Test Cases For Toggle Button

Toggle Button Test Cases Or Test Cases For Toggle Button: Toggle buttons are a popular way to add a simple but effective user interface to your web applications. They are easy to use and allow the user to control multiple aspects of their application with a single action. In this article, we’ll provide you with test cases that you can use to validate the toggle buttons for your web applications.

Post On:Toggle Button Test Cases
Post Type:Test Case Template
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience

If you’re looking for a versatile button that you can use in various ways, you should check out a toggle button. Toggle buttons are perfect for use in websites and apps, as they allow you to change the look and feel of your buttons without redoing all the codings.

Test Cases For Toggle Button 1

Plus, they’re easy to use – you only need to click and drag them where you want them to go. So, if you’re looking for a versatile button that adds a touch of style to your projects, a toggle button is a perfect choice!

What is a Toggle Button?

Let’s try to understand a toggle button to get an overall idea about the Toggle Button, which will help us validate the web elements.

  • Toggle buttons are a simple but versatile type of control.
  • Toggle buttons are input device that allows you to toggle between two or more states.

Example Of Toggle Button:


Test Cases For Toggle Button

Some of the Important test cases for the Toggle Button are given below.

  • Check if the toggle button is turned on or off.
  • Check the toggle button on the user’s screen.
  • Check if the button color changes when users are on or off the button.
  • Check if there are dependent elements; the dependent element works as expected when the user is on or off the toggle button.
  • Check if the toggle button design meets user requirements.
  • Check the positioning of the toggle button.
  • Check the size of the toggle button as per the requirement document.
  • Check the color of the button. (on/off)
  • Ensure the user can turn the toggle button on/off if multiple buttons exist.


We hope the above-mentioned test scenarios will help you validate the toggle button, but still, if you think like it, you can use a few more test cases about the toggle button. Then, let us know in the comment section.

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