LTIMindtree Interview Questions

Mindtree Overview

  • Bengaluru
  • 10000+ employees
  • 1999
  • Public (MINDTREE)
  • IT Services
  • ₹50 to ₹100 billion per year
  • Infosys, Wipro

MindTree Interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance, and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer, and QA for Manual & Automation Positions, We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked MindTree interview questions and answers.

Post On:Mindtree Interview Questions
Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience

We have tried to share some of the manual testing interview questions, selenium interview questions & testing interview questions also, but we are recommending spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the MindTree interview.

Still, we need you are love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So it would be great if you would share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at

LTIMindtree Interview Questions

Company Name: LTIMindtree
Company Location: Bangalore
No Of Rounds: L1 Round
Updated on: 21.06.2024

  • Tell us something about your work, experience, project and how are doing in your project.
  • In Financial products being developed what Software Model would you suggest for Developers, is it Agile or Scrum and why?
  • What are the limitations of the Scrum model
  • What Automation Architecture are you following in your project?
  • What kind of UI tests will be implemented if you have categorize-based options to be chosen? For ex: If you select a category, 5 options are displayed, if you select a 2nd category, 3 options are displayed.
  • What tools are you using in your current project and how are you implementing it
  • Although Jmeter is considered for Performance it is not safe to use for highly sensitive and confidential projects therefore tell us your suggestion about how are you going to implement performance testing.
  • How do you automate bar charts and pie charts?
  • How to handle the automation if bar charts and pie charts are taking time to display and if failed how?
  • Would you take a screenshot?
  • Why are you looking for a Job change?
  • How can you contribute yourself to our products since we are looking for a person who is strong in Finance (not in the Insurance or Banking domain)
  • What is your current role and how are you managing it
  • How do you plan and estimate the project and coordinate with the developers
  • During this COVID situation, since everyone is working from home. How would you manage the project with other team members and get things done on time?

Company Name: LTIMindtree
Position: Automation Testing With Rest Assured
Company Location: Bangalore
Experience: 6 Yrs
Shared By: Admin
No Of Rounds: 1st Round
Updated on: 17.03.2024

  • You are tasked with automating the testing of a pagination feature on a web application using Selenium WebDriver. How would you design your automation script to handle navigating through multiple pages of search results?
  • Describe a scenario where you implemented data-driven testing with Selenium. How did you manage test data, and what techniques did you use to parameterize your tests?
  • You are testing a REST API that requires complex query parameters for filtering data. How would you verify that the API returns the correct results based on different combinations of query parameters?
  • You’re testing an API that interacts with a database. How would you verify that the API operations are correctly reflected in the database?
  • You’re automating the testing of an API that returns weather information. How would you design your test cases to validate the accuracy of the temperature, humidity, wind speed, and other parameters returned by the API?
  • You’re automating the testing of a healthcare application that handles sensitive patient data. How would you design your test cases to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements like HIPAA and GDPR, including data encryption and access controls
  • You’re testing a web application that uses cookies for session management and personalization. How would you handle cookie management in your automated tests to ensure accurate behaviour across different user sessions and scenarios?
  • Input; This is my first interview
    o/p: siht si ym tsrif weivretni
  • Input: ram, ram, peter, john, ram
    O/p: ram, peter, john

Company Name: LNTMindtree
Position: Automation Testing
Round: Level 1
Company Location: Bangalore
Interview Date: 29.03.2024
Updated on: 30.04.2024

  • Introduction
  • Difference between list and set
  • What is hashing in Java
  • Oops concept in Java
  • Implicit and explicit waits
  • Annotations in TestNG
  • Explain framework structure
  • Write a program for ascending arrays using bubble sort.
  • How to call a constructor inside another constructor.
  • Challenges while doing automation
  • Bug life cycle
  • Explain STLC
  • What is selenium, advantages and disadvantages
  • Explain Agile ceremonies
  • Smoke sanity difference
  • How to handle exceptions in Java.
  • What is Serialization in Java?

