Google Search Test Cases

Test Case For Google Search: Test “Google Search Engine” is what a QA person will face in most interviews. To bring the answer here will be an impossible mission, But for the interview question, I would be enough to show these test cases:

There are somany possible test cases for Google search and people’s search, like test cases for Google search, test scenarios for Google search, test scenarios for the Google search engine, negative test cases for search functionality, and test cases for Google Chrome, like many more.

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Post Type:Test Case Template
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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  • Check whether the search box is clickable or not.
  • Check if the Google page is opening or not after entering in the URL box or not.
  • Check if the Google logo is displayed at the top or not.
  • Check If the information is correctly visible.
  • Check and hit the submit button without entering anything in the search field and clicking search; nothing should occur.
  • Check if the user is searching by entering the special character like! @,#,$, etc., and hit the submit button; you should search with the alphanumeric values.
  • The “Did you mean” link should display if the person is searching with invalid input.
  • Check if the test cases do not match the search criteria and get what you mean in the answer result.
  • The search result should be relevant to the search keyword and contain links to the respective web pages.
  • Check the search result, which shows the single keyword result and displays multiple results with the entered keyword.
  • Check if the search result only displays alphabets or if it also displays special characters, alphanumeric, and images in the search result.
  • Check while entering the keyword; it should display the autosuggestion, which should be relevant to the entered keyword.
  • Check whether you get the most popular or relevant query search result or the given keyword.
  • Check whether a user can search in current spending categories of the Google search; the registry search face has different options like the web page, News, videos, images, books, etc., so based on the category selection, respective results should be displayed.
  • Search results should suggest the correct keyword if a user enters wrong or misspelled keywords. If the user clicks on the right keyword, the result should be shown to check whether Google displays the total search results of a particular keyword.
  • Check how much time Google takes to show the result of a specific keyword
  • Check if a user can copy and paste keywords in the Google search box.
  • Check the search results are displayed based on localization or globalization.
  • Check the search results, prioritizing localized web pages compared to globalized ones.
  • Check some Google services, such as calculator service, displayed when a user searches for a calculator. With the calculator, the user should be able to perform all the Arithmetic operations.
  • Check when a user searches for Google converter services then the converter service should be displayed at the top of the search result, and also the user to request the converting service
  • If there is no result, it should display the message per the SRS requirement document.
  • Check whether the search results are displayed when the user can search in different languages.
  • Check if the related keywords are displayed below the web page search results.
  • Check the number of search results displayed on a single page.
  • Check for a number on the search result page; pagination should be at the bottom.
  • Check if the Google search function is case-sensitive or not.
  • Search results displayed should be relevant to the search keyword
  • % sign-in search keyword should not redirect to 404 ERROR
  • The application should not crash if the user inserts % in the search field.
  • When the user starts typing the word in the text box, it should suggest words that match the typed keyword.
  • There should be pre-defined search criteria for auto-complete, e.g., after typing the first three letters, it should suggest a matching keyword.
  • The result should be maintained when the user clicks on any link from the result and navigates back.
  • After clicking the Search field – search history should be displayed (latest search keyword)
  • All search keywords/filters should be cleared by clicking the Reset button.
  • Search results should be cleared on clicking the clear search button
  • The history displayed in the search field should only be relevant to log-in users.
  • Pagination should be tested for searches returning a high number of records.
  • The total number of search records/results should be displayed on the page
  • Search keywords should be highlighted with color in the search results.
  • Search keywords should suggest similar kinds of products/items for eCommerce sites.
  • For Advanced Search – limited search filters should be provided
  • Water text should be provided for users to understand what to search
  • Validate search rules defined for “Exact Match” with the search keyword
  • Validate search rules defined for “Similar Match” with the search keyword
  • Validate search rules defined to search with a set of keywords
  • The user should be able to search when he enters the keyword and hits the ‘Enter’ button on the keyboard

Test Cases For Google Search Front End – UI

  • Check the Google logo is displayed at the center of the page.
  • Check the search box should be displayed at the center of the page and below the Google logo. Also, the search box accepts values.
  • Check operation should be the user clicking on the submit button or hitting the enter button on the keyboard.
  • The search result page should contain the URL of the webpage title description.
  • Check based on the search query if any rich snippets are displaying
  • Check If a user clicks the web page link, the Officer result page should redirect the user to the specific web page.
  • Check if more than ten search results are found later on the first page; it should display ten results and page Nation.
  • Check if the user can get more results by clicking on the page Nation
  • Check if the user can go to a specific page using the number of the pagination tab

Google Search Test Cases

We have tried to explain Google search test cases in detail. Now, we will share the Google search test cases in an Excel sheet.

Test Case For Google Search Functionality
Test Case For Google Search Functionality

We try to share the scenario of Google search and advance search text box test case templates. You can comment in the comment section for more and missed test case scenarios.

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