Manual Testing Types

A software product is created to provide a useful solution for a particular problem. It has several key features that will guide users to fulfill their requirements. The software development process involves the collaborative efforts of business analysts, software architects, project managers, and developers.

People involved in software development take different perspectives when developing a solution. The testers play an important role during the software testing processes, as they ensure the software product’s functionality and reliability.

Software Verification and Validation (SV&V) is involved in testing that verifies and validates the product under different circumstances.

Testing objectively evaluates a software product to ensure it meets all the business requirements. The testing process involves a series of activities conducted in an organized manner to achieve a highly effective and efficient quality level for the Software products.

Manual Testing Types

Testing can be performed manually or through the use of automated tools. If you are following the manual, you can test by using some of the Manual testing methods and techniques used by the manual testers in software quality assurance.

We have mentioned different manual testing methods below:

1. Black Box Testing

This method focuses on the software functionality and how it will behave when given a particular input. This testing aims to check whether the software product meets the design specification. This method will not consider the internal workings of the software products. It only checks that the system does what it is expected to do.

Black Box Testing Techniques:

A testing technique is used when the application’s structure, processing, and algorithms are unknown to the tester. However, the Black Box testing technique is used where the tester cannot access the application’s internal structure.

Black Box Testing Techniques list:

  • Equivalence Partitioning
  • Boundary Value Analysis
  • Decision Table
  • State Transition Testing

Types of Black Box Testing:

The black box is a testing method in which the software or product’s internal structure is unknown to the tester. The tester is acquainted only with the input and output of the system.

1) Functional Testing: Here, the tester has no information about the internal structure of the software. The tester tries various possible ways to get input in the system and validates its output for all feasible combinations.

2) non-functionality Testing: Here, we are not concerned with the software’s functionality, but this method requires us to have information about the internal structure of the software. We need to test each module and check for memory leaks, scalability, compatibility, performance, stress, load, security, proper functioning of all modules, and data integrity within the software.

2. White Box Testing

White-box testing (WBT) is a software testing method that uses information about the internal structures of the component or system under test. It may be contrasted with black-box testing, in which the tester has no knowledge of such internal structures. White box techniques often rely on understanding code structure and programming language constructs rather than on execution data and test cases. Some of the techniques used in white-box testing include:

White box testing is sometimes called structural, clear, or glass box testing because it allows testers to see inside the “box” and “clarify” black box concepts. White-box testing is typically faster than black-box techniques.

White Box Testing Techniques:

White box testing techniques are categorized as follows:

  • Statement Coverage
  • Branch Coverage
  • Path Coverage

3. Grey Box Testing

This testing method is a blend of both white and black-box methods. This method will shift focus from internal structure to architecture that is exposed by the software to the outer world.

4. Pair-wise Testing (Pairwise Testing)

This testing method is used with the black box and white box methods. This testing approach involves checking each pair of input fields against each other to ensure that the software product is functioning properly. This testing method checks whether each input combination works as per the Software Requirements Specification.

5. Regression Testing

This testing technique is performed on a software product to ensure it continues to work as expected after making any changes. It involves testing previously tested and non-tested segments of a software product, and the purpose of this testing is to ensure that the software product meets all business processes and requirements. This helps the testers perform black-box testing on the revised software. Regression testing is performed along with other white box testing methods to check whether any changes have affected the internal structure of the software product. This testing can be done anytime but is typically performed at the end of a development iteration after patches or service packs are applied.

6. Integration Testing

This testing technique is performed to verify whether the individual software modules are working properly. This method ensures that when different parts of a single system are integrated, they function properly. The testers perform integration testing, other white box testing methods, and pair-wise tests on a single module to ensure it meets the Software Requirements Specification.

7. Smoke Testing (Smoke and Sanity testing)

This testing method performs basic checks on software products to ensure they meet the minimum conditions. It involves running automated tests to ensure software functionality and detecting major defects. This testing aims to establish a base level for testing and detect any serious issues with the software product.

8. Sanity Testing (Integration Testing)

This testing method is used for integration testing some specific functionality. This indicates whether the software product has been developed properly with regard to the Software Requirements Specification.

9. User Acceptance Testing (functionality testing and performance testing)

This method is used to check whether the product meets the business requirements. The testing team will be executing this test on behalf of the client, and it involves both functional and performance testing. This testing aims to ensure that the software product meets the business requirements and includes several levels, such as daily, weekly, and monthly.

10. Exploratory Testing (Alpha testing and Beta Testing)

This testing method ensures the software product meets the user’s requirements. It involves testing without adhering to any formal test design techniques or standards. The purpose of this testing is to ensure the product meets user expectations.

11. Acceptance Testing (Black box test planning, performance testing, and performance testing)

This testing method ensures the software meets all business processes and requirements. Members of the business or quality assurance team typically perform this. This testing aims to ensure that the software product meets all business processes and requirements.

12. Performance Testing (Performance and Load testing)

This test method is used to determine the performance of a software product. It is typically performed on an individual module, and this testing aims to ensure that the software product meets all business processes and requirements. This testing is usually performed in the development environment to avoid impacting production environments with performance test configuration changes.

13. Stress Testing (Stress and Endurance Testing)

This testing method evaluates a software product’s performance under various workloads or stress conditions. It is typically performed using automated tools, and this testing aims to ensure that the software product meets all business processes and requirements. This testing is usually performed in the development environment in order to avoid impacting production environments with stress test configuration changes.

14. Recovery Testing (Recovery, Restoration, and Reconfiguration testing)

This testing method is used for recovery from a system failure. It typically involves restarting an application and restoring data, and the purpose of this testing is to ensure that the software product meets all business processes and requirements. This testing is usually performed in the development environment in order to avoid impacting production environments with recovery test configuration changes.

15. Installation Testing (Installation and kick-off testing)

This testing method ensures that an application, system, or product can be successfully installed. The installation tests are typically performed using automated tools, and this testing aims to ensure that the software product meets all business processes and requirements. This testing is usually performed in the development environment in order to avoid impacting production environments with installation test configuration changes.

16. Configuration Testing (Configuration testing)

This testing method tests the hardware and software components before releasing and installing the product. It typically involves checking or setting the configuration parameters for the test environment, and the purpose of this testing is to ensure that the software product meets all business processes and requirements. This testing is usually performed in the development environment in order to avoid impacting production environments with configuration test configuration changes.

17. Security Testing (Security and privacy testing)

This testing method evaluates the software product’s security and privacy features. It typically involves evaluating access controls, data encryption, network security, physical security, etc., and this testing aims to ensure that the software product meets all business processes and requirements. This testing is usually performed in the development environment to avoid impacting production environments with security test configuration changes.

18. Volume Testing (Volume, load, and endurance testing)

This testing method evaluates a software product’s performance as its workload increases. It typically involves increasing the stress load on a system, and the purpose of this testing is to ensure that the software product meets all business processes and requirements. This testing is usually performed in the development environment in order to avoid impacting production environments with volume test configuration changes.

19. Penetration Testing (Penetration test planning)

This testing method is used to test a software product’s security measures. It typically involves gathering information to gain access, and the purpose of this testing is to ensure that the software product meets all business processes and requirements. This testing is usually performed in the development environment in order to avoid impacting production environments with penetration test configuration changes.

20. Compatibility Testing (Functionality testing and software compatibility testing)

This testing method evaluates a software product’s compatibility with other products or systems. It typically involves evaluating components, database tables, etc., and this testing aims to ensure that the software product meets all business processes and requirements. This testing is usually performed in the development environment in order to avoid impacting production environments with compatibility test configuration changes.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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