Test Case For Login Attempts

Test Case For Login Attempts: In this article, we will discuss negative and positive scenarios to test the Login page. Testing the Login page is essential in terms of security and functional aspects. Though we make sure to cover most scenarios, some basic scenarios are often missed, which can lead to a bad user experience.

Post On:Test Case For Login Attempts
Post Type:Test Case Template
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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What is a login attempt?

A hacker keeps trying to guess your password until they get it right. Most of the time, they use a script for this. Limit Login Attempts allows us to track and limit the number of failed login attempts.

So, we came up with a list of scenarios to Test the Login Page, and gradually, we will be adding more such checks to this list.

Test Case For Login Attempts 1

Test Cases For Login Attempts

There are few test cases related to login attempts, considering the login form contains only a username, password, and a submit button:

  • Log in with valid credentials, i.e., the correct username and password.
  • Login with a valid username and an invalid password
  • Login with an invalid username and valid password
  • Log in with a valid username in caps and a valid password
  • Login with invalid credentials to determine when the account is locked regarding how many attempts with incorrect credentials are allowed.
  • Login without entering the credentials by just clicking on the login button to check the validation messages
  • Log in with a valid username and password, observe the URL, and make sure the data is not shown in the URL, as it can be preserved and modified later.
  • I’m not covering the forgot password link scenarios here; this is only for two textboxes, assuming username and password and a login button.
  • Login by just clicking on the submit button, i.e., without entering the credentials.
  • Login with the correct credentials, i.e., username and password
  • Login with an incorrect username and correct password
  • Login with the correct username and incorrect password
  • Log in with the username in uppercase and correct the password
  • Login with the correct username in lowercase and the correct password
  • Login with the correct username in lowercase and the incorrect password
  • Login with an incorrect username and uppercase password
  • Login with the correct username and correct password in lowercase

I will add more if something comes up to me. I hope this helps. But in the meantime, if you notice any missed test cases, you can update us using the comment section.

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