Mphasis Interview Questions

Mphasis Overview

  • Bengaluru
  • 10000+ employees
  • 1992
  • Public (MPHASIS)
  • Computer Hardware & Software
  • ₹100 to ₹500 billion per year
  • Infosys, Wipro

Mphasis Bangalore Chennai Interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Mphasis interview questions and answers.

Post On:Mphasis Automation Testing Interview Questions
Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience

We have tried to share some of the manual testing interview questions, selenium interview questions & testing interview questions also, but we are recommending spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Mphasis interview.

Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So it would be great to share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at

Mphasis Bangalore Interview Questions

Company Name: Mphasis
Updated on: 21.06.2024

L1 Round :

  • How to fetch the data from an Excel sheet
  • XPath for radio buttons
  • Findelement amd findelements
  • Write a Java program to find second second-largest element from the array
  • Explain framework
  • Interface
  • Method overloading and method overloading

L2 Round :

  • Write a program to find the highest integer from the array
  • Explain framework
  • Xpath writing for giver scenario
  • SQL query for some scenarios to find each emp details from the emp table

Company Name: Mphasis
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 29.06.2021

Mphasis Java Interview Questions

  • What is the difference between interface and abstract class?
  • What is the difference b/w throw and throws?
  • What is finally?
  • What are method overloading and method overriding?
  • What is object class?
  • What is reflection?
  • Write a program a reverse string?
  • Given string mahesh234, extract the only number, and write a logic?
  • Given input in array {248}, print only alternate number?
  • What are set, list, array, ArrayList, and HashMap?

Mphasis Selenium Interview Questions

  • Explain the framework structure.
  • Explain, oops, concepts where you implemented them.
  • Different b/w page factory and pom?
  • If you have not initialized the page factory, what exception will we get in pom?
  • How will you handle images from one place to another place?
  • How will you handle iframes?
  • You have multiple windows; close the child windows. How do you come back parent window?
  • How will you clear data without using a clear method?
  • How will you pass the value without using send keys?
  • How will you take screenshots?
  • If you add a standalone server to the project? When building the project, is the standard sever also update?

Mphasis BBD Interview Questions

  • What are the differences b/w scenario outlines and data tables?
  • What are hooks?
  • What is a dry run?
  • How will you handle miss implemented methods in step definitions?
  • What is the step definition?
  • In a feature, can we maintain more scenarios?
  • In the feature file, we have a common method. How can you handle it? Which keyword can we use?

Mphasis TestNG Interview Questions

  • How to execute the one test a couple of times?
  • How to execute the 10 test cases in sequence order?
  • What is a data provider?
  • You have two test cases, A and B. Which one Will execute first’?
  • While executing the test case, if you do not provide @Test annotation, what will happen?


  • Explain Jenkins.
  • Explain the maven build tool.

Mphasis API Interview Questions

  • What is soap and rest API?
  • What is 200 in postman?
  • What is a forbidden error?
  • What is the 500 status code in postman?
  • What is the 401 status code?
  • What is the 503 status code?

Company Name: Mphasis
Company Location: California, US
Updated on: 16.03.2020

  • How will you run test scripts from the command line without using Eclipse/TestNG?
  • How will you add a new test class to the step definition by drag and drop?
  • What are the components of Jenkins?
  • Which Access Modifier is the most restrictive and why?
  • Write a code to get the Highest number using an array
  • How will you identify elements in Appium?

Company Name: Mphasis
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 09.03.2020

  • How to reduce scope binding
  • Why do we use partial class, and where do we use partial class in spec flow?
  • What is a glue file
  • How to make custom attributes for your framework
  • Why do we use POCO class in the spec flow
  • What is tagging in the feature file?
  • How to use external feature files in your project
  • How to create a custom report in spec flow without an extent report
  • What is test rail
  • How to share data dynamically in spec flow
  • Dependency injection concept by the constructor
  • What is the base class of step context?
  • Give one exp of try-finally flavor.
  • Default pooling time of explicit wait

Interview Conducted: August 2020

Mphasis Java 1st Round questions

  • What are the data types in Java?
  • Why is String not a data type, and why is it a separate class for Strings?
  • Explain the difference between primitive data types and String Class regarding memory allocations, etc..
  • How do you handle Exceptions in Java?
  • Explain the hierarchy of Java Exceptions.
  • Explain Unchecked and Checked Exceptions with examples.
  • Explain StringBuffer with example code.
  • What is the default datatype taken if we do not declare a datatype?

Mphasis Selenium 1st round questions

  • Explain the code WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
  • What happens if we execute the below lines
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    // driver.get(“”);
  • How can we automate the browser settings like cookies handling, SSL certificates handling, proxy settings, and popup blocker settings using Selenium code?
  • How does print text present for all the links present on a webpage? Explain the code step by step
  • Explain the code to validate whether the element is enabled on a web page.
  • Explain the code to wait until a webelement is enabled on the webpage explicitly.
  • Explain the group’s concept in TestNG and the syntax for running the groups using the testng.xml file.

