Virtusa Interview Questions

Virtusa Overview

  • Westborough, MA (US)
  • 10000+ employees
  • 1996
  • Public (VRTU)
  • IT Services
  • ₹50 to ₹100 billion (INR) per year
  • Capgemini Invent

Virtusa Glassdoor interview Questions: Practice is essential for preparing for an interview. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is necessary – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great to know precisely what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer, and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Virtusa Polaris interview questions and answers.

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Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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We have tried to share some manual interview questions, Rest API Automation Interview Questions & testing interview questions. Also, we are recommending spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Virtusa interview.

Still, we need you are love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So please share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at

Virtusa Automation Testing Interview Questions

Company Name: Virtusa
Position: QA Automation-Selenium
Company Location: Hyderabad
Experience: 3 Yrs
Shared By: Sridhar Reddy Gudi
No Of Rounds: 2
Updated on: 03.10.2022

My personal Experience:

I Have 3 Years of Experience in QA AUTOMATION SELENIUM at TCS HYDERABAD. And in my company, 90 days was the Notice period, and most of the company calls I got asked for immediate joiners max one month. So I decided to keep my Resignation without any offers at hand. I decided to take the challenging mode.

And then, I started attending interviews almost till now, I attended around 40 companies, and in the first two months continuously, I was in rejection mode at the last or first level. But I didn’t lose any hope, and in 3rd month of my notice period, I gained tremendous confidence and started attending the interviews again. Two weeks back, I got selected by two companies, “VIRTUSA” and” VALUELABS.”

With a great package, almost above 100% hike i.e., from 4.5 LPA from TCS to 10 LPA to VIRTUSA. Have faith in yourself and start preparing the concepts of selenium, appium, Rest API, and core Java. Start to note down all the interview questions which were asked them.




  • How to find elements and asked about native, hybrid, and web apps.
  • Simulators, Emulators, and Real devices,
  • Native Frameworks like XCUI Automator for IOS and UI Automator for Android.
  • ADB Commands.
  • Rest API: Response codes.

Core Java:

  • Oops, concepts and their usage in selenium automation.
  • Static, Final, Finally, Finalize, Try, catch, Throw, and Throws and their differences.
  • Abstract and Interfaces differences.
  • Entire collections like list set map and Hashmap Hashtable differences.
  • Why string is immutable and the difference between string buffer and string builder.
  • Constructor and in oops method overriding and overloading.
  • Association, Aggregation, and composition.


  • The reverse of a string.
  • Removing the duplicate characters from a given string.
  • Star programs.
  • Factorial of a given number.

Virtusa Servicenow Corporation Interview Questions

Company Location: Hyderabad, India
Updated on: 14.05.2022

  • What is Shift Left testing, and where do we use it?
  • How to filter out unique elements from static dropdown using Selenium
  • How many Selenium exceptions have you encountered so far?
  • String question inputString = “one two”; Output string =”eno owt”.
  • Seleinum webdriver structr, how it works?
  • How does the same code run in different browsers, what are the limitations with a different browser, and what are the challenges for this?

Virtusa Glassdoor Hyderabad Interview questions

Company Location: Hyderabad, India
Updated on: 13.11.2021

  • Roles and responsibilities?
  • What kind of framework have you used?
  • Explain framework.
  • Inheritance in the project?
  • The collection used in the project?
  • In which scenario have you used collection? Which collection?
  • What is an IO exception.?
  • How to handle databases using selenium?
  • What are the DML & DCL commands?
  • Have you done API testing using selenium?
  • What issues did you find with API testing?
  • What do we verify in API testing?
  • Data provider in TestNG?
  • What is soft Assert & hard Assert?
  • What is the difference between the Array list and the linked list?

Virtusa Hyderabad Telephonic Interview Questions

Company Location: Hyderabad, India
Updated on: 12.05.2021

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Framework – designed or already available and explain
  • Use of Implicit wait
  • Try – catch block explanation
  • Exceptions not handled by try-catch
  • What is maven and why–dependency?
  • How do you run pom.xml?
  • Where do you maintain locators?
  • What is the difference between final and finalize?
  • Collections: HashMap—–key and value. If we have states and cities, which will be the key?
  • How do you integrate Jenkins with maven?

Virtusa Automation Interview Questions

  • Tell about yourself
  • What kind of Framework have you implemented in your project?
  • Describe the Structure of the Framework
  • Write a program of Reverse String Using String methods.
  • How do you execute your framework test cases?
  • Write a program to copy all contents from one excel sheet to another sheet.
  • What if I have 50 test cases, and how do I execute all those test cases?
  • What all Test Estimation techniques do you know? What Test estimation technique do you apply in your project?
  • In my browser, I face a security certificate violation; how do I avoid that using the TestNg script? What kind of desired capability would you be using to avoid it?
  • How do you change your webdriver to run on remote machines?
  • Explain Framework Implementation in your project
  • What all the challenges you have faced in selenium
  • Draw the architecture diagram of selenium implementation in your project
  • Explain what SDLC model you are using in your project
  • How can you check whether a particular text is present on a webpage? What are the predefined method in selenium for checking this
  • How to check whether the checkbox is selected or unselected without using
  • How to find whether the element is invisible or hidden
  • Difference between findElement and findElements
  • How will you handle pop-up windows
  • What is TestNG
  • How are you handling keyword-driven and data-driven frameworks in your project
  • What is meant by a hybrid framework?
  • How can you upload a file to a webpage
  • How will you handle popups in webdriver
  • What are the Tools you know?

HR Round

  • Why look for a change?
  • Your positives & negatives.
  • If we hire you: what would be the three things you will be looking for?
  • Ready for relocation?
  • Current CTC and Expected CTC?

About Virtusa

At Virtusa, we accelerate business outcomes for our clients through our expert information technology consulting and outsourcing services. We support a wide variety of Forbes Global 2000 firms with services that span the entire spectrum of the IT services lifecycle. Our industry-leading solutions transform businesses for a better today and a better future.

Virtusa Corporation is a global provider of Digital Business Transformation, Digital Engineering, and Information Technology (IT) outsourcing services that accelerate our client’s journey to their Digital Future. Virtusa serves Global 2000 companies in Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, Healthcare, Telecommunications, Media, Entertainment, Travel, Manufacturing, and Technology industries.

Using a combination of digital strategy, digital engineering, business implementation, and IT platform modernization services, Virtusa helps clients execute successful end-to-end digital business transformation initiatives.

Virtusa engages its clients to re-imagine their business models and develop strategies to defend and grow their business by introducing innovative products and services and developing distinctive digital consumer experiences.

Creating operational efficiency using digital labor, developing operational and IT platforms for the future, and rationalizing and modernizing their existing IT applications infrastructure. As a result, its clients can simultaneously drive business growth through digital-first customer experiences while consolidating and modernizing their IT application infrastructure to support digital business transformation.

Holding a proven record of success across industries, Virtusa readily understands its client’s business challenges and uses its domain expertise to deliver innovative applications of technology to address its clients’ critical business challenges.

Examples include building the world’s largest property & casualty claims modernization program; one of the largest corporate customer portals for a premier global bank; cash implementation for a multinational telecommunications provider; and digital transformation initiatives for media and banking companies. Founded in 1996 and headquartered in Massachusetts, Virtusa operates in North America, Europe, and Asia.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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