Difference Between HashSet VS LinkedHashSet In Java With Example

Linkedhashset Java: In this article, we will discuss the difference between HashSet and LinkedHashSet classes in detail i.e.; HashSet v/s LinkedHashSet. Lets us move on and discuss the key differences between these 2 Set implemented collection classes.

HashSet vs LinkedHashSet

HashSet LinkedHashSet
Uses hash table (actually HashMap instance) to store element/objectsUses a combination of hash table + LinkedList to store element/objects
Doesn’t maintain insertion order i.e.; while iterating through HashSet, we will get items in random orderSince, it uses a doubly-linked list to store elements, maintains insertion order
This is introduced in the original collection framework in Java 1.2 versionThis is introduced in Java 1.4 version

When to use HashSet?

  • HashSet stores unique elements using a hashing technique
  • So, the search operation is faster
  • So, if the business requirement is to store unique elements for faster search operation or more number of search operation without concerning insertion order
  • Then, HashSet is the very apt choice

When to use LinkedHashSet?

  • This is exactly the same as that of HashSet, but underlying data structure to hold items is different
  • It uses a doubly-linked list which allows holding items as per insertion order
  • So, if the business requirement is to store unique elements for faster search operation or more number of search operation concerning/maintaining insertion order
  • Then, LinkedHashSet is the very apt choice which maintains insertion order
  • So while iterating through LinkedHashSet, we will get items as per insertion order (as against random in HashSet)

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