Arrays Class in Java

The Java Arrays class is a built-in utility class part of the Java Standard Library (java.util package). It provides a collection of static methods to perform various operations on arrays in Java.

Arrays, in programming, are used to store a collection of elements of the same data type. The Arrays class simplifies common tasks associated with arrays, making it easier for developers to work with these data structures efficiently.

Before we start our discussion on Array Class, we believe you have the knowledge about Array In Java. If you want to revise your skills, Visit our detailed blog post on Array in Java.

What is the Arrays class in Java?

In Java programming, efficient manipulation of arrays is a common requirement. Java provides a versatile utility class, the Arrays class, to facilitate this. The Arrays class resides within the Java.util package offers a range of static methods to perform various operations on arrays, such as sorting, searching, and filling.

Why We Need Array Class?

The Arrays class is a part of the Java Standard Library, providing several utility methods and functionalities related to arrays. Here are some key reasons why we need the Arrays class in Java:

  • Utility Methods: The Arrays class contains a variety of utility methods for performing common operations on arrays, such as sorting, searching, and filling arrays. These methods save developers from writing these algorithms from scratch, making code more efficient and readable.
  • Convenience: It provides convenient methods like toString to convert an array to a string representation, which is helpful for debugging and logging.
  • Comparisons: The class offers methods for comparing arrays, which is essential for checking whether two arrays are equal or finding their differences.
  • Conversion: You can use the asList method to convert an array to a List. This is helpful when you need to work with collections instead of arrays.
  • Parallel Operations: With Java 8 and later versions, the Arrays class supports parallel sorting, making it efficient for large datasets.
  • Type-Safe: The methods in the Arrays class are type-safe, meaning they handle the typecasting and conversions for you, reducing the chance of runtime errors.
  • Performance: The methods in the Arrays class are highly optimized for performance, making them faster than custom implementations in most cases.

Java Arrays Class Methods

The java.util.Arrays class in Java provides utility methods for working with arrays. These methods simplify common array-related operations, making it easier and more efficient to manipulate and interact with arrays in your Java programs. Here’s an overview of some of the essential methods available in the Arrays class:

