Infosys Iconnect Interview Questions

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Infosys Iconnect Automation Testing Interview Questions: Practice is essential for preparing for an interview. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is necessary – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew what interview questions they would ask for the Test Engineer positions and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Infosys Wiki interview questions and answers.

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Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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We have also tried to share some manual testing interview questions and Selenium Interview Questions for Experienced & testing interview questions. Still, we recommend spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked in the past interview when you go for the Infosys Wiki interview.

Still, we need you are love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So please share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting us at

Infosys Interview Questions For Automation Testing

Company Name: Infosys
Position: Automation Tester
Skills: Java, Selenium, API
Updated on: 30.04.2024

  • Tell me something about yourself.
  • What are your Roles and Responsibilities in the current project?
  • In which Framework do you work explain it.
  • Write XPath using contains.
  • What is BDD?
  • Write screenshot syntax
  • What is the scenario outline?
  • How will you drag and drop in selenium?
  • What is the use of a driver in Selenium?
  • What is the page factory Why do we use it?
  • What are the new features in Selenium 4?
  • when we use robot class in selenium?
  • What is fluent wait?
  • Write down the code for scrolling a page?
  • A list of no is available in the table how to find the duplicate number?
  • HTTP methods explain CRUD operations with example
  • Why do we use Kibana if we have a Postman console to check logs?
  • Api security-associated questions like Oauth 2.0
  • JWT explains this clearly
  • Different status codes and he asked me about 429
  • Rest vs SOAP
  • Can we use the Post method to update the resource?
  • Tell me about Selenium 4
  • Leap Year Program
  • What do you mean by Bearer tokens
  • Explain your roles and responsibilities in the current project

Company Name: Infosys
Position: Test Analyst
Company Location: Pune
Experience: 3.7 Yrs
Shared By: Aditi Kumari
No Of Rounds: 2
Updated on: 03.10.2022


The interview was good, First, I attended the Technical round, and in the panel, there were 2 Technical persons and both are sounding good in terms of Technical skills. Overall experience was awesome. we need to stick to our basics and we need to be sure of our daily activities.


I attended the Test Analyst role and all the questions were related to Testing, Testing Concepts, and Testing Methodologies the main focus was on Agile Methodologies questions and they asked me to derive scenarios for some examples.

  • Tell me something about yourself.
  • What is your Roles and Responsibilities in current project?
  • In which Framework you have worked explain it.
  • Write xpath using contains.
  • What is BDD?
  • Write screen shot syntax
  • What is scenario outline?
  • How you will drag and drop in selenium?
  • What is the use of driver in Selenium?
  • What is page factory why we use it?
  • What are new feature in Selenium 4?
  • when we use robot class in selenium?
  • What is fluent wait?
  • Write down the code for scroll a page?
  • A list of no is available in table how to find the duplicate number?
  • HTTP methods explain CRUD operations with example
  • Why do we use Kibana if we have a Postman console to check logs?
  • Api security-associated questions like Oauth 2.0
  • JWT explain this clearly
  • Different status codes and he asked me about 429 I was not able to and that point in time
  • Rest vs SOAP
  • Can we use the Post method to update the resource?
  • Tell me about Selenium 4
  • Leap Year Program
  • What do you mean by Bearer tokens
  • Explain your roles and responsibilities in the current project

Tips: Be clear on your basics, all questions will come from our daily activities. Apart from this prepare well on Cucumber, TestNg, Git, Jenkins Core Java concepts.

Infosys Automation Testing Interview Questions

Company Location: Bangalore, India
Exp Range: 3 Year
Interview Date: 16.08.2022
Updated on: 01.09.2022
Submitted By: Achal Kumar

  • Can we time one test case for 5 min?
  • How do you decide that you need a hybrid framework?
  • If there are two test cases in the suite, what is the flow of execution?
  • Why relative XPath is preferred by automation developers
  • How to do database connection in selenium.
  • What is List and LinkedList and ArrayList
  • Hashmap hashset and programs.
  • Write a program to find duplicate word(refer string programs)
  • Can we override static methods
  • Access modifiers and its uses,when will u define what .
  • Program for reverse sentence (spaces should not change) for exi am an idiot code:t of di namai
  • OOps concepts
  • Explain about ur project
  • What do u have in bdd
  • What annotations do u have in bdd
  • What does feature files contains.
  • Have u used javascript? what why and where
  • If i want to read/write/modify any type of file how can i doit. (FileReader/Writer/Buffer)
  • Parallel execution
  • If i want to run a particular scenario how can i do it(dont worry i will simplify this question for u.ex: i have 5 test cases in
  • scenario a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,all these are under one test case. but i want to run only a3.i dont want remaining to run .how can i do it
  • Alerts
  • Can you automate popup window?

