What is Monkey Testing & Gorilla Testing?

Monkey & Gorilla Testing In Software Testing: These testing words are slightly confusing, so a testing process is called monkey and gorilla testing. Let me share with you one thing: this type of testing, monkey testing, deals with the random inputs into the application.

Monkey Testing

Still, I guess one question will hit your mind: why is this testing called Monkey testing, and why do we use the word monkey in software testing? So, let me share a few things point by point so that it can help you clear your doubts.

When we perform monkey testing, the tester and sometimes developers consider it a “Monkey.” Suppose if you give a computer to a monkey; he will randomly use the computer and perform any task without knowledge about the computer and the application.

It was similar to testers testing an application with some random test cases to find out or to find bugs/errors without any predefined test cases.

Gorilla Testing

This type of testing can be carried out in Unit testing or in the GUI testing of an application.

Advantages of Monkey Testing

  • The possibility of Introduce new bugs/errors: Testers are testing the application as per their predefined test cases, but when they are doing such type of testing, there may be a chance of seeing some unexpected behavior of the application, which can be skipped during the planning testing as per the test cases.
  • Easy to Execute: As we are not following any specific process to test the application, it is easy to test it with random data.
  • Non-Skilled People: As in the monkey test, the application is tested without predefined processes or methodologies. So, to test the application, we can give the application to less skilled people who do not know much about the application and domain.
  • Project Cost: We don’t need to spend more money on monkey testing because we don’t need more time and money to set up and execute the test cases.

Disadvantages of Monkey Testing

  • Bugs may not be produced: As the testers with every application functionality thoroughly test the application, we are not sure that we can get new bugs when testing the application with some random inputs or behavior.
  • Less Accuracy: During the money testing, the testers are not following any process, so they can not define the exact scenario on which they got the bugs/errors or cannot guarantee the accuracy of the test cases.
  • Time-Consuming: Sometimes, this testing goes longer as there are no predefined test cases, and sometimes, they find a very small number of bugs/errors.

Types of Monkey Testing

This testing is again divided into 3 more different subcategories as per its implementation. Here are the 3 different types of monkey testing

  • Dumb monkey: In this testing process, the testers don’t know about the system and functionalities of the application, so there is no assurance for the correctness of the test cases.
  • Smart Monkey: In this testing process, testers have an idea about the system and its functionalities, so here, testers follow the navigating process and also test the application with valid inputs while testing the application.
  • Brilliant Monkey: Testers are not following the process; testers try to behave from the user’s point of view and try to find some bugs/errors in the application.

What is Gorilla Testing?

In this software testing technique, we will test the same module repeatedly to ensure that the module is working as expected and there are no bugs/errors in that module. Here, the tester needs to test the same module more than once in the same manner, so Gorilla Testing is also called “Frustrating Testing.”

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