Java Program – Java Programming Examples

Java programs are frequently asked in the Java interview: These programs cover control statements, arrays, strings, OOP, and more. Java basics like Fibonacci series, factorials, and palindromes are common in interviews and exams. Additionally, knowledge of virtual machine is essential for Java developers to understand how Java code is executed on different platforms.

First, we will try to write simple Java programs, and later we will explore control statements like conditional and loop control. These are the basic Java programs, and later we’ll also cover arrays, strings, object-oriented programming (OOP), multithreading, exception handling, and more, including public static void gcd c programming. Finally, we will go with Java programs for practice so that we can avoid common mistakes.

Java Program Java Programming Examples

Understand Java Programming Examples

To master Java, it’s essential to understand the basic Java programs, including leap year, Fibonacci series, the factorial of a number, Armstrong number, palindrome numbers, and recursion are frequently asked in the interviews and exams.

Basic Java Programs To Practice

We need to start with the basic Java programs like the “Hello, World!” program and other programs like finding Armstrong numbers, etc. This allows you to understand the basic Java syntax and Java program structure, including the Java virtual machine. From there, you can practice writing small programs that focus on specific concepts, such as loops or conditional statements.

Basic Java Programs To Practice
Area Of Triangle
Area Of Isosceles Triangle
Area Of Rhombus
Perimeter Of Circle
Perimeter Of Parallelogram
Perimeter Of Square
Volume Of Core Java Program
Volume Of Cylinder
Volume Of Prism
Total Surface Area Of Cylinder
Area Of Rectangle Program
Area Of Parallelogram
Area Of Equilateral Triangle
Perimeter Of Equilateral Triangle
Perimeter Of Rectangle
Perimeter Of Rhombus
Volume Of Prism
Volume Of Sphere
Curved Surface Area Of Cube
Calculator Program in Java
Java Program to check whether the given number is binary or not?
Java Program to check whether the user input is a number or not in Java?
Java Program to Print from 1 to 10 without using any loop
Java program to check whether a year is a leap year or not.

Number Programs In Java

Number programs in Java focus on various mathematical operations and manipulations with numbers, including the use of integer data types. These programs are essential in helping developers understand numeric data types, arithmetic operators, and how to perform calculations effectively, such as finding the square root of a number.

From simple programs like finding the sum and average of numbers to more complex tasks like checking for prime numbers, Armstrong numbers, or generating Fibonacci series, these Java programs cover a wide range of concepts. Number programs also involve tasks like converting decimal numbers to a binary tree or vice versa, finding the factorial of a number, and determining whether the inputted number is an Armstrong number and also whether the number is even or odd.

By working on number programs in Java, developers can improve their problem-solving skills, gain confidence in handling numeric data, and enhance their overall proficiency in the language. Here we have listed some of the number programs in Java, including programs that involve linked list data structures and binary search.

Additionally, Facebook has a thriving community of Java developers who share their knowledge and expertise, making it a valuable resource for those looking to improve their skills with hashmap.

Number Programs In Java
Abundant Number Program In Java
Automorphic Number Program
Circular Prime Program In Java
Deficient Number Program In Java
Disarium Number Program In Java
Greatest Common Divisor Program
Harshad Number Program In Java
Least Common Multiple Program
Multiply Of Digit Program In Java
Niven Number Program In Java
Perfect Number Program In Java
Prime Number Up To N Terms
Reverse Number Program In Java
Spy Number Program In Java
Tech Number Program In Java
Twisted Prime Program In Java
Unique Number Program In Java
Buzz Number Program In Java
Coprime Numbers Program In Java
Digit To Word Program In Java
Duck Number Program In Java
Factors Program In Java
Floyd Triangle Program In Java
Happy Number Program In Java
Kaprekar Numbers Program In Java
Magic Number Program In Java
Neon Number Program In Java
Prime Number Program In Java
Pronic Number Program In Java
Special Number Program In Java
Twin Prime Program In Java
Ugly Number Program In Java

Simple Java Programs On Variable

If you’re new to Java language or seeking a refresher on Java variables, you’ve come to the right place. Variables are the backbone of any programming language, and in Java, they play an important role in storing and manipulating data. Having a solid grasp of variable manipulation is crucial for constructing Java programs that are dynamic and robust.