Company Name: Mindtree
Company Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 03.10.2022

  • Explain the framework and your roles and responsibilities
  • Explain STLC
  • Explain Defect
  • Explain Static block in Java
  • Explain the Constructor and can we overload the constructor
  • A parent-child relationship Program was given and the output
  • Explain the default value of the Local variable
  • Can Constructor be stati

Company Name: Mindtree
Position: Automation Testing
Company Location: Bangalore
Experience: 12 Yrs
Shared By: Arien
No Of Rounds: 3
Updated on: 03.10.2022

Slightly tough. Questions –

  • Java – What is final, finally, and finalize?
  • Web Element and Webdriver
  • Difference between overloading and overriding.
  • Different OOP concepts.
  • What is Polymorphism?
  • Xpath
  • What is a list, set, and map?
  • Difference between interface and abstraction?
  • What are collections in Java?
  • Explain the defect life cycle.

Company Name: Mindtree
Position: Sr. Test Engineer
Company Location: Bangalore
Experience: 3.2 Yrs
Shared By: Anup Kulkarni
No Of Rounds: 3
Updated on: 03.10.2022

Mindtree interviews will be a bit harder compared to other service-based companies.

The interview had 3 rounds:

  • Technical
  • Managerial
  • HR

Technical Round Interview Questions:

  • Tell us something about your work, experience, project and how are doing in your project.
  • In Financial products being developed what Software Model would you suggest for Developers, is it Agile or Scrum and why?
  • What are the limitations of the Scrum model
  • What Automation Architecture are you following in your project?
  • What kind of UI tests will be implemented if you have categorize-based options to be chosen? For ex: If you select a category, 5 options are displayed, if you select a 2nd category, 3 options are displayed.
  • What tools are you using in your current project and how are you implementing it
  • Although Jmeter is considered for Performance it is not safe to use for highly sensitive and confidential projects therefore tell us your suggestion about how are you going to implement performance testing.
  • How do you automate bar charts and pie charts?
  • How to handle the automation if bar charts and pie charts are taking time to display and if failed how would you take screenshots?
  • Why are you looking for a Job change?
  • How can you contribute yourself to our products since we are looking for a person who is strong in Finance (not in the Insurance or Banking domain)
  • What is your current role and how are you managing it
  • How do you plan and estimate the project and coordinate with the developers Personal:
  • During this COVID situation, since everyone is working from home. How would you manage the project with other team members and get things done on time?


  • The difference between final, finally and finalize
  • Oops, concepts and the multiple inheritance concept. How do achieve multiple inheritances?
  • TestNG annotations, Priorities of TestNG tests, Order of execution of tests, Groups, Group of groups, Include and exclude concepts, Data provider, Invocation count, Parallel testing
  • Cucumber: What is BDD and TDD, Types of frameworks, how is keyword stored in Keyword driven framework, Data handling code using Apache POI, Scenarios, Scenario outline, Background, Examples keyword, Testrunner file, Plugins in Testrunner, Monochrome in Testrunner, Dryrun in Testrunner, Strict in Testrunner, Glue in Testrunner, what is Maven and how to skip the scenarios in Cucumber, Hooks concepts.
  • MANAGERIAL ROUND: It was some scenario-based questions, the latest tools used, and Collection concepts.
  • HR Round: General discussion about salary

Company Location: Kolkata, India
Position: Automation Testing Role
Experience: 5 years
Interview Dated: May 13, 2022
Updated on: 16.05.2022

  • Difference between method and construct
  • Can the constructor be final?
  • Can constructors be inherited?
  • Can we use super and this keyword together?
  • Difference between oops and java?
  • How pointer works in java
  • Aggregation in java
  • TestNG annotations
  • Priority in TestNG
Mindtree Limited Interview Questions
Mindtree Limited Interview Questions

Company Name: Mindtree
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 12.10.2021

  • Explain in detail the framework that you are using in your project.
  • How will you rate yourself in Java?
  • Explain the Map and explain each type in detail.
  • What are your project strategies?
  • what are the challenges you faced in your project?
  • Where you will store your test data.
  • Explain your roles and responsibilities in your current project.
  • Explain how effective is agile methodology in your project.
  • How you will execute your code?
  • What are your daily activities in your Project?
  • What is a build tool?
  • Are you working in End to End or only a part of selenium?
  • In selenium how will you handle multiple browsers?
  • At the end of the day, how will you send your report to your Project manager?

