Automation Environment Setup – Selenium WebDriver

Automation Environment Setup – Selenium WebDriver: Welcome to another new post of the Selenium Tutorial series. In the last post, we discussed the different components of selenium and Selenium introduction. You can follow the link to read that if you have not checked yet. In this post, we will learn how to download Eclipse and set up Selenium WebDriver and Eclipse in your Machine so that you can start execution and practice.

Java Automation Environment Setup

We are Writing our selenium automation script in Java; we need to install Java on our system, so to install Java properly in your system, you can follow the below posts:

  • Java Installation on Windows
  • Set JAVA_HOME on Windows

Selenium Eclipse Setup

Eclipse is one of the famous editors mainly used for writing different programming languages and executing those programs. So, to Download the latest version of Eclipse, follow the Eclipse Download link. Download the appropriate version per your system configuration (32 or 64-bit). Also, different versions of Eclipse are available, and you can download any of them.

Eclipse Download Link
Eclipse Download Link

If you have no idea what operating system to use, you can go to My Computer – properties. There, you can find your system configuration details.

System Configuration
System Configuration


Setup Selenium WebDriver Client | Selenium Jar Download

To download the latest version of Selenium webDriver, you can visit the Selenium Official Website, where you can download the latest version of Selenium webDriver. After Visiting Selenium’s official website, you need to go to “Selenium Client & WebDriver Language Bindings”. There you can find different languages. Selenium is present, and as per our requirement, you need to download the Java Version. You can use this link to download other versions of Selenium Webdriver.

Download Selenium WebDriver
Download Selenium WebDriver

After successfully downloading it, unzip it to a directory as a library folder.

Configure Eclipse With WebDriver ( Install Selenium Webdriver )

  • You can launch the Eclipse by double click on the “eclipse.exe” file inside the “eclipse” folder.
  • When you execute it for the first time, it will ask you to select the workspace, accept the location, and click ok.
Select Workspace
Select Workspace
  • Click File – New – Other- Type Java Project in the text box and click Next.
  • You Will get a Create a Java project popup, enter the project name, keep the other configuration as it is, and click finish.
Create Java Project
Create Java Project
  • Right-click src – New – Package – <name of package>. This will create a new package.
Create Automation Package
Create Automation Package

Selenium Webdriver install in Java Project

After successfully installing Eclipse, the next task is to add the selenium jars you downloaded from the Selenium Official website. On the official website, the selenium Jars are available in 2 places.

  • Selenium Jar Having all the jar files, you will get multiple associate selenium jar files. you can download it from the location below.
Download Selenium WebDriver
Download Selenium WebDriver
  • Selenium also shares another version of Jar files, called a Standalone jar file, which is a single file that has all the required files in it. You can download it from here.
Standalone Jar file
Standalone Jar file

How to Add Selenium Package

After downloading those Jar files to add to your Eclipse project, you follow the below steps.

Right-click project name – Build Path – Configure Build Path – Libraries – Add External Jar – navigate to the path where jar files are kept (libs folder) – Select the jar file – Click on Apply – Click OK. This will import Selenium jar files.

If you have added the single standalone jar file and if you have added all the Jar files, then that looks like the picture below.

All Selenium Jar Files In Environment
All Selenium Jar Files In the Environment

Note: After Successfully importing all the jar files, when you click apply and ok in your eclipse editor, you can find another new library will be added in the name of “Referenced Libraries,” and inside that, you can find all your added jar files.

After Adding Automation Jar Files
After Adding Automation Jar Files

Following the above steps, you can set your Environment for Java, Eclipse, and Selenium WebDriver; if you face any issues, you can comment in the comment section; we are happy to help you.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

1 thought on “Automation Environment Setup – Selenium WebDriver”

  1. Hi,
    I am facing problem with Automation setup (I tried many times) but there is plugin or build related issue.
    Could you help me about the same.
    Vinay Tirpude


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