Hexaware Interview Questions

Hexaware Technologies Overview

  • Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • 10,001+ employees
  • 1990
  • Public Company
  • IT Services
  • ₹50 to ₹100 billion per year
  • Unknown

Hexaware interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance, and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer, and QA for Manual & Automation Positions, We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Hexaware interview questions and answers.

Post On:Hexaware Interview Questions
Post Type:Interview Questions
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience

We have tried to share some of the manual testing interview questions, selenium interview questions & testing interview questions also, but we are recommending spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Hexaware interview.

Still, we need you are love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So it would be great if you would share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at softwaretestingo.com@gmail.com.

Hexaware Testing Interview Questions

Company Name: Hexaware
Updated on: 21.06.2024

L1 Round :

  • Polymorphism
  • Interface
  • Difference findelement and findelements
  • How to fetch the data from an Excel sheet
  • Write a program for the occurrence of each character
  • Find some XPath for Google search and other tabs present in the UI

L2 Round :

  • How to run failed test cases
  • Xpath for any website
  • Difference between findelement and findelements
  • Difference list and map
  • Find the list from the dropdown in Selenium
  • How to handle windows
  • How to handle frames
  • Explain your framework in brief

Company Name: Hexaware
Position: Sr. Tester
Company Location: Pune
Experience: 4.9 Yrs
Shared By: Pramod Kumar
No Of Rounds: 4
Updated on: 03.10.2022

Overall it is a good experience.


  • Software Testing Question
  • API Status Code
  • Put or POST Method
  • Webservice vs API
  • Monolithic vs Microservice
  • Write Test Cases based on some scenario
  • Capital Market Related
  • Investment Banking
  • SQL Queries (Joins, Sub-query, Update, DML, DDL)
  • Test Scenario Real-Time
  • How will you manage a team?
  • Team Related and Some Behavioral

Hexaware Interview Questions [29.06.2019]

Hexaware Interview Questions

Hexaware Interview Questions: Updated On 13.01.2019

  • Selenium architecture
  • If in the system. Set property passing two arguments, then how LL I use that argument inside my script.
  • Action class (builds.Perform) we are using, what is the importance?
  • Can I achieve my target without using a build-and-perform method?
  • Can I run my script without installing a Chrome browser on my system?

Updated on: Nov 2018

  • What is the method to disable cookies
  • What does the submit method do?
  • Where is the variable of it’s stored in Java?
  • Verifytextpresent method patterns
  • Assert & Verify difference
  • The scope of Implicit wait
  • What r the different modes of Se(Option Firefox, IE, Chrome)
  • Where select by visible text is used
  • How to get the text from a page?
  • What is the method to store the alert?
  • Why relative x path is an advantage then relative x path
  • Method for context-click
  • Find the Xpath for the given HTML code
  • How to count the number of elements
  • Difference between breakpoint and start point
  • How to navigate forward in a browser
  • Assert title returns what
  • The syntax for selectbyindex
  • Select the method which clears all selected entries in the Selenium web driver
  • Where can you create your selenium commands
  • Which command is used for typing in a text box?
  • The select command which is used to pause execution until the specified element becomes present
  • The scope of implicit wait
  • The command is used to pause execution until the page is loaded completely.
  • Select the view which shows your script in HTML format
  • Features available in IDE to debug an automated case.
  • In which approach tests can be executed with multiple sets of test data.
  • What can be used to flex/flash applications using selenium?
  • How many parameters does the selenium object take when using default selenium?
  • The difference between webdriver closes and quit methods.

Hexaware Selenium Interview Questions

  • What is the difference between Object-oriented and object-based language?
  • Difference between List and set.
  • What is serialization?
  • Difference between serial garbage collector and parallel garbage collector.
  • How we can write your immutable class?
  • What are synchronized objects in collections?
  • Other than string, what all are immutable classes?
  • What are autoboxing and unboxing in Java?
  • What is the class loader, and how .class will be loaded?
  • What are the various memory areas in JVM?
  • Difference between composition and aggregation.
  • Java 1.7 features.
  • What is a package for these primitive data types and collections?
  • What is a marker interface in Java and examples?
  • Methods in an object class.
  • What are the design patterns used in your project?

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