Company Name: Mindtree
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 13.07.2021

  • Single and double slash in XPath
  • Synchronization in selenium
  • Implicit wait vs explicit wait which is best
  • Difference between thread sleep vs wait
  • Web Tables Using Selenium WebDriver
  • Navigate from the first tab to the second tab in windows selenium
  • Switch tabs using Selenium WebDriver with Java.
  • Navigate to vs get in selenium
  • How to fetch data as input from excel and use it as input to log in or some other page?
  • Read username and password from excel sheet
  • Alert popup handling in selenium
  • Window-based popup in selenium

Company Name: Mindtree
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 18.03.2020

These are the questions I was asked from Mindtree.

  • Selenium grid
  • This keyword
  • Final keyword
  • Static keyword
  • Access modifiers
  • How will you type into the text box without sendkeys
  • How to take screenshots
  • How to use listeners what is the benefit of using it.
  • How to call log4j into your classes
  • How many types of browsers available in webdriver
  • Can we run the parallel testing without TestNG
  • What is serialization and Deserialization in Rest assured
  • What are spec builders
  • What are the packages you have used in Rest assured
  • Some basic questions about the framework and oops implementation in it
  • Some basic questions on Cucumber

Interview Location: Hyderabad, India
Updated on: 17.03.2020

  • Data-driven and keyword-driven framework with code overview
  • How to read data from excel
  • Different types of Locators and which locators are preferable?
  • Collection: Assume two List is there. How you will remove duplicates using Hashmap.
  • How do you debug the selenium code in runtime?
  • Fetch all the cell data, column-wise from a dynamic web table
  • SQL- Joins, syntax
  • Collections: How many Interfaces are there? Explain
  • Difference between Set and List
  • Test Management tool
  • Have you used Jenkins and what you did through Jenkins? Cross questions will come based on your ans
  • Rest API: Status code, process, few entity names.

Managerial question: you are an individual contributor to automation testing. Manual Testers from different vendors already gave you the KT. Now during automation, you observe expected and actual results are not matching and you are trying to connect with manual testers but not getting a response. BA is not available. Basically, you are stuck. What will be your approach?

Interview Location: Pune, India
Updated on: 17.03.2020

  • Tell me about yourself??
  • Explain your framework.
  • What is oops. explain with an example
  • Oops in selenium?
  • What is the difference between abstraction and interface?
  • What is the collection in java??
  • Difference between has set and hashmap
  • Difference between array and ArrayList
  • Locators in selenium.
  • Types of XPath
  • Synchronization
  • Explicit and implicit wait
  • Testng annotations
  • How to parallel run

Company Location: Bangalore, India
Experience: 3-5 Years
Updated On: 18.02.2021

  • Explain about BDD framework in your project
  • Explain the feature file?
  • They have Given given scenario as some website login page n asked me to write a feature file.
  • Explain Cucumber options and Gherkin keywords?
  • What is a static keyword and where we use the static keyword?
  • Can we override the static method?
  • Oops concepts
  • Encapsulation with example?
  • Difference between abstraction and interface
  • How to select a value from dropdowns?
  • TestNG Listeners?
  • Explain about TestNG attributes?
  • How to run the same test case multiple times?
  • How to skip the test failed test cases?
  • What are the basic principles to override a method?
  • Throws and throw difference?
  • What are the access modifiers used in your project explain them?

Asked around 20-25 questions not remembered all

Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated On: 14.09.2021

  • What framework have you worked and used in automation?
  • How many methods are there in your framework libraries?
  • What all methods in libraries?
  • How many test scripts are there for your application?
  • How often do you run your automation test?
  • What are you getAttribute and getText?
  • What is the time taken to run all your scripts?
  • What settings do you do before running your automation test?
  • How do you pass values to the method?
  • Who writes the test cases?
  • Write a script to print the multiples of 5?
  • How do you change the run time property values of the element?
  • How do you handle dynamic elements during run time?
  • What version of selenium do you use, and which is the latest version?
  • Suppose a webtable is there with three columns, such as combo box, name, and id. I want to search for a particular id and also check the checkbox for that particular id. How would you do that?

