Visa Interview Questions

Visa Overview

  • Foster City, CA (US)
  • 10000+ employees
  • 1958
  • Public (V)
  • IT Services
  • ₹500+ billion (INR) per year
  • American Express, Mastercard, Discover

VISA interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked VISA interview questions and answers.

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Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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We have tried to share some of the Rest API Coding Interview Questions, but we recommend spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the VISA interview.

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VISA Interview Questions

Company Name: Visa
Company Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 30.04.2024

First Round:

  • Introduction
  • Roles and Responsibility
  • API experience
  • What is API
  • Explain API working principles (How API works)
  • Various HTTP methods in API
  • 400 status code
  • When you will get 201, in which request
  • Put and patch the difference
  • What is idempotent, enlist non-idempotent methods
  • What changes will occur in resources in non-idempotent methods
  • POJO class
  • Absolute and Relative Xpath
  • X path on Dynamic web element
  • Test Cases on VISA Pay (assume it as Phonepay or GP)
  • Java program to find the frequency of int data and particular numbers like 8,(String str = “Testing82998nd”;)
  • Text method Xpath

Second Round: [ Updated In 03-05-2024 ]

  • Asked which area of Java is comfortable with. Since I said String, give the below question. Write a program to insert a string in the given index value. Gave a string “I work for VISA” and asked to insert another string “for 5 years” in any index that is passed into the method as an argument.Ex: Method name should be: insertString (“I work for VISA”, “for 5 years”, 10)
  • Different test cases to test the above program. like including boundary conditions, edge cases etc
  • Class A wants to use methods from Class B and Class C. How do we achieve this?
  • Any 2-3 cases with For loops. When to use continue when to use break etc
  • Difference between Soap APi and Rest API. Which scenario you go for SOAP and which scenario company will choose REST
  • PostMan client – Different ways of Authentication.
  • SQL query to fetch employee details from the employee table and all the client details worked on so far and all the project details. If using INNER JOIN, then why, What is the difference between LEFTJoin and RIGHT JOIN
  • Selenium – Gave a webpage and asked to write an XPath for an input field using page header and label name only.

Company Name: Visa
Company Location: Foster City, USA
Updated on: 16.03.2020

  • I have a string ALPHABET, write a program to reverse it in Java.
  • How do you capture specific response values and pass them to another request?
  • How do you manage a set of Data Tables in Selenium?
  • Where do you see yourself as a QA in the next six months?
  • What is Owasp concurrent testing?
  • How can you handle if the application is opening in a separate tab in the same browser
  • How do you automate localization testing -different languages in UI? What are the tools used, and how did you do
  • why do you need to do Automation for API testing? Generally, API changes occur every 3 to 4 months. You can do it faster manually, right?
  • How to handle multiple endpoints in SOAPUI?
  • Which Test strategy did you use in your last project?
  • After you have run a full regression test and found new regression bugs, which bugs would you prioritize? Bugs that suggest that functionality has regressed, or bugs that appear in new features?
  • How do you get all the values from the drop-down box defined by Select?
  • Suppose there is a page with one button. If you click on that button new tab opens, and click the button on that new tab again new tab opens. How to read the text for the third tab?
  • Why did we implement the Abstract & Interface class, and How did you implement it in your project? Give me a code snippet!
  • What challenges did you face in web services and rest API using the Soapui tool?

Visa interview questions

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why do we use an interface and not an abstract class? What if I implement the same method in an interface and abstract then? Any difference?
  • What are the inner classes that name them? In public static void main(String arr[]), what if I replace public with private, remove static replace the void with string?
  • We have (a key and value ) pair in the hash map. Can we store inside a value =(key, value ) again?
  • What is variable scope in Java (in class, in method, in static block)
  • What is the oops concept? explain them each with real-world examples
  • Write a program so that you get to know how many objects you have created whenever you create an object.
  • What are singleton classes?
  • What is difference between .equals() , (==) and compare-to()?
  • What is the difference between hash code and equals? Have two interfaces, and both have the print method. In my class, I have implemented the print method,
  • How you will get to know that I have implemented the first interface and how you will use it. If you want to use it
  • What is the difference between the vector list and ArrayList

Visa Manual Testing Interview Questions

  • Where do you store all objects?
  • How did you identify the objects?
  • What is Smart Identification?
  • How many types of Object Repository files were there in QTP?
  • I have a webpage; suppose there are 5 Links with the same name. How will you store those objects, and how will you identify those objects?
  • What is an Object?

About Visa Company

Visa Inc. (NYSE: V) is the world’s leader in digital payments. Our mission is to connect the world through the most innovative, reliable, and secure payment network – enabling individuals, businesses, and economies to thrive. Our advanced global processing network, VisaNet, provides secure and reliable payments worldwide and can handle more than 65,000 transaction messages a second.

The company’s relentless focus on innovation is a catalyst for the rapid growth of connected commerce on any device and a driving force behind the dream of a cashless future for everyone, everywhere. As the world moves from analogue to digital, Visa is applying our brand, products, people, network, and scale to reshape the future of commerce. For more information, visit,, and VisaNews on Twitter.

We are a global payments technology company working to enable consumers, businesses, banks, and governments to use digital currency. Helping to improve the lives and economies around the world. From advancing financial inclusion to helping in times of crisis, we are using our products, know-how, and philanthropy to bring about positive change.

Financial inclusion is a simple idea: people and businesses can access secure, convenient, and affordable payment and other financial services and use them to meet everyday needs and long-term goals. Simple, but not easy. Today, about half the adult world lives in the informal economy, dealing exclusively in cash. To be one of these estimated two billion people is to face financial barriers that make life risky, expensive, and inefficient. Financial Inclusion helps put people out of poverty, creates productive, empowered citizens, fosters business opportunities, and fuels economic growth.

Digital payments are an “on-ramp” to financial inclusion — very often, they are the first formal financial product a person uses. Over the last 60 years, Visa has connected hundreds of millions of people and organizations to a global system that enables fast, safe, and reliable financial transactions. With our reach, insights, and technical capacity, Visa is well-positioned to advance financial inclusion.

In 2015, Visa made a public commitment to provide payment accounts to another 500 million people who do not use banking services as part of the World Bank’s call for Universal Financial Access by 2020. We are excited to pursue this marvellous goal, and we know it is within reach!

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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