Test Deliverables In Software Testing

Test Deliverables are the test artifacts given to the stakeholders or the end-users of a software project during the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) as part of the testing. Agile Testing has many test deliverables, like story cards, user stories, user documentation, acceptance criteria documents, test plans, etc.

The main aim of delivering these artifacts is to share the details with all stakeholders or users so that they can check whether or not it meets their requirements.

What is a Test Deliverables?

A deliverable is a tangible piece of work prepared to satisfy the documented requirements of an engagement. The deliverables are outputs produced as part of a project or activity necessary to achieve the desired outcome.

What are Test Deliverables?

Test deliverables are artifacts that can be used to provide information about the tests conducted during testing. The output of a test is an artifact, like a report or a document, that provides details on what was tested and how it was tested. This includes the scope, approach, results, issues encountered, and other relevant data.

The main motive of these deliverables is to provide adequate information about the test efforts that have been performed by testers for the betterment of quality.

Why do we need to create Test Deliverables?

Test deliverables help create the project plan by allowing you to think about what your project or software needs before coding begins. Once a team has decided on pre-defined product requirements, they can figure out what priorities will be, and those who need to use the product also get an idea if their requirements are considered.

List of Test Deliverables:

Test deliverables are created and issued periodically throughout the software testing life cycle. The team lead will release records of everything being done when developing software.

These documents often include how testing has gone during a certain stage and offer a variety of information about the work methods used for testing.

The following are the lists of Test Deliverables:

Test Specification Document: The Test Specification Document is created once the testing phase begins. It usually describes how the test engineers will conduct their tests and what quality assurance methods they will follow to confirm a particular software product works as expected.

Test Design Document: A Test Design Document is compiled by the Software Testing team during the design phase of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). It outlines the overall testing approach and includes a list of test cases.

Test Case Document: A Test Case Document is another form of deliverable that contains one or more forms to support executing test scenarios on software products. The document includes all information the tester needs to analyze and test a piece of software.

Test Plan Documents: These are created when planning for a software product. The documents provide information on all testing activities that will be conducted to ensure that the software meets its objectives. Forms like test risk assessments, project plans, schedule schedules, and other deliverables also fall into this category.

Functional Specification Documentation: Functional Specification Documentation is created during the planning phase for software and includes overall specifications of the software’s functionalities. They usually serve as guidance for testers when conducting their testing activities.

Test Management Plan Documents: Test Management Plan Documentation is created during the software planning phase and provides information on how test management is structured in an organization, the schedule or plan used to monitor testing activities and other related metrics.

Test Strategy: The test strategy is created during the planning phase for software. The document outlines the testing strategies that will be used to test a particular product and includes any other factors, such as quality standards that must be met or risks that need to be addressed.

Test Summary: This document is created before or during the software development phase. Its purpose is to provide any details about the testing status of a project or software. This summary can act as a record for future reference purposes and is often created in a table that lists dates, events, or any other information relevant to the project.

Test Report: A Test Report is created by testers at the end of the testing phase when they have finished executing all test cases against a piece of software. The report is then sent to the customer or project manager so they can review it for final approval. If any errors are found, testers must fix all issues before moving forward with their project or closing its testing phase.

Test Scenario Document: This document is created by testers during the documentation phase of the software development process. It describes in detail how test scenarios will be designed for a piece of software. It provides preliminary test results or information about any previously found and fixed errors.

Test Summary Report: A Test Summary Report evaluates testing performance against project objectives and deliverables. The summary report lists how much time was spent on each test, summarizes the software product status, verifies if project objectives are met, and highlights any present risks.

Test Impact Report: This document is created during the testing phase for a software product to describe in detail which changes have been made to fix problems, add new features, or resolve any issues.

Test Log: The test log records all activities performed during the testing phase for a software project. Progress can be shown through charts and graphs that provide information about how much work has been done and what is left to complete.

Test Design Standards:  This document is created during the planning phase for a software product and provides guidelines on how testing activities are to be carried out. These standards allow testers to create test designs that meet project objectives, ensure quality assurance, and provide a standard structure to follow as they conduct their testing activities.

Requirement Traceability Report: The Requirement Traceability Report is created during the planning phase for a software product. It lists all requirements in the original specification and how they relate to the final product or technical specifications.

Test Procedure Specification:  The Test Procedure Specification is created during the planning phase for a software project to instruct the testers on how each test case will be carried out. It also explains what needs to be tested and may include screenshots or step-by-step instructions for completing tasks.

Test Case Specification: The Test Case Specification is created during the planning phase for a software project as a set of rules that will be used to design testing cases. The purpose of this document is to ensure that all test cases follow a standardized structure and provide information about what needs to be tested or include screenshots.

Test Design Specification:  A Test Design Specification is created during the planning phase for a software project as instructions on how each test case will be designed. This document describes in detail how testing activities are to be carried out and what needs to be tested and contains instructions for creating test cases.

Test Report: The Test Report is created by testers at the end of the testing phase when they have finished executing all test cases against a piece of software. The report is then sent to the customer, who can review it for errors or bugs.

Test Data:  During the testing phase for a software product, test data is used to ensure all tests are executed and produce the desired results. This data varies from simple character strings or numbers to very complex multi-dimensional arrays that need to be organized to improve efficiency during test execution.

Test Metrics:  During the testing phase for a software project, test metrics are created to evaluate specific results previously defined in the planning phase or before execution.

Test Status Report:  This document is created during the testing phase for a software project to provide a detailed overview of product status and schedule adherence. It lists any risks that have been identified and summarizes results obtained from test cases as well as performance metrics such as stability or responsiveness.

Test Trend Report: The Test Trend Report tracks testing progress over time. This document provides information about testing progress on a product over the course of several releases.

