TestNG Interview Questions

TestNG Interview Questions: TestNG is a widely used testing framework for Java applications that allows developers to write and run automated tests. It provides features like parallel testing, flexible test configuration, and better reporting capabilities than JUnit. If you’re a Java developer or a software tester, you might have encountered TestNG at some point in your career.

To help you prepare for a TestNG interview, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most commonly asked TestNG interview questions. These questions will cover the basics of TestNG, such as its features, annotations, and configurations, as well as more advanced topics like data-driven testing and parallel execution. By preparing for these questions, you can increase your chances of landing your dream job and showcase your knowledge of TestNG.

To improve your knowledge of TestNG, we also write a dedicated TestNG Tutorial where we have shared all possible TestNG Concepts and how to implement those various testing scenarios in your automation test script.

Those testers who have already used TestNG in their projects can directly jump to the TestNG interview questions. But for those who started learning TestNG, we highly recommend you go through the TestNG tutorial first.

Interview Questions On TestNG

  • What is the importance of the TestNG framework?
  • Why do we use TestNG in your framework?
  • Explain the purpose of listeners. Is it the selenium concept of TestNG?
  • What is the purpose of testing XML
  • Case Scenario: How to run the same method 100 times in TestNG with the same data?
  • What is the reporting tool in your framework? and why?
  • Some questions in TestNG XML?
  • What are different TestNG annotations?
  • How can you configure tests in TestNG?
  • What is @dataprovider?
  • What is the difference between @Factory and @DataProvider?
  • @Factory explain with real-time example?
  • Test Order in TestNG?
  • How to add/remove test cases in Testng.xml?
  • Explain the difference between beforemethod, beforetest, and beforeclass
  • List out the TestNG annotation hierarchy order.
  • How do you achieve parallel execution using TestNG?
  • Out of 50 test cases, how will you run only the failed test cases?
  • How can you take screenshots of the failed test cases?
  • How can you run the same tests ten times?
  • Types of Listeners?
  • TestNG: Parallel executions, Grouping?
  • What is the difference between @aftersuite and @beforesuite?
  • What is the use of testng.xml?
  • How many suits can be in TestNG? What if I run all the suits?
  • Syntax to perform parallel testing in TestNG and what do you write in also, what do you mention in double-quotes like parallel = “ ”
  • In TestNG, do we have multiple suites in one XML file, and what If I want to run all suits?
  • What is the invocation count in TestNG?
  • Cucumber tags and annotations?
  • What is your background in Cucumber?
  • What is the difference between Scenario and Scenario Outline?
  • Write the skeleton of the test runner.
  • Explain the retry analyzer.
  • Cucumber tags? And how to run different combinations of tags when multiple tags are present
  • What is the difference between hooks and tags?
  • One @test is there; would you like to give it a chance three times whenever it fails?
  • What is TestNG?
  • What TestNG Annotations do you use in the project?
  • How to run multiple test cases
  • Difference between BeforeSuite and BeforeMethod
  • Hierarchy of TestNg Annotations
  • How to run a group of test cases in TestNg
  • How to include or exclude test cases in TestNg
  • How to run the parallel test case in TestNg
  • What different test annotations have you used in TestNg?
  • How to run failed test cases in TestNg
  • What is a Listener?
  • What is DataProvider?
  • What is parameterization?
  • What is PageFactory?
  • Should know all TestNG annotations.
  • How do you group the test cases? And why?
  • How to rerun failed TC 3 times.
  • How to take ss of failed TC.
  • Assert and Verify
  • How will you generate Reports?
  • What is dependency injection in cucumber and TestNG, and how can we achieve it?
  • TestNg sequence.
  • Why is no main method required in TestNG execution?

