Test Cases For Login Page In Excel Sheet Pdf

This document provides sample test cases, scenarios, and templates that validate login functionality across web applications. In this context, the creation and execution of test cases play an important role in ensuring the robust performance of the login page. Utilizing a test case template in Excel provides an organized framework for delineating various scenarios and documenting outcomes.

It includes Excel-based test case templates covering positive and negative scenarios, with examples for login pages of popular apps like Instagram. When developing test cases for a login page, it is essential to consider diverse scenarios encompassing positive and negative test cases.

Post On:Test Case For Login Page
Post Type:Test Case
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
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This article will explore the intricacies of crafting effective test cases for a login page, providing insights on template utilization, scenario considerations, and the overall methodology for ensuring robust login functionality.

Whether you want to write test cases for a login page in Excel or seek a comprehensive guide on login page testing, this article aims to be your go-to resource. Feel free to explore the structured content, and should you have any comments or suggestions, we welcome your valuable input to enhance this resource continually.

Elements Of a Login Page

Before writing the test scenario for the login page, imagine if you have the mockup screen. First, try to find all the elements of the page. The Login page may have the following elements on it:

  • Email / Username / Password Text Box
  • Remember Me CheckBox
  • Login Button
  • Login via the Facebook button
  • Log in via a Twitter button
  • Login via the GitHub button
  • Login via the Google button
  • Login Screen For Different Resolution on Mobile, Desktop & Tab.
  • If you try to access your account without logging in, it should be redirected to the login page.
  • Spam users’ accounts are deactivated, and should not be able to log in.
  • CAPTCHA displayed on ten attempts to log in unsuccessfully

So, we came up with a list of scenarios to Test the Login Page, and gradually, we will be adding more such checks to this list.

Test Cases For Login Page Template In Excel Sheet Pdf

For this scenario, first, let us divide all the possible categories like:

Basic Field Validations of GUI
Testing Captcha
Security Validations

Field Validation On GUI

  • Check if the cursor is the focus of the username text box when you open the login page.
  • Check whether tab functionality (moving the cursor from one text box to another) works.
  • Check whether the text boxes’ minimum and maximum lengths are defined.
  • Check whether Password field values are displayed in masked format or not.
  • Check whether the validation message is displaying based on the input value.
  • Check the valid credentials. The user should be able to log in
  • Check if the user is redirected to the forget password page after clicking the link.
  • Check if the user is redirected to the signup page after clicking on it.
  • Check that users cannot log in with valid user names and invalid passwords.
  • Check user should not be able to log in with an invalid username and valid password.
  • Check user should not be able to log in with a blank user field and valid password.
  • Check that the user cannot log in with a valid user and blank password field.
  • The system should block the IP or User name after frequent unsuccessful (defined invalid login attempts) login.
  • Check if all text box data are clear after hitting the reset button.
  • Check using the keyboard tab functionality; the user can select the web element through the tab button.
  • Check whether the user can click the login button through the enter button.
  • Check that the user credential remains on the field after clicking remember and returning to the login screen.
  • Check if the login screen appears after clicking a link or login button.
  • Check that all login-related elements and fields are present on the login page.
  • Check the alignment of displayed elements on the login screen that should be compatible with cross-browser testing.
  • Different elements’ sizes, colours, and UI should match the specifications.
  • Check that the application’s login page is responsive and aligns properly on different screen resolutions and devices.

For Captcha

  • When a user does not validate the captcha, the user should not be allowed to log in.
  • Check whether the link is present so a user can refresh the captcha.
  • Check whether the input field of the captcha is case-sensitive or not.
  • There should be an option for audio support so the audio user can fill in the captcha after playing.
  • The angle and background texture of the captcha should be different so that captcha-cracking programs can not break them easily.

Security Test Scenarios

  • XSS scripts should not affect the system, and Users should not be allowed to log in. A proper validation message should be displayed.
  • Check if the SSL certificate is implemented in the application or not.
  • Users should not be allowed to copy and paste the password from the text boxes.
  • Check if a user is logging in from a new device; a notification should be sent to the registered user.
  • SSL certificate should be implemented/ installed to secure the platform.
  • The password should not be worked when copied.
  • The login form should not reveal security information in view page source mode.
  • The login form should not be vulnerable to SQL injection.
  • Check the password format should be encrypted.
  • When a logged-in user copies the URL and pastes it into a new window, it should redirect to the login page.
  • Two-way authentication through OTP on mobile/email should be tested for banking applications.


  • Check if a user successfully logs out; if the user clicks, the back button should not take the User to logged-in mode.
  • If a user logs in through multiple devices and logs out from one device, the user should automatically log out from all the devices.
  • Check that session time out an application.
  • Maximum Session time should be set for the Secured website.
  • If a user clears all a browser’s cookies and tries to go to a specific application page, it should ask for credentials again.
  • The browser’s ‘Remember Form Data’ setting should not remember the password.
  • Validate the login functionality when browser cookies are turned OFF.

Negative Test Cases For Login Page

  • Check if a user can log in with an expired password or not.
  • Check if an unverified user can log in to the application or not.
  • Check if the login functionality with blank fields
  • Check the login functionality with SQL injections
  • Check if the login functionality has incorrect email addresses and passwords.

Performance Test

  • Check how many users log in to an application at a time
  • Check the response time when the user logs in to the application.
  • Check when more than expected users log in to the application simultaneously; the application should not crash.

Download the test cases for the login page template in the Excel sheet


The thorough development and execution of test cases for a login page are integral to the seamless functioning of any software system. Throughout this exploration, we’ve delved into the importance of employing a test case template in Excel, offering a systematic approach to document and analyze various scenarios.

Crafting effective test cases involves considering both positive and negative scenarios and ensuring the robustness of the login functionality. As we wrap up this discussion, we invite you to share your insights, experiences, and suggestions. Your feedback is invaluable in our ongoing commitment to refining and enhancing our approach to test case development.

Feel free to leave your comments below, contributing to the collective knowledge and excellence in login page testing. Together, let’s continue to elevate the standards of software quality assurance.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to softwaretestingo.com@gmail.com, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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