Functional Testing Interview Questions: Functional testing is a critical component of software development. It allows testers to validate that the software they are testing works as intended and can provide feedback to developers on how to improve the product in the future. These questions will help you identify areas where your skills can be used to provide valuable feedback and can help you prepare for the challenges ahead.
Functional testing is an important part of software testing. It helps you determine whether your code is working as it should or if any errors are likely to occur. Functional testing focuses on ensuring that the code works and runs as expected. Functional testing is usually used at various stages in the development process when building software applications.
Functional testing interviews are a unique way to assess candidates’ skills and gauge their ability to do the job. They can be more useful than an on-site interview, as they allow you to discover hidden talents you might not have noticed during a typical face-to-face meeting.
We will discuss the essential functional testing interview questions, provide some tips for answering them, and suggest which questions are the most effective.
Interview Questions on Functional Testing
- What is sanity testing?
- What is smoke testing?
- When the smoke and sanity testing is done.
- What is Regression testing?
- What is the difference between component testing and unit testing?
- Explain the Priority and severity.
- A real-time example of low priority and high severity.
- A real-time example of high priority and low severity.
- Different between build and release.
- Important components in the test plan.
- Testing and Retesting difference.
- Explain the Bug life cycle.
- What is deferred and rejected?
- What are Authorization and authentication?
- Explain the BVA ( Boundary Value Analysis).
- What is the minor difference between Monkey testing and ad-hoc testing?
- What is P0, P1, P2?
Functional Testing Interview Questions
Below, we have listed some functional testing interview questions for freshers in various company interviews.
- How do you define a format for writing a good test case?
- What do you do if you have a large test suit to execute in less time?
- Suppose you find a bug in production; how would you ensure the same bug is not introduced again?
- What is the difference between functional and non-functional testing?
- How do you determine which piece of software requires how much testing?
- What is STLC
- What is In sprint automation
- What is agile methodology
- Test plan and test strategy
- What are funtional and non funtional testing
- What are estimations
- Write test design techniques with example
Functional Test Planning Interview Questions
- What is a Test Plan?
- Explain the bug life cycle.
- What is the difference between smoke and sanity tests?
- What is the difference between regression and retesting?
- What is the difference between functional and regression testing?
- What is the difference between severity and priority?
- What is the difference between a Test Plan and a Test Strategy?
- What is the difference between boundary value analysis and equivalence partitioning?
- What is the difference between white box and black box testing?
- If we have 1000 test cases, what type of automation testing is carried out?
- Bug Life Cycle?
- Bug Triage?
- What is exploratory testing?
- What is ad-hoc testing?
- What is build acceptance testing?
- What is the difference between Validation and Verification?
- Explain severity and priority and High severity with low priority, low severity, and high priority.
- What are test design techniques?
- What is a deferred bug?
- How will you decide what tests to automate?
- When do you decide to stop the testing?
- How many test cases are in your regression test suite? How much time will it take to execute?
- How to cover character keyboard operation from the context menu utilizing user-defined keywords?
- What are the most important things to define in a bug?
- Can you tell me about any achievements you have made in automation?
- Can you tell me the difference between BDD and TDD?
- What is a test plan and what are the steps to create a test plan?
- What are the inbound and outbound for testing?
- What is smoke, regression, and sanity testing?
- What is the next step to be taken if the developer rejects the Open defect?
- Explain the test metrics.
- How would your priorities Test?
- How do you perform Automation Code Review/Walk-through in your project?
- With 250 manual test cases, how will you segregate (on what basis) the regression, sanity, and smoke suites?
- When Regression, Sanity, and smoke test scripts are executed?
- How will you decide that this test case is a feasible or a good candidate for automation?
Functional Testing Interview Questions For 3 Years Experience
- What are XPath and its types?
- What are cross-browser testing and parallel testing?
- Challenges faced during selenium testing?
- What is the Actions class?
- How to handle drop-down in selenium?
- How to handle multiple browsers pop up?
- How do you handle multiple browser tabs in Selenium?
- How to perform upload files using selenium?
- How to perform download files using Selenium?
- How to get all values of dropdown in selenium?
- How do you perform (control + a) through selenium?
- How do you shift between tabs of the same browser using Selenium?
- What is a Robot class?
- What is AutoIT?
- What is the difference between get() and navigate()?
- What is the difference between findElement() and findElements()?
- What is the difference between quit() and close()?
- What are different locators used?
- What is the difference between XPath and CSS selectors?
- Different approaches to clicking the submit button?
- What is javascriptExecutor, and when is it used?
- Handling WebTable(static and dynamic) in Selenium
- What is POM? Advantages and disadvantages?
- What is a maven? List its phases or life cycle. Can we command it to run our project through the maven?
- Explain ur project folder structure. Or Explain ur framework?
- What is TestNG?
- How to create and delete cookies?
- What does getwindowhandles() and getwindowhandle() return? Or its differences?
