Test Cases For Captcha

Captcha Test Cases: Nowadays, most tools are available in the automation market. So, a website captcha is introduced to stop the bots or tools from accessing the website.

What is a Captcha?

A Captcha aims to identify and allow real human user access and keep automated bots and systems from submitting form data online. Using a series of verification techniques only humans can conduct, the aim is to keep bots out.

Post On:Test Cases For Captcha
Post Type:Test Case
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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Captcha is a challenge-response test used on websites to verify the identity of human users. It is typically presented as a series of visual or text fields the user must correctly enter to submit the form. This can include typing letters and numbers from a certain alphabet, selecting from sets of characters, or clicking on images.

Test Cases For Captcha

Captcha is used to prevent any attack. Captcha is used on the form submission. Register, log in, forget the password, and support page. These pages are called captcha test pages.

  • Check if the captcha is available on the web page.
  • Check the alignment of the captcha on the web page.
  • Check how much time it takes to load the captcha on a webpage.
  • Check on reloading the page. A new captcha should be displayed.
  • Check the alignment of the captcha.
  • Check on the presence of ad blockers and whether the captcha is displaying.
  • Check whether the captcha is working on adblocker or not.
  • Check whether the webpage accepts the valid captcha or not.
  • Check whether a user can request a new captcha without the page loading option being present.
  • Check whether an audio option is added for the captcha per the requirements.
  • Check that a new captcha is generated if the user adds the wrong captcha.
  • Check an error message shown when the page timeout for the captcha.
  • Check an error message that should be shown in case the user does not fill in the captcha.
  • Check that a proper error message is shown if the user has not correctly filled in the CAPTCHA.
  • Check if an error message is shown in case the user partly fills the captcha.
  • Check that the user IP is blocked on attempting an invalid captcha after the defined number of attempts.
  • Check that the Application should accept only Valid Captcha.
  • Check that the Captcha code on the screen is visible to the user.
  • Check that the Captcha code format(Captch should be in Image).
  • Check whether the Captcha code is reusable or not.
  • Check whether the Captcha code generates new code once the page is refreshed.
  • Check whether or not the Captcha code generates a new code once the user enters the wrong Captcha.
  • Check that the copy-paste for the Captcha code should be hidden.
  • Check that the Captcha code is case-sensitive. (Upper cases and lower case).
  • Check that the Captcha code does not disrupt the other fields in the form once entered wrong.
  • Check that the Application should display an alert message when the user enters the wrong Captcha code.
  • Check the audio version of Captcha (as per SRS).
  • Check that the Captcha code is not confusing for (Zero and O )(numbers 6 and 9).
  • Check that the application does not accept the partial Captcha code as valid.
  • Check only the first and the last letter from the Captcha Code
  • Check By Entering the correct Captcha code, followed by a random character.
  • Generic Test Cases for Captcha Functionality
  • Check the Captcha is rendered in its entirety (check functionality and ideal for UI Testing)
  • Check that refreshing the screen generates a random Captcha

Captcha Image Test

This section will try to explain how to validate the CAPTCHA image test. Some captcha test pages used the image captcha test to stop the bots.

  • Check image in the tile is shown by clicking on the check box or not.
  • Check whether the images are visible to the user or not.
  • Check whether the tile images shown on the captcha are clickable or not.
  • Check that the captcha is loaded properly on the web page load.
  • Check images are all generated and rendered correctly
  • Check that the Captcha displays a meaningful message to the user on what they must select.
  • Check the user can select one or more image(s) from the visual captcha that has been generated.
  • Check user can select and continue.
  • Check incorrect image selection and submission rejects the user.
  • When a user gets a submission incorrect, the system reloads the Captcha.

Test Cases For Captcha – Digit/Coidate de

  • Check whether the captcha code is visible or not.
  • Check whether the code shown should be in image form or not.
  • Check that the user can not copy and paste the captcha verification code from the image.
  • Check that the captcha code is visible to the user.
  • Check that the captcha displays the code clearly between zero 0 and O o, 5, and S.
  • Check captcha code should be case sensitive (Upper and Lower case)

Captcha Test Cases For Text Captcha

  • Check that the text image (captcha Code screen) is displayed correctly.
  • Check text can be read (functional and user experience check)
  • Check that the user can input data into the Captcha field.
  • Check the case sensitivity of the captcha code.
  • Check captcha validation failure when an incorrect captcha code is entered
  • Check successful captcha validation when the correct Captcha code is entered.
  • The check refresh button generates a new code.

Captcha Testing Scenarios for Audio Captcha

  • Check that the Captcha User Interface has been generated correctly.
  • Check the audio icon is displayed.
  • When Captcha has been generated, check that the audio icon can be clicked.
  • Check that the Audio player and controls are displayed
  • Check each audio control functionality works (e.g., Play, pause, back, forward)
  • Selecting the ‘Play’ button generates the correct Captcha per the screen.
  • Check audio Captcha is accepted.

How To Test Captcha Video

  • Check the captcha screen and ensure that all UI elements are generated correctly.
  • Check that the video button plays the video.
  • Check if the video asks you a question related to the video.
  • Check the video accepts the correct (related answer)
  • Check the video rejects an incorrect answer.

Test Cases For Captcha Puzzle

  • Check that all puzzle images have been generated on the screen
  • Check that all UI items and controls have been generated
  • Check that selecting the mouse button completes the correct action (you will decide this based on what you’re trying to test)
  • Check that completing Puzzle Captcha allows you to progress to the next step
  • this could be login authorization, etc.
  • Check that failing the puzzle captcha rejects the user’s actions and asks them to try again, or the system takes another action.

Recaptcha Test Cases

  • Check the reCaptcha screen has been generated on-screen correctly
  • Select the mouse button to ensure the mouse screen is as far from the check box as possible.


If you’re unsure how to test your website’s captcha, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Please comment below with any additional scenarios you may have found during your validation, and we’ll update our information accordingly.

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