Verizon Interview Questions

Verizon Overview

  • New York, NY (US)
  • 10000+ employees
  • 2000
  • Public (VZ)
  • Telecommunications Services
  • ₹500+ billion (INR) per year
  • Unknown

Verizon Interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Verizon interview questions and answers.

Post On:Verizon Interview Questions
Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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We have tried to share some of the Rest API Questions, but we recommend spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Verizon interview.

Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So please share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at

Verizon Bangalore Interview Questions

Manual Testing

  • What is Testing
  • What is Quality
  • What metric do you use to check the quality of Deliverables?
  • How many test cases can write for a username text box on a Web Page? which should accept Emails with alphanumeric


  • What is a Feature file?
  • How do you run the Feature file in Cucumber?
  • What are the gherkin language commands?
  • What is a scenario Outline? What is the difference between a Scenario and a Scenario Outline?
  • How BDD used the POM concept in Automation
  • How a Data-driven approach can implement using BDD.

Java Coding

  • Find duplicate words\Strings in the Array.
  • WP to Separate Digits, Letters, and Special Characters from a given string
  • WP to find the biggest value in the Array
  • WP to find repeated elements in the Array
  • When to use interface in Selenium. Same Abstract Class.
  • What is Polymorphism? How do you implement using Selenium Web driver?
  • WP to find a given string is a palindrome using the Recursive method.
  • WP to generate Fibonacci numbers for less than a given number.
  • How do you get a letter from a given string?
  • How do you get Capital letters from a given String? The position of letters keeps changing.


  • What is the Stale Element exception? When do you expect the exception?
  • How do you get a list of elements from the drop-down list?
  • How many way’s Element’s addresses can be recorded?
  • What is Synchronization in Selenium? How do you achieve
  • How do you communicate with the node system from HUB? How your code will be delivered to Node.
  • How do you invoke a browser in the Node system?
  • What is the wrapper class?
  • Why WebDriver is an Interface.
  • Why Firefox is slower than chrome is the core reason.
  • How Selenium Web driver talks to the browser.
  • What is the use of Chrome.exe even if chrome is installed in the system?
  • Why did some test execution fail when working with different browsers that were successful using another browser?


  • What is REST API
  • What is the difference between REST API and Soap?
  • How to Automate REST API in Selenium.
  • Does REST API is part of selenium?
  • What is the status code 200 and 201?
  • What is POJO Class? What is the use of it?
  • Tell me all 4XX series status codes.
  • How do you ensure the request is posted in REST API?
  • What is the header in the REST API Request? What are the details the user needs to pass in the Header?
  • How do you read JSON Responses?


  • There are 1000 automated Test cases on how to ensure test execution performance improves in the future run compared to the first run.

Verizon (Hyderabad) Interview Questions

Verizon Bangalore Interview Questions

  • Agile process
  • What’s the approach for delivering the work within one day
  • Test scenarios from the projects
  • Interfaces and classes in Collections and the difference
  • Singleton class
  • Print the duplicate elements in a string
  • Selenium code for the login page
  • Page object repository
  • How to run Jobs in Jenkins
  • How to capture duplicate images in an application
  • SQL queries like unique, drop, delete, truncate
  • TestNG
  • Two arrays are there, do any arithmetic operation in between the 1st element of the 1st array and the last element of the 2nd array, similarly for the remaining elements.
  • Methods for the object class
  • Find the 4th max salary
  • Sort an array

Verizon Telephonic Interview Questions

Verizon F2F Interview Questions

  • Briefly tell me about yourself
  • Challenges in automation testing & how do you resolve them?
  • How do you handle windows components (windows popups, alerts, file upload window) in selenium?
  • What is the difference between REST web services & SOAP?
  • What testing tools have you used for web services testing?
  • How do you validate rest calls?
  • If you want to test one web service endpoint (rest or soap) with ten different input test data, do you use one or ten different input files to test?
  • If you are using only one input file, how do you pass those 10 test data?
  • In Jenkins, what build tools have you used in the build section? Ant or Maven

Verizon Experience Testing Interview Questions

Verizon Interview Questions For Freshers

  • How do you validate the rest calls with XML?
  • When have you used the SoapUI tool in your project?
  • What is the most challenging part you have ever automated in your projects?
  • Have you ever used shell scripts in your projects?
  • How to check the number of lines/records in a file through Unix?
  • Explain your project.
  • Explain the framework used in your project diagrammatically.
  • Write the steps to fetch data from an Excel sheet using Apache POI API.
  • Write the code to switch between different frames and fetch data. (Using Explicit waits)
  • Write a program for the Factorial of a number.
  • Questions on how you debug the code.
  • Write the code to fetch all the web elements from a dynamic web table and print it.
  • Write a program to find the position of a word in a given string
  • How do you handle exceptions, and what are the common exception you encountered wrt java and Selenium
  • What is Finally block?
  • Will Finally execute when you have a return statement in Try or Catch block
  • In what scenario Finally will it not get executed
  • How do you run only the failed test cases
  • Write the code for trailing an ArrayList using Iterator and For each.
  • How did you configure Jenkins in your project
  • What reports have you used in your project?
  • Why do we use a framework?
  • Do you automate smoke test cases?
  • When we design a framework, which framework should we use when we get to know
  • Puzzle
  • Shorting alphabet

Interview questions in

  • Child Browser popup
  • Window popup
  • Program palindrome in integer and string both

About Verizon Company

Verizon delivers the promise of the digital world by enhancing the ability of humans, businesses, and society to do more new and better.

We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment. We care about diversity in both our employees and our suppliers. Diversity and inclusion are how we achieve success. By celebrating diversity across all spectrums, including but not limited to race, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, veteran/military status, and age, we are a stronger company and culture.

We take pride in our talented and diverse team of people who focus on our customers daily. Their combined intelligence, spirit, and creativity make Verizon a great place to work, learn, and grow. Listen to the President and CEO of the National Urban League talks about lessons on leadership and diversity during Black History Month.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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