Selenium Framework Interview Questions

Selenium Framework Interview Questions: Selenium is one of the most popular automation testing tools developers and testers use for web applications. It provides a framework for automating browser-based tests, allowing for efficient and effective testing of web applications. If you’re a software developer or tester with Selenium experience, you may be asked to answer questions about the framework in an interview setting.

To help you prepare for such interviews, we have compiled a list of common Selenium Framework Interview Questions. These questions cover the basics of Selenium, such as its architecture and components, as well as more advanced topics, such as test automation frameworks, WebDriver API, and browser compatibility. By reviewing and practicing these questions, you can increase your chances of successfully passing your interview and landing your dream job in automation testing.

In addition to the basics of Selenium, it is important to understand the various frameworks that can be used to organize and execute Selenium tests. These frameworks provide structure and organization to the testing process, making writing and maintaining tests easier. The most commonly used frameworks include TestNG, JUnit, and Cucumber.

Each framework has unique features and benefits, so it is important to understand which framework best suits a particular testing scenario. Other important topics to consider when preparing for a Selenium Framework interview include handling synchronization issues, performing cross-browser testing, and integrating Selenium with other tools such as Jenkins and Git. By demonstrating a strong understanding of these topics, you can show your potential employer that you are well-versed in Selenium and capable of effectively automating web application testing.

Selenium Framework Interview Questions

  • The exception came across while developing the framework
  • What is meant by POM?

Page Object Model:

  • POM is an object repository design pattern in selenium webdriver.
  • POM creates our testing code maintainable and reusable.
  • Page factory is an optimized way to create an object repository.


  • What are the types of POM?
  • With page factory.
  • Without page factory.


  • What is meant by Annotations?
  • In the Java computer programming language, an annotation is a form of syntactic metadata that can be added to Java source code.
  • Classes, methods, variables, parameters, and packages may be annotated.
  • Like Javadoc tags, Java annotations can be read from source files.
  • What are the page factory Annotations?
  • What is meant by POJO class?
    Ans: POJO stands for Plain Old Java Object and would describe the same things as a “Normal Class” whereas a JavaBean follows a set of rules. Beans commonly use getters and setters to protect their member variables, which are typically set to private and have a no-argument constructor.
  • How will you generate the POJO class?
    Ans: RightClick–>Source–>Generate–>Getter&Setter–>SelectAll.
  • Write the folder Structure used in POM.
    Src/Main/java–>Used to store the locators.
    Src/Test/java–>Used to execute the business logic.
    Src/Resource/java–>Used to store the reusable code.
  • What is the difference between @FindBys and @FindAll?

Selenium Automation Framework Interview Questions

  • Is your framework work for a specific product or any product?
  • Is the framework applicable for UI automation only or any other API too?
  • Which browsers does it support to execute automation?
  • Is it able to execute tests on multiple environments or multiple browsers or clients at the same time to utilize the resource?
  • How do you manage the run results, reporting, and logs?
  • How do you manage the dependencies between the versioning of packages?
  • How do you manage the source code while having multiple environments across the big team?
  • How do you execute the suites and test cases? Is there any mechanism to retry the test case when it gets failed?
  • When your suite/test would be executed? Is there any job or scheduler or any CI environment?
  • How robust is your framework? In the context of element change, logic implementation, libraries, utilities
  • Explain framework (Questions based on your framework explanation)
  • What is the test management tool used in your project?
  • What is the build automation tool used in your project?
  • Which framework is easy to handle: data-driven, keyword-driven, or hybrid?
  • How to optimize your current framework.
  • Explain your current automation framework.


A deep understanding of Selenium and its various frameworks is essential for any software developer or tester involved in web application testing. By familiarizing yourself with common Selenium Framework interview questions and practicing your responses, you can demonstrate to potential employers that you have the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully automate testing processes.

In addition, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the field of automation testing can further enhance your knowledge and make you a valuable asset to any organization. So, prepare well, stay informed, and ace your Selenium Framework interview with confidence!

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