How to Verify PPT Text using Apache POI in java Selenium Program?

Verify PPT Text Example Program

How to Verify PPT Text using Apache POI in java Selenium Program?

Below Code Giving: invocation target exception,

public boolean verifyTextonPPT(String object,String data)throws InterruptedException, Exception
   String[] arrTempData = data.split("\\|");
   int intSlideCount = 0;
   int intSlideNo = 0;
   String strSlideTitle = "";
   boolean blnFlag = true;
      //String[] arrTempData = data.split("\\|");
      arrTempData[0] = getRunTimeVariable("GetLastDownloadedFile");
      HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new FileInputStream(DriverClearForceTestScript.downloadPath + "\\" + arrTempData[0]));
      for (HSLFSlide slide : ppt.getSlides())
         for (HSLFShape shape : slide.getShapes())
            // name of the shape
            String name = shape.getShapeName();
            if (shape instanceof HSLFTextShape)
               HSLFTextShape txShape = (HSLFTextShape) shape;
               for (HSLFTextParagraph xslfParagraph : txShape.getTextParagraphs())
                  List<HSLFTextRun> originalText = xslfParagraph.getTextRuns();
                  if (!arrTempData[1].trim().isEmpty()&& originalText.contains(arrTempData[1].trim()))
                     System.out.println("Slide Number for " +arrTempData[1]+"is:"+ intSlideNo );
                     String title = slide.getTitle();
                     System.out.println("Slide Title for " +arrTempData[1]+"is:"+ title );
                     blnFlag = true;
         if (blnFlag)
            System.out.println("The String"+ arrTempData[1].trim() + " is Available in slide No:" +intSlideNo);
            APP_LOGS.debug("The String"+ arrTempData[1].trim() + " is Available in slide No:" +intSlideNo);
            return true;
            System.out.println("The String " + arrTempData[1].trim() + " is not Available in " + intSlideNo);
            APP_LOGS.debug("The String " + arrTempData[1].trim() + " is not Available in " + intSlideNo);
            return false;
   catch (Exception e)
      return false;
   return blnFlag;

Working Code:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
   String fileName="D:\\1.pptx";
   FileInputStream inputStream;
   try {
      inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
   catch (FileNotFoundException e)
   XMLSlideShow ppt;
      ppt = new XMLSlideShow(inputStream);
   catch (IOException e) 

public static void readPPT(XMLSlideShow ppt)
   CoreProperties props = ppt.getProperties().getCoreProperties();
   String title = props.getTitle();
   System.out.println("Title: " + title);
   for (XSLFSlide slide: ppt.getSlides())
      System.out.println("Starting slide...");
      List<XSLFShape> shapes = slide.getShapes();
      for (XSLFShape shape: shapes) {
         if (shape instanceof XSLFTextShape)
            XSLFTextShape textShape = (XSLFTextShape)shape;
            String text = textShape.getText();
            System.out.println("Text: " + text);

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