What is a Sanity Testing?

What is Sanity Testing and sanity Definition?

After receiving a Software build with the minor issues fixes in code or functionality, Sanity Testing is carried out to check whether the bugs reported in the previous build are fixed & there is a regression introduced due to these fixes, i.e., not breaking any previously working functionality. The main aim of the Sanity test is to check the planned functionality is working as expected. Instead of doing whole regression testing, the Sanity test is performed.

  • Sanity tests help to avoid wasting time and cost involved in testing if the build is failed. The tester should reject the build-to-build failure.
  • After completion of regression testing, Sanity testing is started to check the defect fixes & changes done in the software application to not break the software’s core functionality. Typically, this is done near the end of SDLC, i.e., while releasing the software. You can say that sanity testing is a subset of acceptance testing.  Sanity testing is a narrow & deep approach to testing, and it needs to concentrate on the limited & main features of testing in detail.

How to Do Sanity Testing?

Here are the few consolidated points of Sanity testing:

  • It follows a narrow, deep approach with detailed testing of some limited features.
  • It is typically non-scripted.
  • It is a subset of regression testing.
  • It is cursory testing to prove the software application is working as mentioned in the specification documents & meets the user’s needs.
  • It is used to verify whether the requirements of end-users are met or not.
  • It is to check that after minor fixes, the small section of code or functionality is working as expected & not breaking related functionality.

In this post, we are sharing about sanity tests and discussing various topics like sanity checks, tests, and what sanity is.

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