- Is it possible to use only perform() without build()? 30.What is perform() and build()?
- How to scroll the browser window?
- Preceding sibling and following sibling of custom XPath?
- What is the test management tool used in ur project?
- What is the build automation tool used in ur project?
- How will you handle the SSL certification? Or what are the Desired Capabilities?
- How do you verify whether ‘Bangalore’ is present in the dropdown box or not?
- How to verify that ‘Bangalore’ is present in the 4×4 webtable? And print the column and row number that is present?
- How do you fetch the data from a particular row and column in Excel?
- List all maven plugins like the surefire plugin, etc.
- What is Jenkins? And explain its use?
- Explain the tags present in the testng.xml file
- What is TDD?
- What is BDD? Explain the cucumber framework. What are gherkins?
- What is a Listener?
- What is DataProvider?
- What is parameterization?
- What is PageFactory?
- What is Apache POI API? Or how to read data from Excel?
- What are explicit and implicit waits?
- What are the challenges faced in automation testing?
- Write code to handle multiple browsers and switch to new Windows?
- What is a webdriver? And why is Webdriver used?
- List some selenium exceptions
- What is StaleElementReferenceException?When does this occur? And how to overcome such exceptions?
- How do you group the test cases? And why?
- How to include or exclude test cases?
- What is NullPointerException?When does it occur?
- What is a selenium grid?
- Should know all TestNG annotations.
- How do you control the execution of your test cases/test classes?
- Git and its commands
- Maven commands to execute, debug, compile
- What is the current version of Maven used?
- How to identify broken links? How have you done your project? Write code or tell approach.
- Write code to fetch the value ‘Test’ from the Excel sheet, which might be present in any cell. Or, check whether the value ‘Test’ is present in Excel.
- How do we pass values to the textbox besides sendKeys()?
- How to click the login button other than using click(), submit(), and JavascriptExecutor?
- What is subversion?
Functional Testing Interview Questions For Testers
- What are test design techniques? Explain BVA and ECP with some examples.
- Explain STLC
- Explain the Bug Life Cycle
- What is the difference between a bug and a defect?
- What are severity and priority?
- Explain SDLC
- What are the differences between smoke and sanity testing?
- What is the difference between regression and re-testing?
- What is system testing?
- What is integration testing?
- What are the differences between test scenarios and test cases?
- What are the differences between the test plan and test strategy?
- Write test cases for pen
- Write test cases for the calculator
- Write test cases for calendar
- What is RTM?
- What is agile methodology? Explain it.
- How is agile better than the waterfall model?
- What is scrum?
- What is a sprint? Explain the sprint cycle in your project.
Functional Testing Interview Questions for 7 Years Experience
- Explain about the automation framework in your project
- Explain oops concepts used in the framework
- What is abstraction? How you implemented abstraction in your framework
- Abstract class vs interface
- What is a static method? How will you call a static method
- What is a static variable? What would you call it?
- What’s the use of abstract class
- What’s the use of interface
- Local variable vs instance variable
- How did you implement polymorphism in your framework? With an example
- What is method overloading? How will you implement it? With an example
- What’s method overriding? How will you do it?
- Why the main method is static?
- Break vs continue
- Length vs length() difference
- What are collections?
- Set vs ArrayList
- What’s a hashmap? Why do we use hashmap
- Private vs protected difference
- Absolute vs relative XPath
- How to get all the sibling elements
- Questions on Xpath techniques
- How to come out of a frame?
- How to handle popup
- How do you check whether the alert is available?
- How to find hidden elements
- How to do the mouse hover over elements
- What is a webdriver? How it works
- How to implement scrolling in selenium
- How to handle multiple windows
- What is the return type of getwindowhandles
- How to handle drop-down
- How to skip specific test cases while executing using TestNG
- TestNG annotations
- Use of listener and reporter
- Parameterization in testNG
- Primary key vs foreign key
- What is join
- Drop vs truncate
- Can we retrieve the data after drop or truncate
- How will provide story points for testing
- How will you estimate automation efforts
- How will you decide whether to automate or not
- Defect cycle in JIRA
- What is a deferred bug
- Bug leakage vs bug release
- Program to print the number of occurrences of each character in the string “abcdab”
In conclusion, functional testing is a critical aspect of software development. It is essential to ensure that the software functions as intended before it is released to the end-users. Functional testing interview questions are crucial in helping companies identify candidates with the necessary skills and experience to carry out this important task.
As a software tester, it is crucial to have a good understanding of the various aspects of functional testing and be able to apply them in real-world scenarios. By familiarizing yourself with common functional testing interview questions and their answers, you can prepare yourself well for your next interview and increase your chances of securing a job in this exciting and dynamic field.
I hope this information on functional testing interview questions has been helpful to you. Do you have any further questions or suggestions regarding this topic? If so, please feel free to leave a comment in the section below. I would be more than happy to provide any additional information or clarification you may need. Thank you for reading!