Infosys Pune Interview Questions

Company Location: Bangalore, India
Exp Range: 3 Year
Updated on: 26.04.2022
Mode: Telephonic Round

  • Retrospective meeting
  • Scrum master
  • Challenges you faced in the project?
  • How do you use Jira in your project?
  • Regarding Confluence
  • Traceability matrix
  • Sprint duration plan
  • Test plan core item

Infosys Pune Interview Questions

Company Location: Pune, India
Exp Range: 3-6 yrs
Updated on: 08.11.2021

  • Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList
  • What is collection
  • How to iterate the list
  • What is interface
  • Explain method override and method overloading
  • Can we override the main method and why?
  • What is an abstract class
  • What is a Super keyword
  • What is encapsulation
  • What is webdriver
  • What is the parent interface of Webdriver? Ans: “SearchContext”
  • Difference between findelement and findelements
  • Difference between
    Webdriver driver=new FirefoxDriver() and FirefoxDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver()
  • Explain throw and throws
  • Can try with multiple catches possible?
  • Can multiple try block with a single catch be possible?
  • Explain your project
  • How do you read/write excel?
  • Are you able to design a framework from scratch
  • Question on Jenkins.

Infosys Hyderabad Interview Questions

Company Location: Hyderabad, India
Updated on: 24.03.2020

  • There are two class suppose Class A and Class B. both the classes have the same methods. Class B extends class A We create the object of class B inside class B. Then which method will be called?
  • Write a program to remove the duplicate character from a string
  • Write a java program to reverse the string
  • Write the java program to count the occurrence of characters from a string
  • There is a variable declared inside the Interface. Can we change the value of the variable?
  • The string is immutable or mutable.
  • What is the difference between : WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver(); ChromeDriver driver=new ChromeDriver()?
  • WebDriver is Interface or class? If it is an Interface then the methods we are using is written under which class?
  • What is the difference between a List and a Set?
  • What are the two different files used in Cucumber?

Infosys Trivandrum Interview Questions

Company Location: Trivandrum, India
Updated on: 16.03.2020

  • Are there any helpful documents or tips for Servicenow Automation using selenium java?

Infosys Hyderabad Interview Questions

Company Location: Hyderabad, India
Updated on: 09.03.2020

  • What is the difference between Agile Scrum and KANBAN? Explain with a practical example.
  • How to click on all the links on a webpage
  • Why do we use Protractor and how is it different from Selenium?
  • Questions on Framework, explain the framework you are using in your current company.

Infosys Testing Interview Questions

Interview Location: Bangalore, India
Experience: 3 – 5 Years
Updated on: 24.02.2021

  • Explain roles and responsibilities
  • Difference between explicit and implicit waits?
  • How will you handle alerts?
  • How will go from one application to another like mainframe and all(I am not sure)
  • WAP to print occurrence of elements and count of elements from given in the array.
  • What challenges did you face while doing Automation?
  • Few scenario-based questions
  • Have you worked on other testing like ETL performance and all other than application testing?
  • What do you do to fetch data from excel?
  • What are Hooks and tagging in BDD Cucumber?
  • Ask to write XPath using parent and following sibling.
  • If an element is not clickable, what will be your approach?
  • Few more questions from the interface and classes
  • What is your strength? 😃
  • Reporting and CI/CD pipeline, integration to Jenkins were you involved?

Infosys Interview Questions For 3-Year Experience

Company Location: Bangalore, India
Experience: 3-5 Years
Updated on: 16.02.2021

Infosys Pune 1st Round Questions(3-5 years)

  • Explain roles and responsibilities
  • Difference between explicit and implicit waits?
  • How will you handle alerts?
  • How will go from one application to another like mainframe and all(I am not sure)
  • WAP to print occurrence of elements and count of elements from given in the array.
  • What challenges did you face while doing Automation?
  • Few scenario-based questions
  • Have you worked on other testing like ETL performance and all other than application testing?
  • What do you do to fetch data from excel?
  • What are Hooks and tagging in BDD Cucumber?
  • Ask to write XPath using parent and following sibling.
  • If an element is not clickable, what will be your approach?
  • Few more questions from the interface and classes
  • What is your strength?
  • Reporting and CI/CD pipeline, integration to Jenkins were you involved?

2nd Round was managerial So they asked me some scenario-based questions

Infosys Technology Analyst ( 4yr Exp ) [ Updated on 20.01.2021 ]

Infosys interview for technology analyst position ( Typical SDET requirements in JD,  Selenium, API Testing, Appium, Jenkins, Agile )
Interviewer: Testing architects

  • What is java, how does JVM work, and how java is platform-independent?
  • What is the java classloader!!
  • How do web services work- he was not happy with 2-3 points explanation of API architecture
  • How does microservices are built?
  • When do we use java for selenium, why not other languages
  • What abstract class, interface- not definition, the concept behind it
  • How Jenkins pipeline is built
  • Only 1 question on selenium what’s XPath?
  • 15 min on typical agile questions

I was surprised to see java and API-related questions like the above for a tester with a selenium skill set.

