Test Cases For Address Field

Test Cases For Address Field: The address book has become a crucial part of our lives, and it is impossible to go out without carrying one. However, this simple piece of paper does not have all the features to be used effectively.

A user should be able to use an address book for organizing business contacts, personal contacts, or even an address book that is shared with multiple people. So, in this blog post, we will discuss the possible address test cases in detail.

What is an Address Book?

The address book is a collection of data that contains contact information for people and groups. It stores the names, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, and other information useful to the user. It can be used by many different applications to allow users to organize and store information about their contacts.

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Address Book In Gmail

One of the biggest benefits of Gmail is the ability to create a contact list and add important contacts without hassle. Address Book in Gmail is Google’s effort to help you easily organize your contacts while using Gmail. It also helps you organize your emails with categories, which are useful for email newsletters, travel itineraries, etc.

Test Cases For Address Book

  • Check if users can successfully add a new contact to the contact book.
  • Check that alert messages are displayed when users want to add duplicate contacts.
  • When the user selects the contact and clicks the delete button, check if the contact has been deleted from the book.
  • Check if the contacts are saved in alphabetical order on the list.
  • Check: The user can search for a contact from the address book using the search option.
  • Accurate results are displayed in the search result based on the inputted character.
  • Check the maximum number of contacts that can be saved on the contact list.
  • Check that the user can update an existing contact from the contact list of the address book.
  • Check the Validation of all the mandatory fields and error messages of the address book.
  • The user can see all the contacts after adding/updating the contact list.
  • Check user can search for a contact by entering a special character.
  • Check if the address_book is for some specific company; then, it should only allow those employees with valid Employee IDs or specific domain contacts.

Test Cases For Address Field

We have tried to cover as many test scenarios for the address field as possible in this post. Interviewers usually ask about address field test cases, so we included positive, functional, and negative test cases for the address field.

Positive Test Cases For Address Field

  • Check if the address field design is as per requirement or not
  • Check if the address field layout is as per requirement or not
  • Check if the address field height is as per requirement or not
  • Check if the address field width is as per requirement or not
  • Check if the address field length is as per requirement or not
  • Check if the address field color is as per requirement or not
  • Check if the address field is a required field or not
  • Check if the field is required; a red β€œ*” mark should be displayed.

Address Field Test Cases – Functional

  • Check is when the user clicks on the address field; the text cursor should be displayed in the address field.
  • Check whether the user can enter alphabetic characters in the address field.
  • Check whether the user can enter numeric characters in the address field.
  • Check whether the user can enter special characters in the address field.
  • Check the maximum length of the address field.
  • Check the minimum length of the address field.
  • Check if the user should get a validation error message if a user leaves a blank field.
  • Check whether the user can enter a combination of alphanumeric characters into the address field.
  • Check whether the user can enter a combination of alpha special characters into the address field.
  • Check whether the user can enter a combination of numeric and special characters into the address field.
  • Check whether the user can enter a combination of alpha, numeric, and special characters into the address field.
  • Check if the validation message should be appropriately displayed below the address field.

Negative Test Scenarios For Address Field

  • The user should not be saved as a blank address field if required.
  • Check if the user presses a space bar and tries to save a blank field. Then, it should display a validation message.


The address book on Gmail is a feature that has become more important over the years. It has been around for quite some time, and having it available on your email account is very handy. Gmail address book allows you to add contacts, groups, events, files, and other information of your choice in a single place so that they are easy to access. This feature has certain limitations, but there are ways to overcome them. If you can think about more test scenarios, you can comment on them in the comment section.

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