Morgan Stanley Interview Questions

Morgan Stanley Overview

  • New York, NY (US)
  • 10000+ employees
  • 1935
  • Public (MS)
  • Investment Banking & Asset Management
  • ₹500+ billionper year
  • Citi Bank

Morgan Stanley Interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance, and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer, QA for Manual & Automation Positions, We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Morgan Stanley interview questions and answers.

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Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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We have tried to share some of the manual testing interview questions, selenium interview questions & testing interview questions also, but we are recommending spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Morgan Stanley interview.

Still, we need you are love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So it would be great if you will share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting us at

Morgan Stanley Online Login Interview Questions

Company Location: Mumbai, India
Updated on: 06.05.2021

  • Difference between severity and priority.
  • Explain super and this keywords.
  • Difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder
  • Difference between Array and ArrayList
  • Selenium scenario based question
  • Program to write fibonacci series with 1000 as input
  • Implicit vs explicit wait
  • Why did u choose apache POI over others to read data from excel? Explain its advantages
  • Program to create a graph for changing price of a stock.
  • What’s same origin policy? How do you implement?
  • Explain all the collections u worked with.
  • How to achieve parallel execution?
  • Checked vs unchecked exceptions
  • Scrum ceremonies
  • Sprint backlog vs product backlog
  • What do you do in sprint 0? How do you create common utilities so that the code written by everyone is not duplicated?
  • How do you run scenario2 before running scenario8? Is it possible during parallel execution too?
  • How do you load an excel of 8GB and work with it when the RAM is of 800MB? Does it cause any issue?
  • How do you test hidden elements in a page?
  • FindElements vs findElement

Morgan Stanley Bangalore Interview Questions

Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 06.05.2021

Thanks, Shubham for sharing the below interview questions and contributing to the community.

  • Difference between System Testing and Integration testing?
  • Difference between System Testing and End to End testing?
  • What are the API testing requirements?
  • Write a program to check if an array is a valid mountain or not.
  • Difference between Linked list and Array list.
  • Consider a scenario of the stock trading program which needs to be automated. What are the requirements and steps to do it?
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of using Cucumber.
  • Challenges in the BDD framework.
  • What will you do if the server is down?
  • What are the strategies used in UI automation?
  • Can selenium be used with angular?
  • Explain access modifiers?
  • What is protected modifier and default modifier? What is the difference between them?
  • What is dynamic polymorphism?
  • Explain the collection hierarchy.
  • Write a program to move all zeroes in an array to the end.
  • What are setup and teardown?
  • Different types of exception handling in selenium.
  • What are soft assert and hard assert?

Morgan Stanley Mumbai Interview Questions

Company Location: Mumbai, India
Updated on: 09.03.2020

  • Explain Selenium architecture
  • Name locators
  • Name types of XPath
  • Difference between list and tuple
  • What are sets in python?
  • Name some modules in python
  • Purpose of init() method
  • Oops concepts
  • Outer left join, explain

Morgan Stanley Interview Questions

Recently I have given an interview for Morgan Stanley below question they asked

  • Questions on method Overriding
  • Exceptions which you faced in selenium and do you fix it.
  • The return type for DataProvider
  • Swapping two strings without using the third variable
  • Character Occurrence

Morgan Stanley Testing Interview Questions

Company Location: Bangalore, India

  • Roles and responsibilities?
  • Do you use multithreading in your framework?
  • To open chrome browser in incognito mode?
  • Between SQL date and java date?
  • To connect DB with selenium framework and how to fetch values from database write down?
  • How to convert JSON into Java class?
  • Log4j scenario base question
  • We javascript use executor when we have inbuilt functions in Selenium? What is the internal working of Javascriptexecutor?

