Test Case For New Folder Renaming

Test Case For New Folder Renaming: The keys to organizing files and folders effectively within a hierarchy are to store related items together and to name folders informatively. Creating a new folder can help you organize and keep track of files and other folders.

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To create a folder, select the location where you want the new folder, create the folder, and then name the folder. You should name each folder meaningfully so that you know its contents just by reading the folder’s name. After you name a folder or file, you can rename it anytime.

What is a Folder?

In computers, a folder is a virtual location for applications, documents, data, or other sub-folders. Folders help in storing and organizing files and data on the computer. The term is most commonly used with graphical user interface operating systems.

Test Case For New Folder Renaming

  • One-word names (movies, documents, files, etc.) should be fine.
  • Creating a folder with various characters, like underscores and a hyphen, should work.
  • Verify that all special characters from keyboards like @, &, and ^ should not work.
  • Validate handling of folder creation after 256 characters on Windows should not be allowed.
  • After creating the folder, verify that it should not be opened with a single mouse click.
  • Ensure that the folder always opens on double-click.
  • Check duplicate folders with the same name; this should not be permitted.
  • Space-separated names should be allowed (marriage photos of Annie).
  • Verify that OS should not allow the user to create a folder name with any of the following characters \/:”*?<>|
  • Verify that the folder can be created with a minimum of 1 character and a maximum of 260 characters. [Character can be any alphanumeric and allowed special character]
  • Verify that the validation message pops up on giving the existing folder name to the newly created folder.
  • Unicode characters should be allowed in names (to support multiple languages).
  • Prohibited characters should throw proper errors (using of? * etc.).
  • Naming a folder using the same name as one already present in the current folder should throw a proper error.
  • If there’s a command-line way of creating and naming folders, the above tests should be repeated for the command line. Also, interoperability Created through the command line and verified through UI, and vice versa, should be there.
  • Very long names (max supported length for folder name or PATH, depending on platform).
  • Creating folder chains (e.g., mkdir test\first\second\third\forth) should work fine.
  • Reserved words shouldn’t allow folder creation(on Windows, there are few port names/reserved keywords that can’t be used as folder names)
  • Verify that the renaming of the folder name is allowed.

Folder naming convention may vary from OS to OS. Taking Windows as standard, I can think of the following test cases:

  • Once one clicks the New Folder option after the right click, the recently created folder should have the default name, New Folder. This test can be done on the desktop, inside a Drive, or in an Existing Folder.
  • A folder can have the same name as the parent folder.
  • Try to copy a folder in a location where a folder with the same name already exists. The name of the recently copied should be appended with (1) or (2)….. (n) Depending upon the number of folders already existing with the same name. For example ‘New Folder(1)’
  • A user-created folder cannot have the following system-reserved names: CON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9 and more.
  • The folder name cannot have the following special characters: Tilde, Number sign, Percent, Ampersand, Asterisk, Braces, Backslash, Colon, Angle brackets, Question mark, Slash, Pipe, or Quotation mark.
  • A folder can be renamed to a valid folder name.
  • A folder can’t be renamed to an invalid folder name.
  • Name a folder (including a path) with more than 260 valid characters.

New Folder Test Cases

We Can validate a New Folder that may be on a Windows OS, Mac OS, a New folder Gmail, or Maybe a New Folder on an iPhone, but we can do the functional, usability, and security tests.

Functional Tests

  • Creating a folder with various characters, such as underscores and hyphens, should work.
  • Verify for all special characters from keyboards like @,&,^ should not work.
  • Check duplicate folders with the same name; this should not be permitted.
  • Validate handling of folder creation after 256 characters on Windows should not be allowed.
  • Check Unicode characters should not be allowed.

Negative Tests

  • Check the renaming of the already created folder, which should display a popup warning window.
  • The renamed folder name should not conflict with an existing folder but warn the user from doing it.

Usability Tests

  • The creation of multiple folders should work
  • The creation of multiple folders of different kinds should be supported.
  • The maximum limit of folder names should be defined.
  • Empty name folder should not be allowed
  • Right-click on a folder should display multiple options in the folder
  • Shortcuts like CTRL+N, CTRL +SHIFT+N. DELETE, SHIFT+ DELETE should work in Windows OS for the creation of folders and deletion of folders.

Security Tests

  • Check for permission of folders.
  • Check the folder; copying it to a different OS should work.
  • Check for the protection of the folder from malware.
  • Checking the locking of the folder can be done easily.
  • Check for Antivirus settings if folder creation is blocked.
  • Check folder creation behavior when a virus infects the system.

Portability Tests

  • Drag and drop folders should work in Windows.

Performance Tests

  • Check the folder while creating or deleting it; it should not take much time.

Positive Test Cases

  • Verify the desktop or any window by right-clicking it, and a new folder option should be visible.
  • Verify that a new folder should be created on the desktop/particular window by clicking the new folder option.
  • Verify the desktop/particular window’s new folder being created on it.
  • Verify it by double-clicking, and it should be an empty folder.

Shortcuts & Max Limits Test Cases

  • The creation of multiple folders should work
  • The creation of multiple folders of different kinds should be supported.
  • The maximum limit of the folder name should be defined.
  • An empty name folder should not be allowed.
  • Right-click on a folder should display multiple options in the folder
  • Shortcuts like CTRL+N, CTRL +SHIFT+N. DELETE, SHIFT+ DELETE should work in Windows OS for the creation of folders and deletion of folders.

Permissions & Settings Test Cases

  • Check for the permission of folders.
  • Check the folder; copying it to a different OS should work.
  • Check for the protection of the folder from malware.
  • Check the locking of the folder, which can be done easily.
  • Check for Antivirus settings if folder creation is blocked.
  • Check folder creation behavior when a virus infects the system.

Negative Test Cases

  • Check if a user renaming one of the already created folders should display a pop-up warning window.
  • The renamed folder name should not conflict with an existing folder but warn users from doing so.


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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to softwaretestingo.com@gmail.com, or You can join me on Linkedin.

6 thoughts on “Test Case For New Folder Renaming”

  1. Verify for all special characters from keyboards like @, &, ^ should not work.

    This test scenario is wrong because all special characters of keyboards like !#$%@^&()_-+=-+,.’;[]{} are used in folder name. I have already created folder name by using special characters.
    But only these characters like / \ |:*?” are not allowed in folder name.


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