One important type of variable in Java is the char variable, which is used to store a single character such as a letter, number, or symbol. Another important concept in Java is the use of command line arguments, which are passed to the main method as a string args parameter. Understanding the use of vowels in Java is also important for proper variable manipulation.

In this section, we will first discuss simple Java program examples that demonstrate the practical use of variables. The int data type is commonly used to store integer values in Java programs.

Operator Java Programs For Practice

Operator Java programs for practice offer programmers a chance to deepen their understanding of Java operators, including arithmetic, relational, logical, and bitwise ones. These exercises cover mathematical computations, boolean expression manipulation, and complex problem-solving tasks, like calculating the factorial of a number or finding the greatest common divisor using basic programs and bitwise operators.

Conditional Statements Java Programs For Practice

Practice Java programs for conditional statements and operating systems offer hands-on learning for developers to master decision-making concepts, including data science. These programs focus on if-else, switch, and ternary operators, controlling code flow based on specified conditions. By working on these exercises, programmers learn to implement branching logic, handle various scenarios, and create dynamic, interactive programs.

Control Statements Java Programs Examples

Java control statement programs are vital for mastering flow control in Java programming. These examples focus on loops (for, while, do-while) and break/continue statements, allowing developers to handle program flow based on conditions. Through these exercises, programmers learn to iterate through data structures, efficiently perform repetitive tasks, and manage control flow within nested loops.

Pattern Programs In Java

Java Pattern Programs are coding exercises that create intricate patterns using loops and other constructs. They enable developers to generate various shapes, numbers, and symbols in a structured format. These programs cover a wide range of patterns, including stars, pyramids, numbers, and characters. They sharpen problem-solving skills and enhance understanding of loop structures and logic, including core Java. Additionally, these programs can be written in various programming languages, such as PHP.

By working on Java Pattern Programs, developers gain valuable insights into algorithmic thinking and improve their ability to construct complex patterns efficiently. Whether a Java novice or an experienced coder, these programs offer an enjoyable and intellectually stimulating experience to expand your programming horizons. Additionally, understanding how to identify and remove duplicate elements, including consonants, is a crucial skill for any programmer working with large datasets. Utilizing white space effectively is also important for creating readable and organized code that follows the lcm principles.

Star Pattern Program In Java
Number Pattern Programs In Java
Diamond Pattern In Java
Character Pattern Programs In Java

Java Programs On Arrays With Sample Examples

Java array programs are essential for understanding and effectively utilizing arrays in programming. Arrays are fundamental data structures in Java, enabling developers to store multiple elements of the same data type in a single variable. These programs cover various array topics, including declaration, initialization, and manipulation. Tasks include finding the sum, average, and max/min values, searching, and sorting arrays.

They also explore multidimensional arrays, working with matrices, and solving complex problems involving multiple dimensions of data. By practicing Java array programs, programmers strengthen their understanding, improve data handling skills, and tackle real-world challenges; whether a novice or experienced developer, Java array programs offer valuable insights into harnessing the power of arrays.

Java Programs On Arrays

Java Program to check the equality of two arrays?
Java Program to delete duplicate values in a string array.
Java Program to find a continuous sub-array whose sum is equal to the given number?
Java Program to find an intersection of two arrays?
Java Program to separate zeros from non-zero in an array?
Java Program to count occurrences of each element in an array?
Java Program to Reverse an array.
Java Program to find the largest two numbers
Java Program to remove duplicates from an array without using the collection.
Java Program to get the odd and even numbers in a given array?
Java Program to get the min and maximum number from a given array?
Product of Array Except Itself

Java Matrix Programs Tutorial For Practice For Beginners

Java Matrix Programs offer specialized coding exercises focusing on matrix operations, manipulation, and analysis. These programs cover a wide range of tasks, including addition, multiplication, transposition, and determinant finding. Developers can also practice solving problems related to diagonals, sparse matrices, matrix inverse, and determinants. They provide valuable opportunities to sharpen skills in handling complex data structures and performing matrix computations efficiently.