Mphasis BDD Framework Interview Questions

  • Explain the advantages of the BDD framework over other frameworks.
  • Explain the CucumberOptions defined in TestRunner File. What is glue?
  • Explain the StepDefinition code for automating Any feature (e.g., login).
  • Explain the step definition code for automating a web service.
  • Explain the advantages of RestAssured.
  • As a manual tester with zero coding knowledge, if I am given API automation scripts to handle.
  • Explain where to start and how to add test cases, update, run, and generate reports.
  • Explain the BDD framework, folder structure, dependencies, reporting, managing test cases, etc..

1st Round Mphasis Interview Questions

  • Complete framework explanation and its tools
  • Framework code for login
  • Code to read data from Excel and that should get sent to UI, i.e., for un, PW fields
  • String a= “I Love Java.”
    O/p Java Love I
  • String a= “I Love Java.”
    O/p avaJ evoL I
  • String a = “abc-2019”

2nd Round Mphasis Interview Questions

  • String name = “Madhu”;
  • Explain TestNG in detail.
  • Key= fruit, value = “apple”;
    key= fruit, value = “mango”;
    Using any Collection, how to print the values
    Ans – Use MultiMaps
  • There are @Test1 and @Test2 methods in TestNG, but there are methods in Test1 that get executed only if Test2 gets executed. So how to approach it?
  • How to rerun failed test cases?
  • Explain how you approach the Testing process if you are on day 1 of the sprint.
  • Explain which priority Test Suites you run in Automation,i.e., do you run all P1, P2, and P3 suites in all the sprints daily?
  • Explain the priorities of the Locators you applied in your project. How do you decide?
  • Explain Regression Testing w.r.t Manual and Automation testing. What is the Approach?
  • Explain smoke VS Sanity in detail.
  • Throw Vs. throws
  • Finally the importance
  • What is finalized?
  • Why is the final needed?
  • Why Jenkins and Maven?

  • Difference between Bug and Defect
  • What is RTM
  • What are Alpha and Beta testing?
  • Explain Agile
  • Explain the Methodology followed by your company
  • What is Stand up Meeting
  • What is Velocity in Agile
  • What is Sanity, Smoke testing
  • What is Re-testing
  • What is Regression testing?
  • Explain the steps of Testing Levels
  • What is UAT, and what is your role and responsibility in UAT
  • What is System Testing, Integration Testing, and System Integration Testing

  • What is Object
  • What is Constructor
  • How many types of Constructors are there? Explain them.
  • What are Access Specifiers, and explain their Scope?
  • What is Method overloading and overriding?
  • Examples of Method overloading and overriding in Selenium
  • An object is created for class or Method
  • Why the main method is static
  • Can we re-initialize static int a =10
  • What is final
  • While overloading can a method can have a return type other than void
  • Explain public static void main (String [] args)
  • What are Set, List, and Hash Map
  • What are Polymorphism and Inheritance
  • Explain multilevel inheritance
  • What does New do While object creation?
  • Why should the framework be used? What are the advantages
  • How many types of locators are there
  • What is driver.findelements and explain
  • How to handle browsers
  • How to enter the name and password in the Alert message you get
  • How to handle dropdowns
  • How to close specified browsers
  • What is a hybrid framework?
  • What is Synchronization, and what are their types
  • What is Interface
  • What are the attributes of X paths?
  • What are XPath and the types of Xpath?
  • What is the exception you got in your project?
  • What are POM and its Advantages
  • Explain the process of handling stale element exception
  • What is BDD, and What is the feature and Step definition file in Cucumber
  • How to write scenario using Gherkin language

Mphasis 1st Round Interview Questions

  • Explain the methodology used in our project
  • Explain the Agile process
  • Difference between System and System integration testing
  • Which tool used for test management
  • What is a Test Strategy?
  • Explain components in a Test plan
  • Rate yourself in manual SQL and automation and where you are lagging
  • How do you ensure coverage?
  • Difference between test case and test scenarios
  • What is regression testing?
  • Have you worked on ALM?

Mphasis 2nd round Interview Questions

  • Explain Framework by writing on the paper
  • What are the advantages of POM?
  • Write a code for the login page in POM
  • Explain the Agile process for automation
  • Have to use the java concept in your framework
  • Explain Method overloading, Overriding
  • Explain Inheritance, Method Overriding with an example
  • How do you verify the element present on the webpage?
  • Write a code to fetch data from an excel sheet
  • Write code to Print all values in the drop-down
  • Explain Jenkins, have you been involved in the DevOps process
  • Print the count of common alphabets by using two strings
  • Pattern printing
  • Have you been involved in the implementation of a framework?
  • How to fetch the second and third highest salary from the table
  • Have you used any version control tools?

