Birlasoft Interview Questions

Birlasoft Overview

  • Pune
  • 5001 to 10000 employees
  • 1990
  • Public (BSOFT)
  • Enterprise Software
  • ₹50 billion
  • Accenture

Birlasoft Interview Questions: An essential part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew precisely what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Birlasoft interview questions and answers.

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Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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We have tried to share some of the manual testing interview questions, selenium interview questions & testing interview questions also, but we are recommending spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Birlasoft interview.

Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So please share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at

Birlasoft Noida Bangalore Interview questions

Company Name: Birlasoft
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 18.03.2024

  • Explain Your Project Framework Structure
  • What are the OOPS Concepts
  • What does polymorphism mean?
  • There is a classA present with Abstract methods and you extend the classA in ClassB. By Creating a ClassB object which methods you can access?
  • Write a Program for Pyramid Start Pattern program?
  • Go to Google and search Virat Kohil and on the search page, Write the Xpath to locate all the elements.
  • A few other XPATH questions

    Go to the Flipkart page and select the electronic category.
    Take that as your root element and select the Flipkart logo with that element.

    Go to Flipkart home page
    Search for iPhone and from the auto-suggestion list select iPhone 15 pro
package com.softwaretestingo.interviewQuestionSolution;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;

public class BirlaSoftInterviewQuestions 
	 *Problem Statement
	 * Go to the Flipkart page and select the electronic category.
	 * Take that as your root element and select the Flipkart logo with that element.
	 * Go to Flipkart home page
	 * Search for iPhone and from the auto-suggestion list select iPhone 15 pro
	 * Thanks To Aparna For Sharing the Solution
	public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException 
		WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();
		WebDriverWait ww= new WebDriverWait(driver,Duration.ofSeconds(10));

		//print logo title.
		WebElement a=  driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Electronics')]/ancestor::div//div/a/picture"));
		//this as electronics page hides option
		Actions action= new Actions(driver);
		WebElement searchbox= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@placeholder='Search for Products, Brands and More']"));
		List<WebElement> li = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//input[@placeholder='Search for Products, Brands and More']/parent::div/parent::div/following-sibling::ul/li/div/a"));
		for(WebElement we : li) {
			if(we.getAttribute("href").contains("iphone+15+pro")) {

A few Other questions are there as well, I am not able to recall those.

Company Name: Birlasoft
Company Location: Noida, India
Updated on: 15.03.2021

  • What is BDD, and explain in detail about feature file and gherkin syntax?
  • Explain about the runner class.
  • What is the use of background in cucumber?
  • What are Cucumber tags? And how to run different combinations of tags when multiple tags are present
  • Difference between scenario and scenario Outline
  • Difference between hooks & Tags
  • Difference: What is the difference between desired capabilities and system.setproperty(“keys”, values)? Does it have the same feature or not??
  • To make it simple, what is the use of a selenium grid? Is it used to check whether tests are in both the production and test environments?
  • Can anyone help me crack the QA mindset interview round?
    Ans: As per my experience here in the Bay Area, it is a norm to have a QA mindset round, data Structure/Algorithm, and automation round. In the QA mindset round, they check the testing skills.
    1. They usually ask to test real objects such as Toaster, ATM, and Elevator and write test cases
    2. Test a given function/method.
    3. Troubleshooting questions: These test how you approach a particular problem. For example, what would you do if the application crashes?

About Birlasoft

Birlasoft is an information technology corporation headquartered in Noida, India. Founded in 1995, Birlasoft company employs 4000+ employees, globally located in 4 continents across offices in the USA, Europe, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia.

People are our most significant assets. This includes the customers Birlasoft serves, our colleagues, and our partner suppliers. Customers who work with us allow us to enter their organization and blend harmoniously with their culture and people. We engage with them to work seamlessly. It’s no different when it comes to working with our partners.

Customers look for support, and we make them feel they can rely on us. We must find out how we as an organization can win their trust and continue to function as a dependable unit. Our organization is about scale and quality.

We take great care to deliver the best to our customers by understanding their needs. Focus, agility, and flexibility from our side are always paramount as we go the extra mile to drive success for our customers.

We strive to exceed our customers’ expectations by providing defect-free products and value-added service through innovative solutions. We accomplish this objective by leveraging CMMI DEV, CMMI SEV, ISO 9001, Lean, Six Sigma, and ITIL practices.

We at Birlasoft are committed to enabling and growing our People. To achieve this, we provide our people with challenging assignments and best-in-class learning opportunities. With ‘Collaborate. Learn. Perform’ theme at its core; the Talent Development team provides learning opportunities across technical expertise, behavioral skills, domain expertise, functional expertise, and Leadership development.

We deploy various methodologies to enhance the learning experience and to provide targeted development. We believe that every individual owns his career, and we aim to nurture our People– by engaging their minds, providing them with new challenges, and giving them the right opportunities to help them grow. We provide a structured career path within and across career streams, enabling them to actualize their potential in the career of their choice.

Happy people are better workers. Those engaged with their jobs and colleagues work harder – and more intelligent”. We understand this mantra and focus on creating a conducive and happy environment for our People. At Birlasoft, we actively engage our people and encourage volunteerism for various programs and initiatives such as cultural events, celebrations, community service initiatives, and fun@work.

Our Wellness program is specially designed to ensure our employee’s and their family’s health and safety. We have tie-ups with the best-in-class hospitals to ensure timely care for our employees.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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