Java Programs On Strings For Interview

Java string programs are fundamental and revolve around string manipulation and processing tasks. Strings, being character sequences, play a crucial role in almost every Java application. These programs cover various topics like concatenation, substring extraction, and pattern searching.

They also involve string comparison, case conversion, and finding string lengths. Furthermore, developers can practice more complex tasks like checking for palindromes, counting occurrences of characters or words, and using regular expressions for advanced processing. Working on string programs enhances string-handling skills, improves data processing, and boosts confidence in tackling real-world programming challenges.

Java Programs On Strings For Interview

Java Program to Check if two strings are anagram
Java Program to reverse a string without using any loop or built-in function
Java Program to remove the white spaces, reverse them and print the only odd position characters.
Java Program to count occurrences of each character in a string?
Java Program to check whether one string is a rotation of another in java?
Java Program to find the longest substring without repeating characters in a string?
Java Program to find all permutations of a string recursively.
Java Program to find The First Repeated And Non-Repeated Character In A String?
Java Program to make a few characters to upper case as asked.
Java Program to print the occurrence of each character.
Java Program to find duplicate strings are there and remove them.
Java Program to find the substring of a String.
Java Program to print occurrences of distinct letters present in the string
Java Program to Eliminate the numbers only from a String s = “sub53od73th”; .[Solution]
Java Program to reverse the words in the sentence.
Java Program to print the frequency of words in a paragraph?
Java Program to for sorting an array.
Java Program to reverse a string without using inbuilt functions.
Java Program to find out the repeated character in a string.
Java Program to searching a letter in a string.
Java Program to change the first character is upper case; the second is lower case, and so on. [Solution]

Java Searching and Sorting Programs

Java Searching and Sorting Programs focus on mastering essential algorithms for efficient data manipulation. These programs explore various searching techniques like linear, binary, and interpolation search, enabling swift retrieval of specific elements from large datasets. Additionally, they cover algorithms such as bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quicksort, providing insights into organizing data in ascending or descending order.

By working on these programs, developers enhance problem-solving skills, optimize data manipulation, and gain proficiency in real-world scenarios. Whether a Java novice or an experienced coder, these programs offer invaluable opportunities to become adept and efficient Java developers.

Sorting In Data Structure

Java Conversion Programs For Practice Online

Java Conversion Programs are dedicated coding exercises that revolve around transforming data between different formats and types. These programs play a crucial role in handling data interchangeably, converting it from one representation to another efficiently.

Java Conversion Programs cover a wide range of tasks, including converting between primitive data types, parsing strings to numeric values, and formatting data into strings.