Infosys Skype Round Interview Questions [Updated – 04.01.2021]

  • Project summary
  • What are Maven and its use in running test cases?
  • What are absolute and relative XPath?
  • Difference between XPath and CSS and which is faster?
  • Advantages of the testing framework.
  • What is traceability in software testing and what do you mean by Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)?
  • How the regression reports are generated in your project?
  • What do you mean by priority and severity in planning and tracking tools like JIRA?
  • SQL query to fetch the second highest salary from a set of records.
  • How to handle window pop-ups using selenium automation?
  • What do you mean by defect lifecycle?
  • What are the Estimation and estimation tools used in your project?
  • What is it like maintaining the regression pack and integrating it on CI/CD tools like TeamCity and Jenkins? (Project specific)
  • How can we handle Captcha with Selenium automation?

Infosys (Bangalore) Interview Questions

  • Can we create a constructor as private?
  • Can we override private methods?
  • Program to count the occurrence of a specific word in the sentence
  • Make XPath for locating particular columns in a dynamic web table
  • How to double-click on the element in selenium?
  • How to switch from the 5th frame to the 4th frame in case all are nested?
  • Validate the color of the progress bar at different points for eg:- at 100% it becomes green and before that it remains orange so how will u validate that green color has appeared?
  • How to click on the last element always for a dynamic drop-down in which element change along with position and their count changes?
  • Suppose I have three classes A, B, and C, where C extends B and B, extends A, so can we call the constructor of A from C by writing like super.super() is it correct?

Infosys Selenium Interview Questions [Updated: 06.09.2019]

  • Brief Description
  • How will you rate yourself in Selenium?
  • SIDE
  • How will you handle pop-ups?
  • Which framework you are using in your project & why?
  • How will you handle javascript pop-ups?
  • How will you handle the SSL issue?
  • How will you take a screenshot?
  • How will you handle AJAX? Explain it with code.
  • Explain your framework.
  • What is STLC, Test Plan & Defect Life Cycle(Procedure to file a defect)
  • Traceability matrix
  • Selenium Grid concepts with code? RC
  • Project Description
  • Difference between Implicitly Wait and Explicitly Wait
  • When will you stop testing?
  • Thread 7 Synchronization in Java
  • Why did you switch three companies in 3 years?

Infosys Interview Questions For Freshers [Updated – 29.09.2018]

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What did you do in the project / Framework?
  • Explain Data-driven framework code for Data-driven framework / How you fetch value?
  • How do you handle cookies & what will your approach be?
  • How are you doing – screenshot of failed test cases?
  • In your project have you done – Javascript?
  • What is agile testing?
  • What are your role and responsibility?
  • Have you handled windows within ID, windows within the window?

Infosys Interview Questions [Added on 15-05-2018]

  • Brief Description of yourself
  • How Selenium IDE is Different from UiPath
  • Selenium IDE?
  • How will you handle pop-ups?
  • Which framework you are using in your project & why?
  • How will you handle javascript pop-ups?
  • How will you handle the SSL issue?
  • How will you take the screenshot?
  • How will you handle AJAX? Explain it with code.
  • Explain your framework.
  • What is STLC, Test Plan & Defect Life Cycle(Procedure to file a defect)
  • Traceability matrix
  • Selenium Grid concepts with the code? RC?
  • Project Description
  • Diff between Implicitly Wait and Explicitly Wait
  • When will you stop testing?
  • Thread 7 Synchronization in java
  • What difficulty did you face in Automation?
  • What do you do with your code when a new version of the browser is launched?
  • What are the features of your automation code?
  • How to integrate HP ALM/HPQC with Selenium?
  • How you are sending the emails from a framework, as .rar files are blocked in most of the companies?
  • How code review is done for your code?

Infosys Java Selenium Interview Questions 23/11/2017

  • Tell me abt urself
  • Tell me abt your framework (i explained the POM framework)
  • Draw a diagram of whatever framework you explained
  • Show the connection between all the packages u explained
  • Explain ur role
  • What r TestNG annotations, what annotation u used in your project, and explain what each annotation does
  • How do you fetch data in DataProvider? Asked the program to be written
  • How do u run ur test scripts?
  • How many test cases do you have in your test cases package
  • if there r 100 test cases, you want to run 50, how to do that
  • What do u do when there is a Defect
  • Defect LifeCycle
  • What do you do in a Defect Triage call
  • What is SDLC? Explain each phase, explain the documentation in each
  • What r exceptions
  • Where do you use it, and y don’t you use it in the Pages package
  • What Reporting technique do you use
  • How to pass PASS or FAIL to Reporter class
  • What are Hub and Node
  • How do u handle alerts?
  • How to get the text of Alert
  • How do you take the alert snapshot?
  • How to handle windows
  • Which Selenium version do you use now
  • What Selenium version u started working
  • Explain the interface with an example
  • What version control do you use in the current project?
  • How do you schedule execution using Jenkin
  • What is maven
  • Difference between Explicit n Implicit wait