  • What is the difference between hashmap and hashtable?
  • How to remove duplicates in strings and print them?
  • How to reverse a string Test?
  • Inheritance and polymorphism?

Mindtree Selenium Questions

  • How do you handle pop up
  • How to switch between one window to another window and how to get data on child window
  • Types of locators
  • Which locator is used most in a selenium framework?
  • Explain your framework
  • How do you handle drop-down?
  • How do you handle a radio button?


  • How to handle dynamic object
  • How to work with a button that is in the div tag and you have to click without using XPath
  • How many Test script you write in a day
  • Describe your framework
  • How to parameterized your Junit
  • How to handle SSL security
  • How to handle window pops
  • Difference between implicit and explicit
  • What are the types of assertion and what is the assertion in Junit?
  • What is the return type of getwindowhandles();
  • How to handle ajax application or ajax based object

Java Interview Questions

  • JVM is a dependent or independent platform
  • Difference b/w hashmap and HashSet set and linked list, ArrayList and vector list, linked hash set and HashSet
  • Difference  B/w abstract and interface
  • Diff. b/w throw and throws
  • How to split a string
  • Checked and unchecked exception
  • Why the string is immutable

Technical Round:

  • Tell me about yourself?
  • Write a selenium code 
    • Login to
    • Select any Samsung mobile.
    • Add to cart
    • Verify whether it’s added to the cart or not?
  • What are the annotations in TestNG?
  • Can you write selenium code without using the Firefox browser?
  • Suppose an application is working fine in all browsers except Mozilla Firefox, How can you rectify it?
  • Write code to select the 4th item from the drop-down list?
  • What is the difference between close and quit in selenium?
  • How to handle multiple windows in selenium webdriver?
  • How to handle window-based pop up in selenium?
  • What is included and excluded in TestNG?
  • How to run test cases in the group by using TestNG?
  • Can you write dynamic XPath?
  • When we go for automation testing?
  • What is the selenium grid?

Managerial Round:

  • What is synchronization in selenium?
  • What is the difference between implicit, explicit wait, and fluent wait?
  • What is the thread.sleep() method?
  • How does selenium work?
  • Draw the architecture of a selenium webdriver?
  • Explain to me your project?
  • Which framework are you working on? Can you explain it to me?
  • What is the difference between Selenium RC and Selenium Webdriver?
  • Why selenium? Why not QTP?
  • How much are you rating yourself in java out of 10?
  • 30 minutes some general questions not related to technical

  • How to handle dynamic object
  • How to work with the button which is in the div tag and you have to click without using XPath
  • JVM is a dependent or independent platform
  • How many Test script you write in a day
  • Describe your framework
  • How to parameterized your Junit
  • How to handle SSL security
  • How to handle window pops
  • Difference  between implicit and explicit
  • What are the types of assertion and what is an assertion in Junit?

If you have attended an interview recently, then you can share your interview questions, process, and your experience with us. So that we can share that on this platform, which will help others in cracking the interview.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

1 thought on “LTIMindtree Interview Questions”

  1. OOPs concept in Java
    Array vs Arraylist
    Extract Google from String
    How Split works
    what split returns
    When css locaters are used
    Syntax for xpath
    how to select value from Dropdown
    How to handle multiple windows
    What is return type of get.windowhandles()
    Methods in Action Class
    What if perform() is not used in action class
    Implicit wait vs explicit wait
    Syntax for Explicit wait
    Webtables in Selenium
    Xpath for link present in webtable(1st row, 1st column)
    @BeforeTest vs @BeforeMethod
    Listeners in testng
    Feature in Cucumber
    Step Definition in Cucumber
    How to run one test case for different test data in cucumber


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