What is Smoke Testing?

What is Smoke Testing? Smoke testing is the initial testing process exercised to check whether the software under test is ready/stable for further testing.

The term comes from hardware testing; in hardware testing, the initial pass is done to check if it did not catch fire or smoke in the initial switch-on.

Define Software & Smoke Testing

Prior to starting smoke testing, a few test cases need to be created once for smoke testing. These test cases are executed prior to starting actual testing to check that the critical functionalities of the program are working fine.

This set of test cases is written to verify all functionality but not in depth. The objective is not to perform exhaustive testing; the tester needs to check the navigation & add simple things, and the tester needs to ask simple questions.

  • Can the tester able to access software applications?
  • Does the user navigate from one window to the other?
  • Check that the GUI is responsive,” etc.
  • The test cases can be executed modafinil online manually or automated; this depends upon the project requirements. This type of testing mainly focuses on the important functionality of the application; the tester does not care about the detailed testing of each software component, which can be covered in the further testing of the application.
  • Testers typically execute the Smoke testing after every build is received to check the build is in a testable condition.
  • This type of testing applies in the Integration, System, and Acceptance Testing levels.

Advantages of Smoke testing

  • It helps to find issues introduced in the integration of modules.
  • It helps to find issues in the early phase of testing.
  • It helps to get the confidence of a tester that fixes in the previous builds, not breaking major features (of course, only features exercised by smoke testing.

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