Java Programs For Interview Questions Examples

Java Programs For Interview Questions Examples

Java Program to Check Whether Character Sequence Is in Same Order Or Not
Java Program to Increasing Number of Repetitions of Input Number’s Characters
Java Program to Print Each Character 2 Times Of Character Array
Java Program to Replace a Specific Character with # Increasing Number
Java Program to Cyclically Shifting the Input String
Java Program to Sorting Characters Alphabetically Ignoring Case Sensitive
Java Program to Count Occurrence of Characters in a String
Java Program to Print Character by its Corresponding Count
Java Program to Move Zeros Left By Maintaining the Order Of numbers
Java Program to Convert String into JSON Array with key-Value Pairs
Java Program to Move numbers to Left and Characters to Right
Java Program to Left Rotations by N Positions
Java Program to Reverse numbers Only From a String
Java Program to Print Unique numbers Of an Integer Array
Java Program to Reverse String Based on Commas
Java Program to Print Character and Occurrences Count
Java Program to Reverse Every Third Word In a String
Java Program to Check Consecutive Character Sequence in an Array
Java Program to Replace Last Two Special Character With Dots
Java Program to Separate Two Characters With a Digit
Java Program to Find all the Permutations of a String
Java Program to Replace a Character Sequence With Increase Order
Java Program to Print Duplicate Character Based on its Occurrence Times
Java Program to Sum Of Digits Of a String
Java Program to Print Characters As Per Number Of Occurrences
Java Program to Reverse String Without Affecting Digits Position
Java Program to find the first non-repeated character in a String?
Java Program to Format a Phone Number in Human-Readable View
Java Program to Sort A String According To The Frequency Of Characters
Java Program to Sort Array Of String According To String Length
Java Program to Sum Until the Sum Of All Digits is a Single Digit
Java Program to [ abbcccdeee –>a1b2c3d1e3]
Java Program to Print the Preceding Character By the Value
Program to Order Character Based On Number Of Occurrences
Program to Find the Number Of Times Substring Appear in a String
Program to Reverse Characters Only From String
Program to Concatenate Characters From Each String
Program to find which bank has 4th largest deposits.[BankA$151.54B, BankB$81.4B, BankC$1$524.2B, BankD$2.54B, BankE$44.23B, BankF$124.54B, BankG$12.21B ] If two banks have same number of deposits, consider only one value.
Program to remove any character that appears more than once in the string.
Program to find the longest palindrome substring.
Program to Pascal’s triangle.
Java Program to Reverse Numbers Only From a String
Program to Convert 01230 To 03210.
Program to Convert Only Uppercase to Lowercase Letter.

SDET Java Coding Questions In Technical Interviews

  • Reverse a String: Write a Java program to reverse a given string.
  • Find the Largest Element in an Array: Find and print the largest element in an array.
  • Check for Palindrome: Determine if a given string is a palindrome (reads the same backwards as forward).
  • Factorial Calculation: Write a function to calculate the factorial of a number.
  • Fibonacci Series: Generate the first n numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.
  • Check for Prime Number: Write a program to check if a given number is prime.
  • String Anagrams: Determine if two strings are anagrams of each other.
  • Array Sorting: Implement sorting algorithms like bubble sort, merge sort, or quicksort.
  • Binary Search: Implement a binary search algorithm to find an element in a sorted array.
  • Duplicate Elements in an Array: Find and print duplicate elements in an array.
  • Linked List Reversal: Reverse a singly-linked list.
  • Matrix Operations: Perform matrix operations like addition, multiplication, or transpose.
  • Implement a Stack: Create a stack data structure and implement basic operations (push, pop).
  • Implement a Queue: Create a queue data structure and implement basic operations (enqueue, dequeue).
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism: Implement a class hierarchy with inheritance and demonstrate polymorphism.
  • Exception Handling: Write code that demonstrates the use of try-catch blocks to handle exceptions.
  • File I/O: Read from and write to a file using Java’s file I/O capabilities.
  • Multithreading: Create a simple multithreaded program and demonstrate thread synchronization.
  • Lambda Expressions: Use lambda expressions to implement functional interfaces.
  • Recursive Algorithms: Solve a problem using recursion, such as computing the factorial or Fibonacci sequence

String Manipulation:

  • String Reverse: Use a loop to traverse the characters in reverse order and construct the reversed string.
  • Reverse Words: Split the string into words, reverse the order of the words, and then join them back into a string.
  • String Palindrome: Compare characters from the start and end, moving towards each other. If all characters match, it’s a palindrome.
  • Two-String Anagram: Count occurrences of each character in both strings using a map or an array. If the counts match for all characters, the strings are anagrams.
  • Remove Duplicates from a String: Use a data structure (e.g., set) to keep track of characters seen so far and construct the resulting string.

