it should give me the values of other cells in that row
  • Have you Developed any Tool, If yes explain
  • Write code for handling Frames
  • Read from a text file and store in HashMap
  • Print the occurrence of each character if it is present more than once in a given string
  • Write code for nested drop-down, You have to check all the values in the dropdown, All permutation and combination
  • Advantages of Selenium
  • How to check if a checkbox is displayed
  • If the element is not present, how will you print the Element is not present the message
  • What all exceptions you have faced
  • What all difficulties you have faced in Selenium
  • What all TestNG Annotations you have used in the project
  • Where will you maintain the code
  • What all Collections, you have used in your project
  • How to run multiple test cases
  • What are Primitive and Non-primitive Data Types
  • What is JDK, JRE and JVM
  • Settings.xml in Maven
  • Eliminate the first and last string from array and print
  • What is Encapsulation
  • What is the use of build() and perform() in Actions
  • How you will check the actual vs expected result
  • Xpath Axes, Ex: Following
  • Automate Menu and Sub Menu and click on the link in Sub Menu and navigate to the page and click on an element
  • Syntax for Alerts
  • How will you generate Reports
  • What is the execution time of your test cases
  • Print a Reverse Pyramid
  • Go to frame and click on the upload button and select the file which is in this directory
  • Difference between PUTS and POST in API
  • Read data from Excel and given that data as input for login and password and click on submit and validate the popup which says Login is success.
  • Data Provider using XML
  • Different types of waits with syntax?
  • Types of locators
  • What is Relative XPath and Absolute XPath? Which is better and why?
  • findElement() and findElements() -> Return type?
  • What is Page Object Model?
  • How do you handle List of web elements in Page Object Model framework?
  • How to open new Tab using JavascriptExecutor?
  • How to switch between tabs?
  • driver.close() and driver.quit()?
  • @BeforeClass, @BeforeTest
  • What is the disadvantage of AutoIT? Why do we need it?
  • Verify vs Assert?
  • Ever worked with Selenium Grid? What is the architecture?
  • Have you worked with Jenkins?
  • How many types of Parameters are available in Jenkins job?
  • How to schedule the job? What is the pattern?
  • Git fetch vs git pull?
  • How to you handle merge conflicts

What are some of the nested interfaces in WebDriver interface ? OR
What is the return type of commonly used methods like driver.switchTo(), driver.navigate(), driver.manage(), etc. OR
Explain the chained command : driver.manage().window().fullscreen().

Ans. There are five nested static interface inside WebDriver interface.

  1. WebDriver.Navigation
  2. WebDriver.Options
  3. WebDriver.TargetLocator
  4. WebDriver.Timeouts
  5. WebDriver.Window

How do you handle captcha and OTP fields in your automated script flow?
Ans. Yes, many times captcha or auth OTP becomes a hindrance in automating the UI flows. The best way is to focus on the user journey by skipping through these hindrances, & test their individual functionality separately. The crux of these alternatives is COLLABORATION WITH DEVELOPERS of the application to find possible hacks.

Example 1: Disabling the captcha in test/staging environments thus enabling UI scripts to run smoothly covering the user flow.
Example 2: Whitelisting staging numbers for a fixed/static OTP. Yes, having a static OTP for staging environments helps in saving costs by not consuming third-party APIs for automation along with giving better controllability for UI automation.

Note: Remember, the integration of these modules with your system is still very much needed to be tested without any hardcoding or simulation on Pre-Prod/UAT environment, (especially if you are hardcoding them in your stage/automation env. using above examples.)

P.S Focus on controllability , testability and automatability of your applications at the early phase of requirement discussion only to develop a robust and quality driven development culture.

Ques. Why do we prefer to write the below line of code (Line 1) instead of Line 2 & Line 3?

Line 1 : WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
Line 2 : WebDriver driver = new WebDriver();
Line 3 : ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();


Line 1 is always preferred in selenium automation frameworks.
Line 2: Compiler Error with WebDriver driver = new WebDriver(). We cannot write our code like this because we cannot create Objects of an Interface. ‘WebDriver’ is an interface.
Line 3: Although can write ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(), however, it is not a good practice to initialize the driver object like this. The driver instance here will only be able to access ChromeDriver class methods and we would not be able to run our scripts on multiple browsers (firefox/safari) by using the same ‘driver’ object. If we declare the driver as a specific driver type, we are then anchored to only that driver.

P.S Learning about the Selenium WebDriver hierarchy really helps in understanding the basics of selenium-based UI automation. Do connect for more detailed discussion.

What are the challenges you have faced in Automation testing?

Yeah! That’s a good practical question to probe into candidate’s experience.

  • Unrealistic expectations from automation testing. Its automation, not auto-magic.
  • Script maintenance is an ongoing challenge (well thought-of framework design can help here).
  • Maintaining automation for different products + environments + customers.
  • Bridging the divide between automation and manual testers, i.e., team coordination & collaboration.
  • Refactoring the legacy code when your suite grows really big.

How do you maintain traceability with changing requirements?

The main motive of traceability is to ensure that we don’t miss testing a requirement. How to ensure that? By tracking that you have executed cases corresponding to each requirement.

In case of changing requirements, we need to update the corresponding test cases OR write new ones and then pull these in your test campaign. For building traceability matrix, any tool like ALM can be used to check on any missing coverage.

