Moolya Software Interview Questions

Moolya Software Testing Overview

  • Bengaluru
  • 51 to 200 employees
  • 2010
  • Private Company
  • IT Services
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

Moolya Software Testing interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Moolya Software Testing interview questions and answers.

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Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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We have also tried to share some of the Selenium Automation Framework Interview Questions. Still, we recommend spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Moolya Testing interview.

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Moolya Software Testing Interview Questions

In this post of softwaretestingo, we will share the latest interview questions updates. We try to regularly updates every organization question.

Moolya Testing Interview Questions

Company Name: Moolya Testing
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 30.06.2021

  • What is testing?
  • What is exploratory testing?
  • What is API, for example?
  • What is the difference between API and Web Service?
  • What is Request form data in POSTMAN?
  • What is the difference between SOAP and REST?
  • Which is more secure – SOAP or REST?
  • Which languages are supported in SOAP UI? => Apache Groovy and Javascript.
  • What type of HTTP methods are you using?
  • Can we use POST to read the data instead of GET?
    Ans: Yes, we can use POST to retrieve the information. We have to pass the search field in the body of the request. It depends on developer implementation, also.
  • What is the upper limit of the POST Request payload?
  • What is the upper limit of GET Request Payload? -> The size of the URL
  • Can REST APIs define security parameters on their own?
    Ans: RestFul web services cannot define their security
  • How do you do exploratory testing?
  • What interesting bugs have you found?
  • Test Cases: Test scenarios for a Ceiling fan?
  • What is normalization in a Database? Why do we use normalization?
  • Puzzle: There are two tables- Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 has five columns, and Table 2 has five columns. Query to fetch all the records of Table 1 and matching records of Table 2.LEFT JOIN
  • Which testing methodology have you followed in your company?
  • What is the difference between 408 and 504?
    408 and 504
    408 – Request Timeout
    504 – Gateway Timeout
  • How to run multiple iterations of the same request in POSTMAN?

Moolya Software Testing Interview Questions

Company Name: Moolya Software
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 26.06.2021

  • What is Selendroid?
  • How do you switch from native to webview using Appium?
  • Explain the desired capabilities needed to invoke an app in Appium.
  • Which Appiumversion are you currently using?
  • What is the default port number in the Appium server?
  • How will you skip a particular test in TestNG?
  • I have a different set of username passwords to pass the value to a test. How to achieve this?
  • Explain the challenges that you faced in Appium.
  • Explain git commands.
  • Tell me the procedure for pulling the code from a particular repository in git to your local machine.
  • Program: For the string “Welcome to Moolya,” write a code in java to print the repeated character and display how often it is repeated.
  • Program: Given ArrayList = [2,5,1,10,20,20,15] Sort them in descending order
  • Program: Write a code to print in the following sequence: 1 2 3 4 hi 6 7 8 9 hi ………1000
  • I need to automate a scanner app on mobile. What is your approach in Appium?
  • Scenario: I must run the test cases on 50 mobiles in parallel mode using Appium. How will you achieve this?
  • How will you automate OTP number fetching from an SMS using Appium?
  • Program: Return one if the number is prime and not Fibonacci; else, return 0
  • Program: Return the maximum odd number in the Fibonacci from input1 to input2
  • Program: Return the first number divisible by 3 in the Fibonacci from input1 to input2
  • Program: Store upper case in one array, lower case in one array, and numbers in one array from a string “4¥$SDFyuiwh890”

About Moolya Software Company

Moolya is a trusted software testing partner to several industry leaders and cutting-edge startup companies in India and abroad. We have actively invested in the startup ecosystem to nurture the quality of their products by learning and translating the experience we gained from working with startups that went on to become billion-dollar behemoths. Our enterprise customers love the “startup way of testing” we bring to their enterprise IT teams – it makes them more agile, innovative, result-focused, and cost-conscious.

Our customers are spread across India, the USA, UK, UAE, Australia, and Indonesia. We love complex testing challenges across technologies, viz. web, cloud, mobile, wearables, Internet of Things, Bots, AI, Enterprise Apps, Packaged Software, and Platform Implementations. Our expertise spans consumer-centric industries such as eCommerce, Payments & Wallets, Banking, Retail, Media, Healthcare, and Lifestyle.

We follow a context-driven testing approach that helps bring the user’s perspective to testing. Our customers are attracted to work with us for more than one reason – our style of hiring, our style of coaching, our use of non-traditional tools, mind mapping, quality of work, happy people, and, equally important, the value they get.

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