Difference Between RAD vs Traditional SDLC Model

Difference Between Rapid Application Development vs Traditional SDLC Model: Let’s take a look at the comparison between the traditional SDLC model and the RAD model:

Traditional Software Development Life Cycle Model

There are six phases in the Traditional Application Development Cycle.  The development cycle begins with Requirement Analysis, followed by System Specification then Design and Documentation, Implementation, and after that Testing, Implementation Maintenance.  In this entire life cycle, the cost involved is very high as it involves several teams of sigma level people for each phase.  The time taken to complete the development would be more and this model does not support incremental development or parallel developments at different phases.

Rapid Application Development Cycle

In the RAD model, there are five phases in the Software Development Life cycle and RAD is similar to the iterative model.  The development life cycle begins with Requirement analysis, followed by System Specification then Design, Implementation, and after that Maintenance.  In this entire life cycle, it involves only one team of sigma level people for each phase and the cost involved would be much less as there are no huge fixed costs involved.  The time taken to develop the project would be reduced when compared with the traditional model and this model supports incremental developments or parallel developments at different phases.

Rapid Application Development Vs Traditional Software Development Life Cycle Model

Below we have mentioned some of the major differences between RAD Vs Traditional Software Development Life cycle Model:

1. Cost

There are huge cost differences between the Rapid Application Development model and the traditional SDLC model.  In the RAD model, we need only one sigma level person whereas in Traditional it needs multiple sigma level people for each phase which makes the cost of development more than RAD.

2 . Time Taken

The time taken for the development of any software project is less in the RAD model than in the traditional SDLC model.  The reason is the phases are designed in such a way that it helps us to complete the task soon without getting involved in the unnecessary analysis or making changes during implementation.

3. Fixed Cost Vs Incremental Cost

The traditional SDLC model has fixed costs involved for each phase whereas in the RAD model there is no such thing.

In the traditional model, we need to fix the budget for each phase and if any of the phases fail to meet requirements then the whole project fails.  In RAD, since it supports incremental developments so even if any of the phases fails to meet the requirement there is no harm done to any other phase and you can move ahead to the next phase.  So even if some of the phases fail to meet with requirements it will not reflect on any other phase.

4 . Type Of Team

In the traditional Software development life cycle model, we need multiple sigma level people in each phase of the life cycle which makes the cost of development more.  Whereas in the RAD model we need only one sigma level person for each phase.

As mentioned earlier, there is no fixed cost involved in RAD so there is no harm done to any other phase even if some of the phases fail to meet with requirements. Here once again I would like to mention that in the traditional model we need to fix the budget for each phase which makes it more costly when compared with RAD.

5 . Requirements

There is no fixed requirement involved in RAD, the only a one-time requirement in form of Business Requirements Document (BRD) and the team will make sure that they fulfill all the requirements before moving ahead to the next phase.

In the Traditional model, requirements are a too detailed and separate document that is prepared at the end of each phase and once there are any changes in requirements then the whole development has to be restarted or it may delay the delivery of the final product.  So this proves that the RAD model is more effective than the traditional SDLC model when it comes to requirements.

6 . Functional Vs Non-functional

These functional requirements are mandatory in nature and they are required for meeting the business requirement which results in the successful delivery of the final product.  There is no such thing as a non-functional requirement in the RAD model.  Whereas there are many non-functional requirements involved in the traditional SDLC model which includes security requirement, availability requirement, performance requirement, etc.

7 . Multiple Release

In the traditional Software development life cycle model, we don’t have the option to create multiple releases in a single phase.  Here if any of the requirements are missed then the whole project gets failed as it will not be possible to complete the rest of the tasks of the phase.  Whereas in the RAD model, we can make multiple releases within a single phase.

In the traditional Software development life cycle model, each release has to be inspected and verified thoroughly by every sigma level personnel before moving ahead which consumes more time than RAD models.

8 . Communication

Communication is one of the most important factors which is responsible for a successful project.  In the traditional Software development, life cycle model, each sigma level personnel of the phase needs to be communicated properly if we are looking for the successful delivery of the final product.  Whereas in RAD models, this communication happens behind the scene and team members communicate with each other directly so that they can move ahead to the next phase.

9 . Human Resource

In the traditional model, we need multiple sigma level people for each phase which results in a higher cost of development and it’s also difficult to manage this type of team.  Whereas in the RAD model only one-sigma level person is needed for each phase so that managing and maintaining the team becomes easier and the cost is also reduced.