The catch: Now that direct requirements are covered, what about the existing impacted functionalities? That’s right – the test team need to diligently put together a regression campaign based on the impacted areas.

With updated/new cases + impact analysis + regression + traceability tool – guess we have it covered now.

What is the difference between the severity and priority? Share some examples of various combinations of these two?

Severity determines the impact of the defect on the system. The degree of severity is determined based on how many features of the application are not working and what is the impact of this on the overall system functionalities.

  • Major: Problems that severely impact functionality but don’t necessarily crash the system.
  • Minor: Minor inconveniences or non-critical issues that don’t significantly affect functionality.
  • Cosmetic: Issues related to the appearance or user interface but don’t impact functionality.
  • Severity helps development and support teams prioritize their efforts by focusing on the most critical issues first.

On the other hand, Priority determines how fast a particular feature or functionality should be fixed. A high-priority defect might have low severity. The general categories of Priorities are High, Medium and Low. The general categories of Severities are usually Showstopper, High, Medium and low OR sometimes Critical, Major, Moderate, Minor and Cosmetics.

  • High: Issues that need immediate attention due to their significant business impact or impending deadlines.
  • Medium: Important issues that should be addressed in a timely manner but may not be as critical as high-priority ones.
  • Low: Issues that are less urgent and can be addressed when resources become available or when higher-priority tasks are resolved.
  • Priority helps teams decide which issues to tackle first when they have limited resources or time constraints.

Let us see some examples of different combinations:

  • Low Priority/Low Severity: When the contact details are wrongly displayed on the Contact us page. The traffic to this page is very low this can be treated as a low priority. Also, this issue doe snot impact any functionalities/features, hence this could be treated as low severity.
  • Low Priority/High Severity: When a Locate Us page of the website is down or not working. Because people hardly go to this page it is of low priority. But as the whole page is down and it could be treated as High Severity.
  • High Priority/Low Severity: When a company name or logo is displayed incorrectly on their official webpage. It is of high priority to fix this issue asap, but the fix is very easy and does not impact the system functionalities.
  • High Priority/High Severity: When the login page of the banking application does not work. It is of high priority because nobody can log in and business might get affected, also due to thin all other functionalities are stuck and could run.

So, if you have some good examples of different combinations of priorities and severities please share the same in the comments below.

Challenges for a QA Automation Engineer

QA engineers play a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and functionality of software applications.In this post, we will explore some of the common challenges QA automation engineers encounter and provide strategies on how to handle them effectively.

Challenge 1: Dynamic and Frequently Changing UI
One of the primary challenges in automation testing is dealing with dynamic user interfaces. Web applications frequently undergo updates, leading to changes in the structure and elements of the UI. This can break existing automation scripts.


  1. Use robust locators: Employing stable locators such as IDs and CSS selectors instead of XPath can make your scripts less susceptible to UI changes.
  2. Implement Page Object Model (POM): POM helps organize and maintain UI locators and actions separately, making it easier to update scripts when UI changes occur.

Challenge 2: Test Data Management
Managing test data for automation tests can be challenging, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex scenarios.


  1. Data-driven testing: Implement data-driven testing by separating test data from test scripts. Utilize spreadsheets or databases to store and manage test data.
  2. Test data generation: Automate the process of generating test data to ensure consistency and reliability.

Challenge 3: Test Script Maintenance
Maintaining a suite of automation scripts can become overwhelming as the application evolves, leading to script redundancy and inefficiency.


  1. Regular script reviews: Schedule periodic reviews of automation scripts to identify and remove redundant or obsolete test cases.
  2. Version control: Use version control systems like Git to manage and track changes in automation scripts.
  3. Continuous refactoring: Continuously refactor and optimize scripts to keep them up-to-date with application changes.

Challenge 4: Test Execution Environment
Setting up and maintaining the test execution environment can be a complex task, especially when dealing with multiple browsers, devices, or platforms.


  1. Containerization: Use containerization tools like Docker to create consistent and isolated test environments.
  2. Cloud-based testing: Consider using cloud-based testing services that provide a variety of testing environments on-demand.

Challenge 5: Test Reporting and Analysis
Analyzing test results and generating meaningful reports can be challenging, but it’s crucial for identifying and addressing issues.


  1. Automation reporting tools: Utilize automation reporting tools that offer detailed test execution reports, including screenshots and logs.
  2. Customized dashboards: Create customized dashboards to track key performance indicators and monitor test results in real-time.


Preparing for a Selenium mock interview is a valuable exercise for anyone seeking a career in Selenium testing. Reviewing common Selenium mock interview questions and practicing your responses can make you feel more confident and prepared for your interview. Mock interviews provide a safe environment to identify your strengths and areas for improvement and receive feedback from professionals in the field.

It is important to note that every interviewer will have unique expectations, so your responses must be flexible and adaptable. By mastering the art of answering Selenium mock interview questions, you can increase your chances of success in landing your dream job as a Selenium tester. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills and seeking feedback to improve your chances of success.

I hope you found this article on Selenium Mock Interview Questions helpful. If you have any doubts or suggestions, please ask questions in the comment section below. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we are always looking for ways to improve our content and make it more useful to our readers.

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