Pure Storage Interview Questions

Pure Storage Overview

  • www.purestorage.com
  • Mountain View, CA
  • 1,001-5,000 employees
  • 2009
  • IT Services and IT Consulting

Pure Storage interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Pure Storage interview questions and answers.

Post On:Pure Storage Interview Questions
Post Type:Interview Questions
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
Get Updates:Software Testingo Telegram Group

We have tried to share some of the Testing Interview Questions also, but we are recommending spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Pure Storage interview.

Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So please share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at softwaretestingo.com@gmail.com.

Pure Storage Interview Questions

Experience Level: 2.5 Years
Location: Bengaluru

  • Roles and responsibilities in your company
  • Explain the Framework and components used in a framework.
  • What are Verification and Validation?
  • Test Cases: Scenarios for the Water bottle
  • What is implicitly wait? Explicit wait explain
  • Difference between error and exception.
  • What types of exceptions have you handled in your project?
  • What is exception handling? How to handle that.
  • Program: WAP to sort 6,4,5,9,10,8 in order, and seven (7) should remain as it is using arr[6,4,5,7,9,10,8]
  • Explain Agile and which Methodologies were used in the project
  • What will you do if you get broken links during automation?
  • How to get all values in the drop-down
  • How to fetch data from the excel sheet
  • Did you work data-driven framework?
  • Overriding and overloading with examples
  • What is abstraction?
  • What are restful web services?
  • Explain your framework and the challenges you faced
  • And about Xpaths


  • WAP to Count only pure words in the given string
    Input String: “Let’s fight 3together4 4once?”
    Pure words: Let s fight together once
  • Put spaces between words starting with a capital letter
    String s = “IAmASoftwareTestEngineer”
    Output- I Am A Software Test Engineer
  • There is a string “tomorrow”, First o replace with x second “o” replace with xx and third o replace with xxx
  • There is an array [1,6,8,2,4,2,3] have to add two elements that come 5.

About Pure Storage Company

Pure Storage helps innovators uncomplicate data storage forever. Our data solutions enable SaaS companies, cloud service providers, and enterprise and public sector customers to deliver real-time, secure data to power their mission-critical production, DevOps, and modern analytics environments in a multi-cloud environment.

One of the fastest-growing enterprise IT companies in history, Pure Storage enables customers to quickly adopt next-generation technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, to help maximize the value of their data for competitive advantage. And with a Satmetrix-certified NPS customer satisfaction score in the top one percent of B2B companies, Pure’s ever-expanding list of customers is among the world’s happiest.

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