GitHub / Git Tutorial For Beginners

What We Are Learn:

GitHub / Git Tutorial For Beginners: Git is an open-source, distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to large projects with speed and efficiency. It is widely used by software developers and automation testers/ QA around the world to manage software development projects, allowing them to collaborate and coordinate their work with other team members.

Git is a complex tool, but once you get the hang of it, it can significantly boost your productivity and overall development process and ensure your project stays organized and easy to manage.

Getting started with Git may seem overwhelming initially, but with the right resources and guidance, you can quickly learn the basics and implement the workflow in your projects. This tutorial is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to Git, covering everything from installing the software to working with branches and merging code changes.

Post On:GitHub / Git Tutorial For Beginners
Post Type:GIT Tutorials
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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Throughout the tutorial, you will learn about the core concepts and functions of Git, such as creating and managing repositories, committing changes, branching, merging, and more. You will also learn how to use Git in real-world scenarios, such as collaborating with other developers, using remote repositories, and resolving conflicts.

The tutorial is structured in a step-by-step format, so you can easily follow along and practice your learning. It is suitable for beginners, experienced developers, and testers alike, and the content is presented in an easy-to-understand language without sacrificing accuracy or detail.

Whether you are a software developer or QA looking to improve your skills or someone simply interested in learning more about Git, this tutorial is an excellent resource to start with. By the end of the tutorial, you will have gained a solid understanding of Git’s functionality and developed a working knowledge of its workflow, allowing you to manage your development projects more efficiently and effectively.


Git is an amazing version control system that was designed specifically for managing teamwork on a project. Git helps contributors track changes in files or projects, making the overall process faster and more efficient.

Git Set Up

If you’re looking for a version control system that will allow you to work however you like, Git is a great option. It’s easy to install and start, and both shell and GUI clients are available.

Quick Start with Git Repository

If you’re starting with Git, don’t worry – it’s easy to get the hang of. Before you start working on a project, though, some groundwork needs to be done. Fortunately, Git Help is always there if you need it. Using a Git repository means all your project files will be stored in one place.

Set Default Credentials Git Config
Dot Git Folder in Git
Set Up Notepad++ for Git Bash
Create a new Git Repository

Stage and Commit Changes

If you’re struggling with Git, remember it doesn’t work randomly. A specific process for adding your changes helps Git save them to the staging area. Ensure your commit messages are clear so Git can identify what needs to be committed.

Alter Files in Git
Add and track changes to Staging.
First Commit In Git
Writing Good Commit Messages

Inspecting & Tracking Changes

Git comprises many different elements, each of which contributes to its power. Understanding these elements allows you to use Git more efficiently and explore its full potential.

Interacting with GitHub

GitHub is the perfect place for developers to connect with each other and turn their ideas into reality. The Git and GitHub combo is an amazing team that can help you finish your projects quickly and easily. By working together, these two tools can give you everything you need to succeed.

SSH Protocol

SSH is an amazing cryptographic network protocol that allows you to communicate securely over the network. The usage of SSH has increased dramatically over time, and its applications are vast, including remote login to a machine or controlling the terminal of a remote device.

SSH Protocol in Git
SSH Authentication in Git
Clone Repository Using SSH in Git

Interaction with Remote Repository

Branches in Git

Branches are the heart and soul of Git! Their efficiency makes Git stand out from other version control systems. Branches help us develop features without affecting the entire codebase. They’re the main reason why Git is so powerful. So play around with branches in as many ways as you can!

GIT Tags

Tags are reference points that indicate specific moments in a Git repository’s history. Tagging often signifies a particular commit corresponding to a versioned release (e.g., v1.0.1). In essence, a tag functions like an unchangeable branch – once it has been created, there is no further commit history associated with the tag.

GitHub Tags


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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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