Difference Between ArrayList VS Vector In Java With Example

ArrayList VS Vector In Java: In this article, we will discuss the difference between ArrayList Vs Vector classes in detail. Lets us move on and discuss the key differences between these 2 List classes

ArrayList VS Vector

It is introduced in the original collection framework in Java 1.2 versionIt is a legacy class including Stack, Dictionary, HashTable & Properties and introduced in Java 1.0 version
ArrayList methods are non-synchronizedAll legacy collection classes are synchronized, thus Vector is synchronized
(i.e.; all methods are synchronized)
As ArrayList is non-synchronized, hence it isn’t thread-safe. So, the programmer needs to handle thread-safety while working in a multi-threaded environmentAs Vector is synchronized, hence it is thread-safe. So, no need to worry while working in a multi-threaded environment, as only one thread gets a chance to work at any given time
This is comparatively faster as it is non-synchronized, as threads don’t require to obtain the lock before operating on ArrayListPerformance-wise it is slower compared with ArrayList due to synchronization, as threads need to wait for their chance to operate on a Vector object
ArrayList increases its size by 50% of a current array when its capacity exceedsIt increases its size by 100% of a current array when its capacity exceeds
The only Iterator is allowed to iterate item/elements inside ArrayListBoth Iterator & Enumeration can be used to iterate item/elements inside Vector
ArrayList can be converted into synchronized ArrayList using static utility methods of  Collections class collection.synchronizedList(ArrayList);No need to do that, as already it is synchronized by default

When to use ArrayList?

  • If performance is the factor while storing element/objects, then ArrayList is apt
  • But definitely, extra precautions need to be taken while working with a multiple-threaded environment
  • Also, check how much extra space is required when List is full; if 50% of original size if required then ArrayList will fit the case perfectly

When to use Vector?

  • If we aren’t concerned with performance, but element/objects need to be accessed in a thread-safe manner, then the Vector is the good choice
  • But performance will be a big hit, as every thread to need to wait to obtain the lock before accessing vector element/objects
  • Here, size increase in 2 times the original size; so if there are the number of items to be added then Vector will fit the bill perfectly

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