Loadrunner Interview Questions

Loadrunner Interview Questions: LoadRunner is a popular performance testing tool developed by Micro Focus. It is extensively used to simulate real-life scenarios of user activity and behavior in order to evaluate the system’s performance under different conditions. The tool uses virtual users to generate load and measure the response time, throughput, and other metrics of the system being tested.

LoadRunner has a wide range of capabilities, including the ability to script and execute tests for various protocols and technologies, monitor server performance, and analyze results. As such, it is a widely used tool in the field of performance testing and many companies seek LoadRunner experts to ensure that their systems can handle the expected traffic. Job interviews for LoadRunner roles often include questions that test knowledge of LoadRunner features, protocols, scripting, and troubleshooting skills.

Being familiar with common LoadRunner interview questions can help candidates prepare for the interview and showcase their abilities effectively. In this article, we will explore some of the commonly asked LoadRunner interview questions and provide tips and insights on how to answer them effectively.

Cognizant Loadrunner HP Testing Tool Interview Questions

  • Brief about yourself and your roles and responsibilities
  • How to connect performance center from VUGen
  • How many ways to upload scripts into the performance center
  • what is the architecture of LoadRunner and performance center
  • Differences between performance center and LoadRunner
  • Issues faced in the Performance center
  • What is your office address
  • What is IP spoofing? Importance of it?

Interview Questions For Loadrunner

  • Say me something about yourself
  • Do you have any questions?
  • Tell me 10 issues that you faced in load runner
  • How do you debug the script? Using lr_debug_message Using checkpoint
  • What is the difference between URL and html based recording? URL-non browser level (example images are video file) HTML-browser (checking the browser components)
  • How do you cross-check that your test is correct?
  • Say me some of the counters used for web logic and windows resources and database
  • What is the environment of the load runner? I send you an image file previously
  • What are you going to do if you don’t have enough resources available on your desktop? Run it from other
  • What is the rendezvous policy?
  • Is there any different way to do stress testing?
  • What are the resources you are going to monitor when running your script?
  • What is manual correlation? How do you handle it?
  • What is the process of doing manual correlation?
  • How are you going to know where exactly you’ve got the error?
  • Do you feel reducing the connection to the database will increase the response time?
  • What is the different protocol you used in load runner? Html
  • Did you test web services? No
  • How are you going to know which page the script is running in controllers? Using transaction points
  • For how many users do you have the license of load runner? 250 users
  • What is the benchmark for your application? 3 sec for response 30 stress user 150 simultaneous user
  • How do you resolve the issues of server restart? Pre-requisite before testing (handled by DBA) Batch jobs in windows Crone jobs for database
  • How did you handle correlation?
  • Explain each parameter in web_reg_save_param?
  • How can you say that how many hits are taken to the database and how many to the server?
  • What is meant by stress testing?
  • When will you get a step download timeout error?
  • Any other way can you do stress tress with ramp and ramp down.
  • How do you verify in your that the operation your performed has passed?


Here are some of the frequently asked interview questions about HP Loadrunner testing tools.

Is HP LoadRunner free?

The HP LoadRunner is not free, but the license for it is. The license has a small price tag of $1,995 and comes with 24/7 support and other services.

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