10 . Risk

In the traditional Software development life cycle model, there are many risks involved in each phase.  For example: If the requirement document is missed or any of the sigma level personnel missed in the inspection of release then it will result in failure of the whole project.  Whereas in the RAD model, there is no such risk involved in any phase.  Every task in a phase will be considered as an independent small project and has to be completed separately.

11 . Process

In the traditional Software development life cycle model, we are following the waterfall process which is linear and sequential nature of process whereas in RAD models we have multiple iterative and incremental nature of the process.

12 . Communication Vs Documentation

In the traditional Software development life cycle model, communication is the most important factor which contributes to a successful project as it involves all the team members.  But the number of documents involved is more as compared with RAD models.  Whereas the RAD model, it’s more effective than the traditional model as there are many documents involved with less communication.

13 . Deliverable

In traditional Software development life cycle model, the deliverable is a software or we can say the final product but in RAD models it could be any of the below:

14 . Pen & paper Vs Mock-up

In the traditional Software development life cycle model, all of the requirements are captured on pen & paper whereas in RAD models most of the requirement is captured with a mock-up.  It helps to reduce time by providing an early view of the product which will also help to discover bugs, refine and validate requirements.

15 . Idea

In the traditional Software development life cycle model, the idea is given by the team of developers whereas, in RAD models, it comes from the customer.

16 . Rapid Prototyping Vs Prototype

In the Traditional software development Life cycle model, we don’t have an option to create prototypes so quickly as compared with RAD models.  Whereas in RAD models, we can create a prototype very quickly.  It helps to improve the project planning and reduce time.

17 . Team

In the Traditional model, multiple people are needed for each phase as the number of documents involved is more than that in RAD models, which results in high cost and difficulty managing team members.  Whereas in RAD models, only one or two people are needed for each phase so that it’s very easy to manage and the cost is also reduced.

18 . Risk

In the traditional Software development life cycle model, there is a risk factor involved in each phase such as in requirement document missed or any of the sigma level personnel missed in the inspection of release then it will result in failure of the whole project.  Whereas in RAD models, there is no such risk involved in any phase. Every task will be considered as an independent small project and has to be completed separately.

19 . Project type

In the traditional Software development, life cycle model Software comes up with multiple sigma levels therefore it’s not suitable for small projects.  Whereas in RAD models, the software comes up with only one or two sigma levels therefore it’s very effective to handle and manage small projects.

20 . Team

In traditional Software development life cycle models, most of the time is consuming due to multiple documents involved as compared to RAD models.  Whereas in the RAD model, it’s very easy to manage and time is reduced.

21 . Risk

In the traditional Software development life cycle model, there is a risk factor involved in each phase such as in requirement document missed or any of the sigma level personnel missed in the inspection of release then it will result in failure of the whole project.  Whereas in RAD models, there is no such risk involved in any phase. Every task will be considered as an independent small project and has to be completed separately.

22 . Project type

In the traditional Software development, life cycle model Software comes up with multiple sigma levels therefore it’s not suitable for small projects.  Whereas in RAD models, the software comes up with only one or two sigma levels therefore it’s very effective to handle and manage small projects.

23 . Team

In traditional Software development life cycle models, most of the time is consuming due to multiple documents involved as compared to RAD models.  Whereas in the RAD model, it’s very easy to manage and time is reduced.

24 . Risk

In the traditional Software development life cycle model, there is a risk factor involved in each phase such as in requirement document missed or any of the sigma level personnel missed in the inspection of release then it will result in failure of the whole project.  Whereas in RAD models, there is no such risk involved in any phase. Every task will be considered as an independent small project and has to be completed separately.

25 . Time

In the traditional way, variance takes too much time associated with it as compared to RAD models.  Whereas one or two sigma levels are enough to get the adequate amount of software done as per project requirement.

26 . Cost

In a traditional software development life cycle model, the cost will be very high because of multiple documents involved in each phase whereas in RAD models one or two sigma levels are enough to get the adequate amount of software done as per project requirement.

27 . Maintenance

In the Traditional way, If any changes are required in the Software then there is a risk factor involved because of the number of documents, and each document is affected accordingly. Whereas in RAD models, it can be done with ease and extra time is also saved.

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