Unix Interview Questions on Commands

What We Are Learn:

Unix Interview Questions: Unix is a powerful and widely used operating system that has been around since the 1970s. It is a versatile platform used by various organizations ranging from large enterprises to small businesses. Unix is known for its stability, security, and flexibility and is often the operating system of choice for servers, high-performance computing, and scientific research.

As such, there is a high demand for skilled Unix professionals in the job market. If you are preparing for a Unix interview, it is important to have a strong understanding of Unix fundamentals, commands, and system administration. In this context, Unix interview questions are a great way to assess a candidate’s knowledge and proficiency in Unix.

Unix interview questions can range from basic to advanced, covering topics such as file management, user management, process management, networking, shell scripting, and more. Being prepared to answer these questions can give you an edge in your job search and help you stand out from other candidates. This article will explore some common Unix interview questions and provide tips on approaching them.

Unix Interview Questions

  • How will you remove all files in the current directory? Including the files that are two levels down in a sub-directory.
  • What is the difference between the –v and –x options in Bash shell scripts?
  • What is a Filter in Unix command?
  • What is Kernel in the Unix operating system?
  • What is a Shell in Unix OS?
  • What are the different shells in Unix that you know about?
  • What is the first character of the output in ls –l command?
  • What is the difference between Multi-tasking and Multi-user environments?
  • What is Command Substitution in Unix?
  • What is an Inode in Unix?
  • What is the difference between absolute and relative paths in the Unix file system?
  • What are the main responsibilities of a Unix Shell?
  • What is a Shell variable?
  • Explain Unix Architecture
  • Define a single-user system.
  • Name a few significant features of UNIX?
  • Can you write a command to erase all files in the current directory including all its sub-directories?
  • Describe a link in UNIX.
  • Describe pipes in Unix
  • In Shell scripting, how do you separate the grep and egrep?
  • What is the fork() system call?
  • What is meant by the term Super User?
  • What do chmod, chown, chgrp commands do?
  • Can you name the important standard streams in the UNIX shell scripting?
  • What is the ‘nohup’ in UNIX?
  • Differentiate between swapping and paging?
  • What is a daemon?
  • Can you explain the method of changing file access permission?
  • Explain the process model of Unix?
  • Explain the term filter.
  • What can you tell about shell variables?
  • What do you know about the MBR?
  • Explain the file system in UNIX
  • In shell scripting, what is the significance of the Shebang line?
  • Can you enlist some commonly used network commands?
  • Explain a path in UNIX and different types of pathnames.
  • Explain Superblock in UNIX.
  • Enlist some file manipulation commands in UNIX.
  • Explain networking stack and protocol.
  • Explain the alias mechanism.
  • What is a wildcard and how is it used?
  • What are system calls and library functions in terms of Unix commands?
  • Explain Virtual memory
  • Explain the kill() system call and its return values?
  • Name the various commands that are used for the user information in UNIX.
  • Explain mount and unmount commands.
  • Can you explain a little bit about command substitution?
  • What is the difference between ps -ef and ps -auxwww?
  • What is the Zombie process in UNIX? How do you find the Zombie process?
  • You have an IP address in your network, how will you find the hostname and vice versa?
  • Explain system bootup in UNIX.
  • What are different classes of jobs?
  • What are the various IDs in UNIX processes


The field of software technology has a high demand for Unix professionals, who can pursue a variety of career paths such as Unix Engineer, Administrator, Systems Engineer, and Analyst Engineer in Unix. A career in Unix offers growth opportunities and the chance to excel in your professional domain.

This Unix interview questions and answers post aims to assist both beginners and experienced candidates in successfully passing their Unix interview on their first attempt. We hope you found this resource helpful.

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