Global Relay Interview Questions

Global Relay Interview Questions: Interviews are a crucial aspect of the hiring process, as they allow employers to get a deeper understanding of a candidate’s Software Testing skills, experience in Manual & Automation testing, Other Various Testing tools like GIT, Maven, Jenkins, and personality of the candidates.

But the Interview questions are the backbone of any job interview. So as a job seeker, it can be challenging to anticipate what questions you may be asked and how to answer them effectively. But we have some good news for you, we have collected and received real-time software testing interview questions from our fellow visitors.

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Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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In this Global Relay Interview Questions blog post I’ll cover some of the most challenging and real-time interview questions asked in the tech industry, especially in Global Relay companies. We’ll try to cover everything from coding challenges to all types of questions so you can be fully prepared for any technical interview.

So whether you’re a software test engineer, automation testing engineer, or manual testing engineer, prepare the below-mentioned interview questions to ace your next technical interview and land your dream job in the tech industry.

Global Relay Interview Questions

Interview Location: Vancouver, Canada

For these Global Relay interview questions, We Thank Punya Nayak for coming forward and sharing these Testing interview questions with us. We hope this also motivates others to share their interview experience and questions.

Still, we need your Love ❤️ & Support 🤝 to build a better platform for our fellow Testing Community to make such an incredible platform where a QA can get the real-time testing interview questions in a single place.

  • Difference between set and list
  • Explain the OOPS concept.
  • How big is your team
  • Different types of functional tests
  • Difference between sanity and regression
  • Design patterns
  • What is REST
  • Disadvantages of agile
  • Difficulties in developing a UI framework
  • Difficulties in developing an API framework
  • Components of Test Plan and Test Strategy
  • What are BDD and its Advantages and disadvantages?
  • What are CI/CD and its advantages?
  • What are the priority and severity of a bug report? Give an example of a high-priority bug but not severe and vice versa.
  • Testing techniques
  • HTTP methods
  • Post vs. Put
  • Types of performance testing
  • What is the difference between load testing and stress testing?
  • For the coding interview, we need to write a program for the question given and test cases for it. The question which was asked of me was: given a paragraph with multiple sentences. Find the sentence with the max words and return the number of words.

Interview Experience:

The first round of technical interviews was easy. I found 2nd round of interviews a little hard because they asked a few API automation questions (I have not mentioned these in the questions provided earlier as I don’t remember them), which I couldn’t answer because I haven’t worked on API automation.

I did not have a positive experience because they needed someone good at API/backend automation. Still, they did not mention that anywhere in the job posting, which only said I needed to have experience in Java. However, it wasn’t a negative experience either because the interviewers were very nice.

The interview process has 4 rounds:

  1. Recruiter or HR phone call
  2. Technical interview – Round 1: A Lead QA asked basic and easy-level Java and Selenium questions.
  3. Technical interview – Round 2: This round is very in-depth, and a Team Lead and senior or intermediate SDET will ask questions on almost every topic mentioned in the resume. The questions are medium-level. Depending on what you have answered, they may ask a few hard questions: How would you rate yourself in so and so skill?

    After that, they give a Java programming question for which we need to give the solution as well as test cases to test the program.
  1. Culture fit interview: In this round, a manager and HR ask general soft skills-related questions.

About Global Relay

We grew up in the financial industry. From a start-up working with small broker-dealers, we have scaled to manage petabytes of data for the largest global banks. We have also expanded our solutions for asset management, insurance, energy, government, public companies, and other regulated organizations.

We have seen regulation evolve while watching privacy, security, and jurisdictional law take center stage. Through it all, we have constantly adapted and innovated to relieve customers’ pain points and help them overcome challenges. Our customers are fiercely loyal because we are always responsive and understand their challenges. They keep us close on their journey.

We have never taken outside investment. At the start, we couldn’t get it when we wanted it. Now we don’t need it. We are profitable and proud that we bootstrapped our company from four to 1,300+ employees and 20,000+ customers. We control our own future, free from the distraction of targets set by external investors.

Our business has grown through reputation, the quality of our products and services, and our unrivaled attention to the customer. We don’t make promises we can’t keep, ensuring our customers avoid disappointment and unexpected costs.

We always build our own technology patiently. Acquired, bolt-on technology comes with baggage we don’t want our customers to carry. We like things to work well together in one system, beautifully designed and to a consistently high standard.

From day one, we were pioneers in cloud technology, building our business on a simple subscription model for hosted technology. Thanks to the University of California, Berkeley, and the many contributors to the Open Source Movement, in 20 years, we’ve been able to build our software entirely on top of open-source code. This allows us to innovate faster and at a lower cost.

Engineering and design take time, investment, and patience. We love solving complex problems as a team, using the latest technology and methodologies. We mix experience, talent, and innovation to deliver effective products.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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