Test Cases For Youtube

Test Cases For Youtube: In this post, we will present some test cases for Youtube, youtube test cases, and test scenarios for youtube. The test scenarios are divided into two sections – test scenarios for video uploaders and test scenarios for the video viewer.

If you are interested in taking a look at our other test cases that we have shared on the softwaretestingo blog, then you can check on google manual test cases.

Post On:Test Case For Youtube
Post Type:Test Case Template
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
Social Link:Telegram Group SoftwareTestingo
  • Check if the search box is present on the youtube application.
  • Check if the search button is working properly or not.
  • Check if the length of the search query is as per specification.
  • Check if the search result is displayed as per the search query.
  • Check whether the user can search for videos as per the name, Channel name, and creator name.
  • Check if the search field accepts alphabets, numbers, and special characters.
  • Check if the user can do a blank search or not.
  • Check the numbers of the result displaying as per the specification.

YouTube Home Page – Before Sign In

  • Check if the user can see videos on the home page or not.
  • Check if the user can see trending videos on the trending page.
  • Check the user should not able to see the subscription list.
  • Check the users should not be able to see the library video list.
  • Check if the user should not be able to see history.
  • Check the user should not able to change the settings without signing in.
  • Check the user should not able to create a video without signing in.
  • Check the user should not go live without signing in.
  • Check whether the user can change the theme or not.
  • Check whether the user can change the language or not.

Youtube Video Views – Before Sign In

  • Check whether the user can scroll videos or not.
  • Check if the user can click on the video or not.
  • Check if the user can pause the video or not.
  • Check if the user can mute the video or not.
  • Check if the user can increase and decrease the volume or not.
  • Check if the user can click on a mini-player; the screen should be minimized after clicking on it.
  • Check users can select video quality from the list.
  • Check the user should not be able to like the videos without signing in.
  • Check the user should not be able to dislike the videos without signing in.
  • Check the user should not be able to add comments on the videos without signing in.
  • Check whether users should be able to share video links via social media.
  • Check that the user cannot add to playlist videos without signing in.
  • Check the user should not able to save the videos without signing in.
  • Check the user should not able to subscribe to the video channel without signing in.
  • Check whether the user can sort the comments or not.

YouTube Home Page – After Sign In

  • Check if the user can see videos on the home page or not.
  • Check whether the user can see trending videos on the trending page.
  • Check if the user can see the subscription list or not.
  • Check if the user can see history, watch later, playlist, and like videos on the Library page.
  • Check whether the user can see the video history or not.
  • Check whether the user can see liked videos on the liked videos page.
  • Check whether the subscription list is displayed or not.
  • Check if the user can get notifications or not.

Youtube Video Views – After Sign In

  • Check if the user can scroll videos or not.
  • Check if the user can click on the video or not.
  • Check if the user can pause the video or not.
  • Check if the user can mute the video or not.
  • Check if the user can increase and decrease the volume or not.
  • Check if the user can click on the mini-player; the screen should be minimized after clicking on it.
  • Check if the user can click on the theater mode screen or not. After clicking on it, the screen should be turned into theater mode.
  • Check if the user can click on full screen or not. After clicking on it, the screen should be turned to full size.
  • Check if the user can turn on/off the autoplay button.
  • Check if the user can turn on/off the annotation button.
  • Check the user can increase and decrease the playback speed of the video.
  • Check if the user can change the subtitles.
  • Check if the user can select video quality from the list.
  • The user should be able to like the videos, and the count should be increased.
  • Check if the user can dislike the videos, and the count should be increased.
  • Check if the user should be able to add comments on the videos.
  • Check whether the users can share video links via social media.
  • Check if the user should be able to add to the playlist videos.
  • Check if the user should be able to save the videos.
  • Check the user should be able to subscribe to the video channel.
  • Check if the user can sort the comments or not.

Test Scenarios for Youtube Video Uploader Functionality

  • Check whether a user can upload a single video on multiple videos simultaneously.
  • Check what all types are allowed to upload on YouTube are
  • check what the maximum file size permitted to upload on YouTube is
  • check only those users who are allowed to upload files on YouTube who have already signed in to the application
  • Check if the user selected the video license and also other details like name, artist name, company, etc
  • Check If a user is uploading a file that is higher than the maximum allowed file size, then the file should not be uploaded, and an error message should be displayed
  • check what is the minimum file size for uploading on YouTube
  • check whether a user is getting an error message while uploading a file that is less than the minimum allowed file size
  • Check what the valid file formats to upload on YouTube are. You can allow uploading files like MP4 files, 3GP files, dot AVI files, and WMV files.
  • Check if you try to heat the upload button without selecting any video files that time; you will get an error message
  • Check whether the user can upload multiple Times files of the allowed size.
  • Check after successful uploading and video, and a user is getting a notification
  • check whether the social sharing buttons and likes or dislikes are appearing for the videos which are successfully uploaded to YouTube
  • Check whether by default comment section should be displayed for successfully uploaded video
  • Check whether you can reply to comments which are posted on a YouTube video
  • Check after successfully uploading a video a URL links should be created

Test cases for Video Viewing Functionality

  • Check by clicking on the URL link user should be redirected to the please where he can see the uploaded videos
  • Check the play button should be displayed over the video, and Eve when the user clicks on the play button, the video should be played
  • Check all the video functionality like play, pause, next, preview, volume up, and volume down features are working correctly
  • Check whether a user can change the picture quality from lower to higher and higher to lower
  • Check whether you are getting the replay once the video is playing completely
  • Check whether you can search the video by entering the search box on YouTube
  • Check the selected information of a video, like an artist’s name, lyricist, and other information, or displaying below the video
  • Check when a user clicks on the thumbnail or title of the video; it should redirect the user to the video page
  • Check-in the video darshan BS share button; when the user clicks on the button then, multiple social platforms should be displayed
  • Check the subscribe button is showing below the video
  • Check after viewing the video. The view count should be increased.
  • Check like and dislike counts are increased per users input
  • Check if the related videos are displayed in the sidebar
  • Check for some specific content. Is it asking to validate that a user is a major or whose age is greater than 18
  • Check whether, based on the watch history of a logged-in user, it is displaying related videos or not.


If you found any such test cases which are not listed in the above test case scenarios, then you can inform us in the comment section, and we try to update that in this post.

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