Array Class MethodMethod Description
asList(T… a)Converts an array to a List. This method is handy when working with collections instead of arrays.
binarySearch(T[] a, T key)Searches for a specified element (key) in a sorted array (a) using binary search. It returns the element’s index if found or a negative value if not found.
copyOf(T[] original, int newLength)Creates a new array with the specified length (newLength) and copies elements from the original array into the new one. It allows you to resize an array easily.
equals(T[] a, T[] a2)Compares two arrays for equality. It checks if the two arrays have the same length and contain equal elements in the same order.
fill(T[] a, T val)Sets all elements of the array a to the specified value (val). This is useful for initializing or resetting array elements.
sort(T[] a)Sorts the elements of an array in ascending order using a modified merge sort algorithm. It’s efficient and works for various data types.
toString(T[] a)Returns a string representation of the array a. This is often used for debugging and logging.
copyOfRange(T[] original, int from, int to)Copies a range of elements from the original array (original) starting from the index (inclusive) to the index (exclusive) into a new array.
hashCode(T[] a)Computes a hash code for the array a. This can be useful for hashing arrays in data structures like hash tables.
parallelSort(T[] a)Sorts the elements of an array into ascending order using parallel processing, available in Java 8 and later. It can significantly improve sorting performance for large arrays.
parallelSort(T[] a, Comparator<? super T> c)This method sorts the elements of an array using a custom comparator for comparison. Like parallelSort(T[] a), it also leverages parallel processing for improved performance. Available in Java 8 and later.
deepEquals(Object[] a1, Object[] a2)Compares two arrays for equality, including nested arrays. This method compares deeply to check if the arrays and their nested elements are equal.
deepToString(Object[] a)Returns a string representation of the array a, including nested arrays. It provides a comprehensive view of the array’s contents, even with multidimensional arrays.
setAll(T[] array, IntFunction<? extends T> generator)Sets all array elements based on an index and a generator function. This method allows for custom initialization of array elements based on their indices. Available in Java 8 and later.
spliterator(T[] array)Creates a Spliterator over the elements of the array. Spliterators are useful for parallel processing and can divide the array into smaller parts for concurrent operations. Available in Java 8 and later.
stream(T[] array)Creates a Stream over the elements of the array. Streams are powerful for functional-style operations on data, making it easier to work with arrays in a declarative manner. Available in Java 8 and later.
parallelPrefix(T[] array, BinaryOperator<T> op)Applies a binary operation cumulatively to the elements of the array. This method allows you to perform operations on elements in parallel and store intermediate results. Available in Java 8 and later.
hashCode(T[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex)Computes a hash code for a specified subrange of the array. This can be useful when you only hash a portion of the array. Available in Java 9 and later.
parallelPrefix(T[] array, int fromIndex, int toIndex, BinaryOperator<T> op)This method is similar to parallelPrefix(T[] array, BinaryOperator op), but it applies a binary operation cumulatively to a specified subrange of the elements in the array. Available in Java 9 and later.
parallelSetAll(T[] array, IntFunction<? extends T> generator)Sets all array elements based on an index and a generator function in parallel. It can be useful when initializing or updating array elements concurrently. Available in Java 9 and later.
compare(T[] a, T[] b, Comparator<? super T> cmp)Compares two arrays lexicographically using a specified comparator. This method allows customized comparison logic when determining the order of elements in the arrays. Available in Java 9 and later.
mismatch(T[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, T[] b)Finds the index of the first mismatch between a subrange of two arrays (a and b). It helps identify differences between specific portions of arrays. Available in Java 9 and later.
setRange(T[] array, int fromIndex, int toIndex, T value)Sets a range of elements in the array to the specified value. This can be useful when updating a specific array section with a common value. Available in Java 9 and later.
hashCode(T[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex)Computes a hash code for a specified subrange of the array. This method allows you to hash only a portion of the array, which can be beneficial in certain scenarios. Available in Java 9 and later.
equals(T[] a, int aFromIndex, int aToIndex, T[] b, int bFromIndex, int bToIndex)Compares two subranges of arrays for equality. This method allows you to compare specific portions of two arrays, starting from and ending at specified indices. Available in Java 9 and later.
parallelSort(T[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex)Sorts a specified subrange of the array into ascending order using parallel processing. This is particularly useful when you only need to sort a portion of the array. Available in Java 12 and later.
parallelPrefix(T[] array, int fromIndex, int toIndex, BinaryOperator<T> op)Similar to parallelPrefix(T[] array, BinaryOperator op), this method applies a binary operation cumulatively to a specific subrange of elements in the array in parallel. Available in Java 12 and later.
parallelSetAll(T[] array, IntFunction<? extends T> generator, int fromIndex, int toIndex)This method sets a range of elements in the array, specified by the fromIndex (inclusive) and toIndex (exclusive), based on an index and a generator function in parallel. It allows you to initialize or update a specific section of the array concurrently. Available in Java 12 and later.
mismatch(T[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, T[] b, int bFromIndex, int bToIndex)Finds the index of the first mismatch between two subranges of arrays (a and b). This method helps identify differences between specific portions of two arrays, starting from and ending at specified indices. Available in Java 12 and later.
spliterator(T[] array, int startInclusive, int endExclusive)Creates a Spliterator over a specified subrange of elements in the array, starting from the startInclusive index (inclusive) to the endExclusive index (exclusive). Spliterators are useful for parallel processing and dividing an array into smaller parts for concurrent operations. Available in Java 16 and later.
stream(T[] array, int startInclusive, int endExclusive)Creates a Stream over a specified subrange of elements in the array, from the startInclusive index (inclusive) to the endExclusive index (exclusive). Streams provide a powerful way to perform functional-style operations on data within a specific range. Available in Java 16 and later.
equalsDeep(Object[] a1, Object[] a2)Compares two arrays deeply for equality, considering nested arrays and their elements. This method is designed to perform a deep comparison, ensuring that all nested arrays and their elements are equal. Available in Java 17 and later.

These are just some key methods provided by the Arrays class in Java. These methods simplify many common array-related tasks and help improve code readability and efficiency.

Additional methods may be available depending on your Java version, so it’s essential to refer to the documentation for your specific Java version for a complete list of methods and their details.


The Arrays class in Java is a versatile developer tool that offers various methods to simplify array manipulation, sorting, and comparison. Whether you’re working with primitive or object arrays, it provides efficient solutions to common array-related tasks.

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