Oracle Overview
- Redwood City, CA (US)
- 10000+ employees
- 1977
- Public (ORCL)
- Enterprise Software & Network Solutions
- ₹500+ billion per year
- Microsoft
Oracle Interview Questions: The most crucial part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what the interviewer may ask is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.
Wouldn’t it be great to know what interview questions were asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Oracle interview questions and answers.
Post On: | Oracle Interview Questions |
Post Type: | Interview Questions |
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Applicable For: | Freshers & Experience |
We have tried to share some tricky, Selenium interview questions and testing interview questions. But we recommend spending some quality time getting comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Oracle interview.
Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So please share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at
Oracle Selenium Interview Questions
Company Name: Oracle
Position: QA Role
Company Location: Bangalore
Experience: 4 Yrs
Updated on: 21.06.2024
- Introduce yourself
- Are you aware of SQL?
- Write a test case for the scenario where the search button on Amazon was not working, and you raised an issue.
- Write complete steps for navigating to Google in Selenium
- What is WebDriver? Interface or class
- Can’t we write ChromeDriver() instead of WebDriver, and why?
- Do you know the difference between class and interfaces?
- Why can’t we write class logic in the interface instead of writing in class implementing it?
- Later, they asked me to proceed further and log in to Google and verify whether you were able to log in successfully. They asked me to write this as per my project’s framework, such as how you are calling drivers and browsers and how you are extending from parent classes and POM structure as well.
- Java program to find 2nd max element from an array and later asked to debug.
- Did you develop the framework for your project?
- Later asked for POJO classes and how I am sending requests and extracting responses in API automation. Write the logic
- Do u know Jenkins can you build a pipeline?
- Can we use the script to create the Jenkins pipeline?
- Do you know Linux? Write a Linux command to create a file.
- Two SQL queries were asked:
Emp ID | EMP Name | Salary |
1 | Rajesh | 2000 |
2 | Akash | 3000 |
3 | Om | 4000 |
2 | Ak | 5000 |
- Fetch 2nd and then 3rd largest salary of emp with name.
- Fetch duplicate emp ID records from the employee table.
Company Name: Oracle
Position: QA Lead
Company Location: Hyderabad
Experience: 9 Yrs
Shared By: Mallidi Shanti Priya
No Of Rounds: 5
Updated on: 30.10.2021
The interview was smooth, with clarity in each round. During the discussion with HR, he gave me clarity on each round. I had five rounds: Core Java, Automation Testing-1, Automation Testing-2, Managerial-1, and Managerial-2.
- Program: We have a list of integers 1-99. We need to find a missing number. How do we find it? We also should calculate the time complexity.
- Program: There is a string. Reverse the string so that words should be reversed, not a complete string.
- Difference between array and ArrayList
- Difference between HashMap and HashTable
- What is a reflection in Java?
- Explain the Oops concepts of overloading and overriding.
- Static keyword in Java
- Programs on Map, ArrayList
- How to handle Firefox download popups using Selenium
- How to select a checkbox, radio button
- How to get options from a dropdown list
- How to navigate to iFrames and come back to the parent page
- How to test if a window is opened or not after clicking on a link
- How do you do the Parallel execution
- What is the order of execution of TestNG annotation?
- What are the different ways to click on a button?
- Actions class, JavascriptExecutor
- Project framework
- Some questions on runner class
- Given some sample programs with string methods, we need to tell the output
- Some statements were given on interfaces
- How to read a notepad file
- How to identify a span element
- Some scenario-based questions
- Program: Reverse the array in the subset of N -> input: [1,3,5,7,9,11,15,17,19] order N =3
Tips: Before attending any interview, ensure that your basic concepts (Java, Selenium) are clear and thoroughly prepared with all the technologies and tools mentioned in the resume.
Company Name: Oracle Financial Services
Position: QA Automation
Company Location: Bangalore
Experience: 3 Yrs
Shared By: Venkata Kushal
No Of Rounds: 2
Updated on: 03.10.2022
I tried to include all the questions, but I was not able to remember all of their questions.
My friend referred me, and I received a call back after 2 weeks. The interview will consist of 2 seconds (Technical Round and Managerial Round).
- Technical Round went on for 60Mins.
- The managerial Round went on for 15 minutes.
Technical Round:
- Tell me about yourself.
- Frameworks and tools used in your experience.
- Explain the OOPS concept in detail with examples.
- They gave me a scenario to automate and asked me to write the script in VBScript and Selenium.
- Difference between severity and priority of the defects.
- They gave me a Java program and asked me for the output.
- How will you establish a database connection between UFT and Selenium?
- Will you work in any other technology other than selenium?
- How did you handle exceptions in your project?
Managerial Round:
- Tell me about yourself.
- Explain different frameworks you worked on.
- Given an opportunity, are you willing to work in manual testing also?
- Willing to relocate and have salary discussion.
Tips: Never feel dejected if you don’t get a callback. Getting a new job or switching to a new one from an existing job is a process that takes time. Please be confident and keep on updating yourself. You must stay motivated in this process and don’t ignore any job interview. Even if you aren’t clear, the interview experience will be beneficial in the coming interviews. Every interviewer asks for oops concepts and real-time examples of oops concepts and expects every hook and nook of selenium and other frameworks; if you are an experienced candidate, it doesn’t matter if you have relevant experience.
Interview Location: Bangalore(Virtual Interview)
Position: Sr. Quality Analyst
Experience: 6.3 yrs
Updated On: 18.05.2022
For these Oracle Cloud interview questions, We Thank Preeti Gupta for coming forward and sharing these Testing interview questions with us. We hope this also motivates others to share their interview experience and questions.
Still, we need your Love ❤️ & support 🤝 to build a better platform for our fellow Testing Community to make such an incredible platform where a QA can get the real-time testing interview questions in a single place.
- Tell me your role and responsibilities.
- Are you comfortable working in Manual Testing?
- What tools have you used to automate the UI application?
- How to handle the bulk data in selenium. (They wanted to ask about Data-driven testing)
- How do you run the test cases in bulk in TestNG?
- How do you use Excel to test the single test cases with multiple sets of data(@dataprovider)?
- How to do backend testing?
- What is the difference between black-box testing and white-box testing?
- What is the difference between a test strategy and a Test Plan?
- Have you worked on Database testing before?
- How do you build your project using Jenkins?
- How do you run your test cases in a regression test?
- How do you set up Jenkins and run the test cases?
- Write a program to count the occurrence of words and sort it.
- Write a program to remove the white space from the string.
- Which collection will you use to delete a country from 100 values from the dropdown?
- Why do we use LinkedList for manipulation, not Arraylist?
- Some questions related to API
- What will be the output of the below program?
Class Testcase() { Static { System.out.println("This is static method") } public Static void main(String args[]) System.out.println("Main") }

About Oracle Company
Oracle Corporation is an American multinational computer technology corporation headquartered in Redwood Shores, California.