Morgan Stanley Interview Questions in Bangalore

Shared By:– Sumit
Experience Level: 5+ Years
Location: Mumbai
Mode: Virtual
Date: Sep – 2020

  • Difference between SinglyLink List and Doubly Link list
  • Comparator vs Comparable
  • Give Indexes of array elements which has sum=10
    Array arr={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
    eg. 1+9=10 so print index 0 and 9
    2+8=10 so print index 1 and 8
  • Collection FrameWork hierarchy
  • Custom sorting implementation
  • Explain your automation framework
  • API experience
  • Have you worked on advanced java?
  • Explain OOPS
  • “This is new” => Arrange it in increasing length order of words. i.e “is new This”
  • Why do we write class.forName() in JDBC
  • API characteristics
  • How hashmap works internally
  • Agile working

Interview Questions Morgan Stanley

  • How will u validate the entire JSON response ( all values let’s say 100 values) with the Database value? the interviewer was asking about the entire approach like how u will store ur JSON response and how u will verify with DB using java?
  • Let’s say u have 1000 tests for regression and 60% of test cases failed on the execution day.. what will be your approach here?? How will u know why these test cases failed?? What you will answer to your manager?
  • Tell me about different types of java exception
  • Tell me the test case status pass or fail & which exception u will use??
    Scenario 1: in a try block, u gave the correct user id and correct password and then catch the block
    Scenario 2: In the try block, u gave the correct user id and wrong password and then catch the block
  • How to schedule a Jenkins job for a different suite in a single AWS machine??
  • How to configure or import developer API code into swagger??
  • How will u convert an already existing java project into a Gradle project.. what are the things u need to write inside the build. Gradle file?
  • Why do we use the singleton pattern in selenium??
  • What is the classloader? Have u used it in ur framework??
  • What are the different types of hashMap??
  • Why do we need a base test class in testNG?? Can we use @beforesuite and @aftersuite inside in the test class? Which steps u will write in these annotations?
  • How will u sequence ur tests without using priority?
  • One question on scenario-based where u need to verify whether the final ratings are coming as the average of all the ratings. let’s say there are 1000 ratings in ‘n’ number of pages.. how will u go to automate this test case?

Source: WhatsApp Group

Morgan Stanley Interview Questions

  • Tell me about your project and responsibilities?
  • Which module did you work on your project?
  • How many bugs have you found on your project?
  • Can you please explain the flow of your project?
  • Please explain your project architecture with the framework with a diagram?
  • What are the technical challenges you have faced
  • If the dev has not accepted the bug, what will you do?
  • Duration of a sprint?
  • How do you adapt to your company if requirements keep on changing?
  • How will you – Converted Manual Test Case into Automation Test Scripts.

Source: FB Group

Morgan Stanley Testing Interview Questions

  • The processor used in the report
  • How to handle the Authentication window?
  • How to handle multiple windows?
  • Challenges faced in your automation project and how you overcome those
  • How to handle complex interaction – Action class?
  • What kind of Framework using in your organization?
  • Explain your framework architecture?
  • Where did you store all kinds of Xpaths in your framework?
  • What is the HUB & Node?
  • How do you run your test using a framework?
  • Write the XPath?
  • How to handle alerts using web drivers?
  • How to identify two fields(Radio button) on a page with the same id?

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

1 thought on “Morgan Stanley Interview Questions”

  1. Difference between System testing and Integration testing?
    Difference between System testing and End to End testing?
    What are the API testing requirements?
    Write a program to check if an array is valid mountain or not.
    Difference between Linked list and Array list.
    Consider a scenario of stock trading program which needs to be automated. What are the requirements and steps to do it?
    Advantages and Disadvantages of using Cucumber.
    Challenges in BDD framework.
    What will you do if the server is down?
    What are the strategies used in UI automation?
    Can selenium be used with angular?
    Explain access modifiers?
    What is protected modifier and default modifier? What are the difference between them.
    What is dynamic polymorphism?
    Explain collection hierarchy.
    Write a program to move all zeroes in an array to the end.
    What is setup and teardown?
    Different type of exception handling in selenium.
    What is soft assert and hard assert?


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