Company Name: Mphasis
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 04.09.2018

  • What is Contextswitch()?
  • What is the purpose of the build() and compile()?
  • Suppose I have 1000 test scripts and want to run only a few; then what change do I have to do in my xml file?
  • Suppose I create string str = “Welcome” and str1 = “welcome.”Shall it throw any error? If yes, then what?
  • The life cycle of Maven
  • Explain your framework.
  • Explain parallel testing

  • Where you can use List, where you can use Map.
  • How to iterate in an Array List.
  • What is method overloading / Method overriding? Where have you implemented Selenium Code?
  • Tell the structure of the Framework.
  • Have you been involved in the framework from scratch or just modifying the existing framework?
  • Where are you keeping the project code locally or in some other repository?
  • What are the dependencies you have added while setting up your framework?
  • What are the different annotations present in TestNG?
  • What is Polymorphism? Explain where you have implemented it in your project.
  • How do we re-execute the failed test cases?
  • Interface- how to achieve 100% multiple inheritances.
  • What is AutoIT & Sikuli?
  • Where can we store XPath or other locator values (like the object repository in qtp)
  • Why can we not use the CSS selector instead of XPath?
  • What is the difference between the @Before Method and @before Test?
  • What is the difference between the @After Method and the @After Test?

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

7 thoughts on “Mphasis Interview Questions”

  1. Mphasis interview questions: –
    1.What is Contextswitch()?
    2.What is the purpose of build() and compile() ?
    3.Suppose I have 1000 test scripts and I want to run only few then what change I have to do in my xml file?
    4.Suppose I create a string str = “Welcome” and str1 = “welcome”.Shall it throw any error?if yes,then what?
    5.Life cycle of Maven
    6.Explain ur framework.
    7.Explain parallel testing

    These are few questions please update it.I have attended the interview recently

  2. Java 1st Round questions (Aug 2020)
    1. what are data types in Java?
    2. Why String is not a datatype and why it is a separate class for Strings?
    3. Explain difference between primitive data types and String Class in terms of memory allocations etc?
    4. How do you handle Exceptions in Java?
    5. Explain the hierarchy of Java Exceptions?
    6. Explain Unchecked and Checked Exceptions with examples?
    7. Explain StringBuffer with example code?
    8. what is the default datatype taken if we do not declare a datatype?

    Selenium 1st round questions
    1. Explain the code WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    2. what happens if we execute the below lines
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    // driver.get(“”);
    3. how can we automate the browser settings like cookies handling, ssl certificates handling, proxy settings, popup blockers settings using Selenium code?
    4. how to print text present for all the links present on a webpage? explain the code step by step
    5. Explain the code to validate whether the element is enabled or not on a web page?
    6. Explain the code to explicitly wait until a webelement is enabled on the webpage?
    7. Explain the groups concept in TestNG and syntax on how to run the groups using testng.xml file?

    BDD Framework Interview questions
    1. Explain advantages of BDD framework over other frameworks?
    2. Explain the CucumberOptions defined in TestRunner File ? what is glue ?
    3. Explain the StepDefinition code for automating Any feature (eg: login) ?
    4. Explain the stepdefinition code for automating a webservice ?
    5. Explain advantages of RestAssured ?
    6. As a manual tester with zero coding knowledge, if am given API automation scripts to handle. Explain where to start and how to add test cases, update, run and generate reports?
    7. Explain BDD framework in detail, folder structure, dependencies, reporting, managing test cases etc?

  3. 1st round Mphasis Interview questions:
    1. Difference between ArrayList & Linked List
    2. What are exceptions? And usage? Different types of selenium exceptions?
    3. What is stale element exception?
    4. Why Strings are immutable & how is it different from String buffer & builder?
    5. Explain where did you use Hashmap ?
    6. What is Factory in Test NG
    7. What’s the use of @DataProvider annotation. Give one example.
    8. Explain your framework
    9. What is PageFactory?
    10. Difference between equals & double equals in java.
    11. How to use parameters in testNG?
    12. How to rerun only the failed test cases in testNG?
    13. Explain about Singleton design pattern
    14. In cucmber, why do we use cucumber hooks
    15. How to do parallel execution in cucumber.
    16. Define the attributes like dryrun, monochrome, strict in cucumber

  4. may 4th 2021;python robot framework interview questions

    python robot framework questions

    1.Tell me about your self
    2.what framework you worked on
    3.explain your framework
    4.architecture and settings of framework
    5.python program to find second largest number in list
    6.list comprehension
    7.list methods in python
    8.python classes
    9.write class defintion
    10.difference between tell() and seek()
    11.which version control system you used
    12.git merge conflict to resolve merge conflict
    14.git pull vs fetch
    15.git pull command
    16.python program to add two numbers
    17.exceptions in python
    18.exception handling in python
    19.program to reverse a string
    20.python regular expression
    21.given a string,find whether its alphanumeric
    22.given a string,find whether it has alphabet s
    23.python dictionary
    24.strings in python
    25.methods on string
    26.given a list,print it as it is
    27.5 python built in functions
    28.explain with an example
    29.problems faced in previous project


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