Pre Screening Interview Questions

Pre screening interviews are a common practice among employers to filter out unqualified candidates before inviting them for an in-person interview. These pre screening interviews typically take place over the phone or via video conference to evaluate a candidate’s basic qualifications and skills.

The questions asked during pre screening interviews may vary depending on the job and the company. Still, they usually cover topics such as a candidate’s work experience, education, skills, and availability. Pre screening interviews save time and resources by identifying candidates who do not meet the job’s minimum requirements and helping hiring managers focus on the most promising candidates for the next round of interviews.

It is important to note that pre screening interviews are not a substitute for a thorough hiring process. While they can help to weed out unqualified candidates quickly, they should not be the only step in the hiring process. Employers should still conduct in-depth interviews, reference checks, and background checks to ensure the candidate fits the role and the company well.

In addition to phone or video pre screening interviews, some companies may also use online assessment tools to evaluate candidates’ skills and aptitudes before inviting them for an interview. These assessments can provide a more objective evaluation of a candidate’s abilities and help to identify potential red flags early in the hiring process.

Pre Screening Interview Questions

  • Introduction
  • How’s your relevant experience in Rest assured and Selenium?
  • Can you give me a high-level summary of the automation framework?
  • What BDD Framework have you worked on?
  • Do you use Core Java or Advanced level?
  • How do you handle exceptions in core Java?
  • What’s your contribution to the storage /sprint area?
  • What version control and repository do you use?
  • How about a code repository?
  • For CI/CD, who develops the scenario?
  • Any experience in UFT or Mobile Automation?
  • What other BDD framework have you worked in?
  • How do you build an automation framework?
  • What is the basic difference between JSON and cucumber?
  • What kind of reports or validations do you do in Automation?
  • Where is the code located?
  • Worked with GIT or GIT labs?
  • How do you do exception handling in Java?
  • How do you handle Null point exceptions?
  • What is the main class in cucumber?
  • How do you execute the scenario that you automated?
  • How to resolve the merge conflict in GIT?
  • The process you go through determines what more inputs you need.
  • Are you offering test cases or just automating the test cases?
  • The process you used to automate new test cases
  • Do you have experience in testing directly with API?
  • Experience with SWA
  • Do you have any functional testing experience?
  • How would you rate yourself in Selenium and Java?
  • How to handle merge conflict?
  • In Java, how about method overloading?
  • Exception handling scenario
  • Any experience in UFT or LeanFT?
  • Webservices automation?
  • Any challenges you faced while automating?
  • How do you handle windows and tabs?
  • How do you handle iframes?
  • Diff between FindElement and FindElements.
  • Explain Different locators in selenium
  • Explain diff waits in Selenium/ diff between implicit and explicit wait.
  • How do you handle dynamic elements in Selenium WebDriver?
  • Tell me some exceptions you have faced while writing the framework.
  • Diff between driver.close() and driver.quit().
  • Diff assertions in selenium(assert.assertEquals,assertTrue etc)
  • Write a code snippet to launch Firefox browser in WebDriver.
  • What are the different types of navigation commands?
  • How do you handle mouse actions in selenium and also write me the code for that ?
  • How do you handle alerts in Selenium and also write me the code?
  • How can you find if an element is displayed on the screen?(like using isDisplayed, isEnabled etc)
  • What is Page Object Model and how have you implemented in your framework and explain the same.
  • What is Page Factory in Selenium?
  • Explain the concept of DesiredCapabilities and how they are used in Selenium WebDriver.
  • What is the advantage of selenium Webdriver?
  • What is the difference between findElement and findElements in selenium?
  • How do you locate elements on a web page using Selenium WebDriver?
  • What are the different types of locators supported by Selenium WebDriver?
  • How do you handle dynamic elements on a web page in Selenium?
  • What is the importance of implicit and explicit waits in Selenium WebDriver?
  • How do you handle multiple windows and frames using Selenium WebDriver?
  • Explain the concept of TestNG and how it is used with Selenium for test automation?
  • How do you perform mouse and keyboard actions using SeleniumWebDriver?
  • What are the advantages and limitations of Selenium for test automation?
  • How do you handle SSL certificates and security-related issues in Selenium?
  • Can you automate testing for mobile applications using Selenium? If yes, how?
  • How do you manage test data and test configurations in Selenium tests?
  • What is Page Object Model (POM), and why is it used in Selenium automation?
  • How do you handle exceptions and errors in Selenium WebDriver scripts?
  • How to take screenshot in selenium ?
  • Data provider in the TESTNG?
  • How to validate links are valid or not on the webpage?
  • How you manage drag and drop activity in selenium ?
  • What is the use of testng.xml file

Pre Screening Interview Questions And Answers

  • What do you do if you work on a user story but become blocked by test data?
    Ans: While working on a User story, you should first look for whether the story is ready or not. That is if it meets the definition of ready. This should also include whether test data is available or not. Else that story can’t be moved to do state.

    If test data blocks you, you have to ask the Development team to do the required functionality mapping, then the sanity testing to be done to check the basic functions, and most importantly, include the product owner or BAs to arrange a walkthrough on the BRD. In that walkthrough, the testing and Dev teams should also join. For end-to-end testing, synergy is also needed with the backend team, and the required data set should be incorporated into the front-end application.
  • What does a QA person do when testing a new feature with limited info?
    Ans: To start a feature, you need to have adequate info. Having limited info can’t define a feature. The product owner should come up with the required info before the team starts its work on the feature. If only QA-related information is missing, the QA person should seek help from the Business or PO or the team, whoever can help. Scrum and agile believe in openness and communication. The QA person should ask for the information and start his/her work.
  • Explain the difference between exploratory and scripted testing.
    Ans: As per my knowledge, exploratory testing is experienced, and knowledge-based testing is where the tester does testing randomly, and important features may not have 100% code coverage. At the same time, Scripted testing is always planned and covers testing of all the features. Others can give their view as well.
  • Explain why integration testing is important.
    Ans: Integration testing is important because the components or modules may work perfectly independently, but they may fail at some points when integrated, for example, due to configuration settings or other stuff.
  • What data points do you use to determine if a feature is ready for shipping to the public?
  • How do you define quality?
    Ans: In general, prospective quality is a customer’s value of a product. If a product works perfectly without any problem, we can say the quality of the product is good.
  • What do you do when a developer rejects your bug?
    Ans: If you understand the function properly and the defect you raised is a defect, and the developer rejects it, you can reopen the defect and discuss it with the developer as well as the BA Solution architect or dev team, whoever is interested in attending the discussion and taking it with them. If it is not a defect, you must understand why and then close or defer it as per the team’s practice.
  • How should Manual testers work with SDETs?
  • What tools or metrics would you use to identify a production issue? How would you begin triaging an issue?
  • How do you set expectations with stakeholders?
    Ans: To set expectations with the stakeholders, you need to understand their Business functionalities properly and should be properly involved in the discussion. During the sprint review, they can see your demo, and you need to do your job proactively. This is my view. There may be different answers, as this is a subjective question.


In conclusion, pre screening interviews are an important part of the hiring process for many companies. They help to save time and resources by quickly identifying unqualified candidates while also providing an opportunity for candidates to learn more about the company and the job. Employers should use pre-screening interviews as a part of a comprehensive hiring process that includes in-depth interviews, reference checks, and background checks to ensure the candidate is the right fit for the role and the company.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments regarding pre-screening interviews, please feel free to share them in the comment section below. We are here to provide helpful and informative responses and would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions or share any feedback you may have. Your input is valuable to us, and we appreciate your engagement!

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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