Test Flow:  A Test Flow Diagram visually represents how processes are carried out in a software product. A well-defined test flow diagram can greatly improve the efficiency of testing activities since testers can execute tests step by step and compare results against what should occur.

Test Scripts:  A test script is a document that contains detailed step-by-step instructions for executing and designing testing cases. Testers can use these scripts to execute test cases and provide customers with specific instructions on interacting with the product under test.

Installation & Configuration Guide:  The Installation & Configuration Guide is created during the planning phase for a software project to provide instructions on installing and configuring a product. It can also be used as an overview of all known issues when installing or configuring the product under test so that users can avoid them and prevent potential problems.

Effort Estimation Report:  This document is created during the planning phase for a software product to estimate how many resources are required to complete testing activities.

Test Execution Report: The Test Execution Report is created after testing to summarize test activities.

Test Incident Reports:  Test Incident Reports are created at the end of the testing phase for a software project and include any errors or violations observed during testing.

Acceptance Test Report:  The Acceptance Test Report is created by testers at the end of the testing phase when they have finished executing all test cases against a piece of software. The report is then sent to the customer, who can review it for errors or bugs.

Test Status Report:  This document is created during the testing phase for a software project to provide a detailed overview of product status and schedule adherence. It lists any risks that have been identified and summarizes results obtained from test cases as well as performance metrics such as stability or responsiveness.

Bugs/Defects Report:  The Bugs/Defects Report is created during the testing phase for a software project to provide information about all errors or issues found in testing activities. It provides a detailed list of bugs and defects discovered, with important information such as severity level, description, and other credentials to help identify them.

Test Closure Reports:  The Test Closure Reports are created at the end of a testing phase for a software product and provide information on all defects that occurred during testing. It also includes any other issues or risks identified by testers. These reports can include charts, graphs, and diagrams to visually present defect analysis results.

Release Notes: This document is created in the testing phase for a software product to provide detailed information about all changes and updates that have been included in a new software product release.

Test Review Report: This document is created during the testing phase for a software project to analyze how well requirements are met by using test results.

Code Review Report: The code review report is used in the testing phase for a software product to provide feedback on how well developers have implemented test cases.

Test Summary Report:  The Test Summary Report is created during the testing phase for a software product to provide an overview of results obtained from test cases.

Test Status Reports: Test Status Reports are created during testing to determine how well various tests are running and whether any changes or updates need to be made to ensure they run smoothly. These reports can also include information on specific issues or risks identified to settle them immediately.

Acceptance Test Results Report:  The Acceptance Test Results Report is created at the end of the testing phase for a software project to provide an overview of how well the software has met acceptance criteria. It will then be sent to customers and stakeholders, who can review and approve it before release.

Performance Testing Report:  This document is created during the testing phase for a software product to provide data on how well a specific system or application performs under various conditions. It will then be sent to designers and developers so that they can include improvements in their next release.

Usability Testing Report: This document is created in the testing phase for a software product to provide feedback on how easy or difficult it is for users to use and whether any additional features can be included in the project.

Test Plan Report: The reports created during this phase provide information on each test case being executed and other tasks that need to be completed before testing a new version of a software product.

Coverage Analysis Report: The coverage analysis report is used in the testing phase for a software product to provide an overview of how complete test cases are and whether any additional tests need to be created.

Test Readiness Report:  The Test Readiness Report is created during the testing phase for a software project to offer detailed information on what needs to be completed before the next testing phase can begin. It is created by the testing manager weekly to provide information on how well strategies are progressing and whether any new risks need to be considered.

What should Test Deliverables include?

Test deliverables vary according to your project’s needs. The contents of these documents also depend on the testing type, the target audience for testing, etc. Some general guidelines about the contents that can be included in it are:

  • Test descriptions – detailed descriptions of what a tester requires for each test case or activity, such as system functionality, types of users, and test coverage.
  • Acceptance criteria (scope) – all project or software acceptance criteria specifications, including decision tables, scenarios, user stories, etc.
  • Business Value – software value report regarding feature set, the business requirement, and possible design changes being implemented into a project or creating test plans based on these documents.
  • Analysis reports regarding defects found through testing such as root cause, severity levels, delivery phase for each defect identified (pre- or post-process), etc.
  • Acceptance Criteria Documents can be defined only once all defects have been fixed but before testing starts to allow testers to determine if they are ready for the current release to get feedback from stakeholders before starting testing with real scenarios and data inputs.
  • Post Logs/ Activity Logs – This is created when a team can close each test case and has already been tested with the help of a project manager.

Will testers need to create their own test deliverables?

Yes, as previously mentioned, they will depend on what type of testing is being done and the target audience for the product or software to make sure that it meets its expectations and can be delivered accordingly. For example, If we are developing an online game with new graphics and sounds, testers might have to do regression testing to ensure that only one software bug is present in every version before releasing it. This way, if there is any defect in previous versions or language that a developer fixed during development, it will not affect newer versions of the same software.

How should stakeholders react after seeing test deliverables?

If any of these documents are included in the project plan, stakeholders can see exactly what they need to expect from their teams. For example, a specific team can inform them about the current state of testing and time windows for asset releases so that marketing gets ready and devs get enough time for development before releasing new products.

How should one identify good examples of Test Deliverables?

There are a few ways to do this. First, you can use some keywords in order to find them on the internet: Software Test Deliverables Examples.  Second, you can ask teammates who have previously worked on different projects, and third, you can talk to your project manager if they have previous examples regarding test deliverables.

Testing deliverables used for the next testing phase should be reviewed by stakeholders, testers, and developers. This ensures everyone is on the same page before moving to another step or release phase.  These deliverables are part of what test teams need to create an accurate document that can be delivered into production and ready for the upcoming release.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to softwaretestingo.com@gmail.com, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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