Test Cases For Hospital Management System [HMS]

Hospital Management System Test Cases Template: In this post, we will share the possible scenarios for Hospital Management System Test Cases or test cases for the doctor appointment system, but before writing the test cases, you have a good understanding of the functionalities and domains. You can check our blog for an example of the previous test case.

Post On:Test Case For Hospital Management System
Post Type:Test Case Template
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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What is a Hospital Management System (HMS)?

The Hospital Management System was introduced to speed up the process and help the patients. The hospital management system is a computer system that facilitates health care providers in achieving job tasks effectively by managing the information related to health care.

They are in charge of the data related to all healthcare departments, including Clinical, Financial, Laboratory, Inpatient, Outpatient, Operation theater, Materials, Nursing, Pharmaceutical, Radiology pathology, etc.

Why is HMS important for a Hospital?

The main intention behind introducing the health management system is to solve the complications generated while managing the patient’s paperwork when the patient is associated with various departments of hospitalization with confidentiality.

In such cases, the HMS is the only platform that provides the facility to manage all the paperwork in one place and also reduces the working staff by arranging and analyzing the patients’ paperwork.

Test Cases For Hospital Management System [HMS]

Test Cases For Hospital Management System [HMS]

  • Check by entering the correct URL in the browser; the application should be loading properly.
  • Check if there is any user verification functionality present on the application.
  • Check by entering valid credentials like username and password; the user should be able to log in.
  • Check by entering invalid credentials; the user should not log into the application, and an error message should be displayed.
  • Check if the hospital management system application can add a new patient.
  • Check whether all the mandatory fields are present in the registration portal.
  • Check after adding a new patient, and the patient cards should be printed after completing the payment process.
  • Check whether the patient card has details like assigning the doctor’s name to the comma department, presenting the application number, commanding the date of joining, locating bed details, etc.
  • Check after the patient checkup process; the details should be updated in the patient database.
  • Check if the patient exists in the database, and if he performs some checkup, then the user should be able to search the details of the present in the database.
  • Check if the doctors can also update the passenger details after the check.
  • Check the number of roles in the hospital management system, like the patient, doctor, admin, accountant, etc.
  • Check that the authorized users can see the doctor’s details in the portal, like the doctors’ timings and fees.
  • Check for any functionality to add a new doctor to the hospital management system; for instance, we have added patient details in the database.
  • Check whether the admin users can delete doctor and patient information through the hospital management system portal.
  • Check whether an accountant user type can calculate patient bills by collecting data from different systems.
  • Check after the formation of a bill if there should be an option to print the bill or generate a hard copy.
  • Check that authorized users have the privilege to check the details report of the patients, like day-wise.
  • Check the admin has all the access.


If you find any missed test case scenario, you can inform us by commenting in the comment section, and we will be happy to add that scenario to our blog post.

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7 thoughts on “Test Cases For Hospital Management System [HMS]”

    • We will try to share Medical licenses and insurance numbers for all country test cases. Thanks for the suggestions


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