Explain to me how can we schedule the test case in Jenkins to run at a specific time.
Ans: In Jenkins, there is one option to build periodically. U can schedule the build over there using the following option.MINUTES Minutes in one hour (0-59)
HOURS Hours in one day (0-23)
DAY MONTH Day in a month (1-31)
MONTH Month in a year (1-12)
DAY WEEK Day of the week (0-7) where 0 and 7 are SundayExample: */5 * * * * means every 5 minutes OR 5 * * * * means the 5th minute of every hour

There was Two round is there

Infosys Technical Round

  • How Many Projects u have Done
  • Explain your project flow(They ware about u domain Like E-commerce, Banking)
  • Write a used Case(Any test case) of your project and Automate (Write a Selenium Code) & I have Written the CheckOut process
  • Explain Your FrameWork and What u have done in Your frameWork, Have u involved in the Design of FrameWork or have you Used Existence FrameWork?
  • What is the Component of Selenium (how to Setup Selenium project)
  • What is Selenium RC?
  • What is Selenium Grid?
  • What is Selenium IDE?
  • What is TestNG?
  • Explain All annotations of TestNG
  • They have Given Scenario U have ExcelSheet that gives data like Row col
    1 username pass
    Two invalid usernames pass
    Three valid username invalid pass
    4 invalid username pass
    Write a Code to fetch data from excel and Display.

Infosys  2nd Round was HR Round

They didn’t ask anything asking only When u will join about ur Expected Salary which domain u can Work like that only and  Why are u looking for a Job Change?

Infosys Java Questions:

  • What is the difference between final, finally, finalize
  • What is the difference between Call by value and call by reference
  • How to find out the length of the string without using the length function
  • How to find out the part of the string from a string
  • Difference between throw & throws
  • What is binding (Early and Late binding)
  • He gives Programs
    1. Reverse a number
    find the biggest number among these
  • Simple string programs.
  • What is exception types of exception?

From Manual:

  • What is the test case technique?
  • Why do we write test cases?
  • Bug Life Cycle
  • What is the different status of a bug?
  • What is the difference between functional and smoke?
  • What is STLC?
  • He gives an application & tells them to write the scenario
  • Some manual testing concepts
  • Explain your roles and responsibilities
  • Explain Automation Life Cycle
  • Which Framework U Have Used?
  • Explain Ur Framework
  • What are the things u stored in PageFactory? Why?
  • Explain TestNG
  • What are the annotations U Have Used?
  • What is Constructor?
  • Where u have used the constructor in Selenium?
  • Which model u have followed in your company?
  • How do you handle dynamic objects on a web page?
  • How do you handle untrusted SSL certificates in Webdriver?
  • What is the difference between the Before method and the Before test?
  • How do verify a particular image and its size on a web page? (Web page has got many images out of which you have select a particular one)
  • What is the use of DesiredCapabilities in Selenium WebDriver?
  • How do you know the Remote m/c details? Like OS, and browser details.
  • How do you find out active elements?

Infosys Software Testing Interview Questions

  • Brief Description
  • How will you rate yourself in Selenium?
  • SIDE
  • How will you handle pop-ups?
  • Which framework you are using in your project & why?
  • How will you handle javascript pop-ups?
  • How will you handle the SSL issue?
  • How will you take a screenshot?
  • How will you handle AJAX? Explain it with code.
  • Explain your framework.
  • What is STLC, Test Plan & Defect Life Cycle(Procedure to file a defect)
  • Traceability matrix
  • Selenium Grid concepts with code?
  • Project Description
  • Difference between Implicitly Wait and Explicitly Wait
  • When will you stop testing?
  • Thread 7 Synchronization in java
  • Why do you switch to three companies in 3 years?

Infosys About us

Infosys Limited is an Indian multinational corporation that provides business consulting, information technology, and outsourcing services. It has its headquarters in Bengaluru, India. Infosys is the second-largest Indian IT firm by 2016 revenues.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

1 thought on “Infosys Iconnect Interview Questions”

  1. Hi Team ,
    I had an interview with infosys on 16-08-2022 for Experienced Automation developer for Bangalore Location.
    Few question from the interview.
    Selenium :
    1. Can we time one test case for 5 min ?
    2. How do you decided that you need hybrid framework.
    3. If there are two test cases in suite , what is the flow of execution.
    4. Why relative xpath is preferred by automation developers
    5. How to do database connection in selenium.



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