TestNG Interview Questions

  • Why should we prefer using WebDriver instead of Selenium IDE?
  • What is the easiest way to get the value from a text field in Selenium?
  • What is the best approach to reading a JavaScript variable from Selenium WebDriver?
  • How will you get the HTML source of an <WebElement> in Selenium WebDriver using Python/Java/C#?
  • How to initialize a list of web elements in Selenium Webdriver?
  • What is the best way to click screenshots when a test fails in Selenium 2.0?
  • How to fix the below chrome driver error in Selenium?
  • What is the right way to run Selenium WebDriver test cases in Chrome?
  • What to do for setting up the <InternetExplorerDriver> for Selenium 2.0?
  • What would you do to make the <WebDriver> wait for a page to refresh before executing the test?
  • How to get the Selenium wait until the document is ready?
  • How to get Selenium to wait until the element is present?
  • What is the fundamental difference between wait () and sleep()?
  • How can we run a particular TestNG test group using a maven command?
  • Which command will you use to run a single test method in maven?
  • How can we run all the tests of a TestNG class?
  • How will you run the Selenium tests without using the <testng.xml>?
  • How to disable an entire Selenium test in TestNG?
  • How can we attach a failure screenshot to the testNG report?
  • What would you do to configure the parallel execution of tests and classes in <testng.xml>?

Test NG Interview Questions

  • Annotations in TestNG
  • Difference between @BeforeTest and @BeforeMethod
  • Soft assert vs Hard Assert
  • How to pass parameters to test methods
  • Use of data provider
  • Use of invocationCount, enabled, priority, dependsOnMethod, dependsOnGroups, alwaysRun, dataProvider, groups, timeout, expectedExceptions, singleThreaded, etc
  • TestNg xml structure
  • How to group test cases
  • Use of IRetryAnalyzer class
  • How to run failed test cases
  • How to perform parallel testing.
  • What level of user can perform parallel testing
  • Use of ISuiteListener Methods
  • Use of TestListenerAdaptor methods
  • How to ignore packages and classes.
  • Can the user provide a negative value for setting priority?

Interview Questions On TestNG For Experienced

  • All Documents on the official testNG website- annotations
  • Soft assertions using TestNG and Custom soft assertions.
  • TestNG, TestNG XML, TestNG API
  • Customized TestNG Report
  • Parallel testing and Threading usage
  • What are groups in TestNG, and how can we execute particular group test cases?
  • Different annotation sequence
  • What is Parameterized testing in TestNG
  • Data Providers
  • What is the use of @Listener annotation in TestNG

TestNG Annotation Execution Flow Selenium Example Program?

package com.selenium.TestNG;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class FlowTestClass1 
   public void beforetest2()
      System.out.println("Class 1 Before Test");
   public void beforeclass1()
      System.out.println("Class 1 Before Class");
   public void beforemethod1()
      System.out.println("Class 1 Before Method");
   public void class1test1()
      System.out.println("Inside Class 1 Test1");
   public void class1test2()
      System.out.println("Inside Class 1 Test2");
   public void Afterclass1()
      System.out.println("Class 1 After Class");
package com.selenium.TestNG;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class FlowTestClass2 
   public void beforeTest0()
      System.out.println("Class 2 Before Test");
   public void beforeClass2()
      System.out.println("Class 2 Before Class");
   public void class2test1()
      System.out.println("Class 2 Test1");
   public void AfterClass()
      System.out.println("Class 2 After Class");
   public void aftertest()
      System.out.println("Inside Class2 After Test");

Final Words

the above testNG interview questions can compile after interacting with so many candidates who have already attended some of the interviews. Many candidates face these questions in different interviews; they have applied for the job position from fresher to an experience level.

From the list, you can find out some of the interview questions I faced when I was given an interview. That’s why these are the best test engineer interview questions that can help you get confidence to answer those testNG interview questions.

Read Also:

  • Manual Testing Tutorials
  • Selenium Tutorials
  • Core Java Tutorials
  • Software Testing Interview Questions
  • Manual Testing Interview Questions
  • Selenium Interview Questions

We recommend reviewing the above test engineer interview questions before appearing in an interview because these questions can help all testers, like beginner or intermediate candidates.

If you have found any missed TestNG interview questions essential or have faced in an interview that is not listed here, you can comment in the comment section. We will add it to the list to build a better platform for the testing community.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to softwaretestingo.com@gmail.com, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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