Test Case For Yahoo Sign Up Page & Registration Page

Test Case For Yahoo Sign-Up Page & Registration Page: In this post, I’m listing test cases for the Yahoo Registration Page, Sign-Up Page, Or Login Page. The test cases for the Yahoo Registration Page were asked in many interviews and requested by a reader of my blog.

Considering this sort of question is asked commonly in quite a few of the interviews, I decided to list the test cases here, and if you are interested in taking a look at the previous test cases that we have shared on our blog, then you check common test cases for the interview.

Post On:Test Case For Yahoo Registration Page
Post Type:Test Case Template
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
Best PlaceTelegram Group Of SoftwareTestingo

We are assuming some of the requirements for the test cases mentioned below.

Requirements for Test Case

Test Case For Yahoo Registration Page
  • First name and Last Name are required fields.
  • Username is a required field.
  • The password is a required field.
  • A mobile number is a required field.
  • Birthday is a required field.
  • The user must choose the gender.
  • The password should be six characters long.
  • The password should mix characters, numbers, and one symbol.

You can see the screenshot of the Yahoo! Registration page as of today’s date. Based on the requirements above, let’s write down some test cases.

Test Case For Yahoo Registration Page

  • Verify if you can select the language for the form from the top drop-down menu.
  • Verify if the default language of the sign-up form is English (United States).
  • Verify if you can keep your username blank and submit the form.
  • Verify if you can keep your first and last names blank and submit the form.
  • Verify if you can keep your mobile number blank and submit the form.
  • Verify if you can keep the birthday field blank.
  • Verify if you can keep the gender field unchecked and submit the form.
  • Verify if you can keep the password blank and submit the form.
  • Verify if you can type numbers and special characters in the first and last names fields.
  • Verify if you can keep all the fields blank and submit the form.
  • Check if you can keep the username less than 3 characters long.
  • Check if you can use special characters other than underscores in the username.
  • Check if you can type a username of more than 20 characters and submit the form.
  • Check if you can type a password that is less than six characters long.
  • Check if you can type the password in all capital characters.
  • You can submit the form once you type a password without special characters.
  • Check if you can select an invalid date using the birthday date field.
  • Check if you can type an invalid mobile number w.r.t country code.
  • Check if you can type the correct number but a different country in the selection.
  • Check if you can keep the gender radio box un-selected while submitting the form.
  • Check if you can show and hide the password by clicking on the “show password” button inside the password text box.
  • Check if you can switch between Yahoo or email as an email domain name.
  • Check if the mobile phone number in the recovery number is validated.
  • If pressed, check if the “Create account” button leads to a new page.
  • If pressed without filling out the data, check if the “Create account” button leads to errors.

Final Words

You can develop even more test cases depending on the requirement, and as you fill out the form, you find more warnings. So, more validation means more testing for you to do. If you choose to do automated testing, you can do even better with some of the test cases mentioned above.

I hope you find this post useful. Feel free to let me know your suggestions and comments. I’d appreciate your comments and the social sharing of this article.

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