Array Manipulation:

  • Array Reverse: Use two pointers, one at the beginning and one at the end, and swap elements while moving towards each other.
  • Max/Min Number from Array: Initialize two variables to track the maximum and minimum values. Traverse the array, updating these variables accordingly.
  • Second Min/Max Number from Array: Sort the array and access the second element for the second smallest/largest number.
  • Find Common Elements: Implement a method to find common elements between two arrays.
  • Find Duplicate in Array: Given an array where each value appears twice except for one value, find that single non-duplicate value.
  • Sort Array without Built-In Sort Methods: Implement selection sort and bubble sort algorithms to sort an array.

Number Manipulation:

  • Number Palindrome: Find if a given number is a palindrome without converting it to a string.
  • Even or Odd: Implement a method that determines if an integer is even or odd.
  • Factorial Calculation: Write a method to calculate the factorial of a given integer using both iterative and recursive approaches.
  • Binary Search: Implement a binary search algorithm to find the index of a target element in a sorted array.
  • Check Power of Two: Write a method to determine if a given integer is a power of two.
  • Calculate GCD and LCM: Write methods to calculate the greatest common divisor (GCD) and the least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers.
  • Find Missing Number: Given an array containing n distinct numbers taken from 0, 1, 2, …, n, find the one that is missing from the array.

Data Structures and Algorithms:

  • Count Letters (Map): Create a method that counts the occurrences of each character in a string and returns a map.
  • Check Balanced Parentheses: Create a method to check if a given string containing parentheses is balanced (each opening parenthesis has a corresponding closing parenthesis)


In conclusion, mastering Java programs requires a solid understanding of the basics, diving deeper into control statements, exploring Java arrays and strings, grasping object-oriented programming (OOP), familiarizing yourself with advanced concepts, and practicing with real-world Java programs. Java tutorials can greatly enhance your programming skills by providing practical learning opportunities.

However, it’s important to avoid common mistakes and stay motivated throughout the learning process. Remember, Java is a powerful language with numerous applications and career opportunities. So, stay dedicated, keep practicing, and soon you’ll become proficient in Java.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

4 thoughts on “Java Program – Java Programming Examples”

    • Hi Vijay,

      We are working on that to add the solution for all the above programs… to get the update about these java programs for testers kindly subscribes the notification. So when we update this post you will get a notification

  1. Wow, this is an incredibly comprehensive guide to mastering Java programming! 🌟

    I love how you’ve laid out the structure for Java learning, starting from the very basics like “Hello, World!” to more advanced topics like multithreading and exception handling. It’s fantastic that you’ve included such a broad range of topics, from basic number manipulations like Fibonacci series and factorial calculations to more complex concepts like designing algorithms and data structures.

    The way you’ve categorized the Java programs into different sections—Basic Programs, Number Programs, String Programs, and Advanced Topics—is very helpful. It not only provides a clear path for beginners to follow but also serves as a great reference for seasoned developers looking to brush up on specific skills.

    I found the section on Pattern Programs especially intriguing! 🌟 Creating patterns might seem trivial at first, but it really sharpens problem-solving skills and algorithmic thinking. The variety of patterns you’ve mentioned, from star patterns to diamond shapes, covers so many creative ways to practice loops and conditionals.

    Your emphasis on Java Virtual Machines (JVM) and understanding how Java code executes on different platforms is also spot-on. Many developers overlook this aspect, but it’s crucial for optimizing performance and writing platform-independent code.

    One small suggestion: It might be helpful to include a few more real-world project examples or case studies to show how these concepts are applied in actual development scenarios. For instance, demonstrating how the patterns might be used in game development or user interface design could provide more context for beginners.

    Overall, this blog is a gold mine for anyone looking to deepen their Java knowledge, whether they’re just starting out or aiming to advance their skills. Keep up the amazing work!


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