WalletHub Interview Questions

WalletHub Overview

  • www.wallethub.com
  • Miami, FL
  • 51-200 employees
  • 2012
  • Information and Internet

WalletHub Interview Questions: For Quality Assurance (QA) and Automation Testers, the WalletHub interview process is a crucial gateway to a rewarding career. In these interviews, WalletHub seeks candidates who can ensure the quality and reliability of their financial products and services.

As QA and Automation Tester roles demand meticulous attention to detail, technical proficiency, and a deep understanding of testing methodologies, the interview questions are thoughtfully designed to assess these critical skills.

Post On:WalletHub’s interview FAQs
Post Type:Interview Questions
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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In this article, we will explore some typical WalletHub interview questions specific to QA and Automation Testing roles. Understanding these questions and how to approach them can greatly enhance your readiness for the WalletHub interview, paving the way for a successful entry into this dynamic organization’s testing teams.

So, let’s dive into these interview questions and equip you with the knowledge and strategies you need to excel in the WalletHub interview process for QA and Automation Tester positions.

WalletHub Login Testing Interview Questions

Company: WalletHub
Year of Interview: 2021
Location: It was a Machine Test shared in the mail
Experience: Total Around 6–7 years experience in Software Testing and around 2 years experience in Selenium Webdriver with Java
Role: Senior QA Test Automation Engineer

Machine Test

Create a Java project using Selenium 3 to automate the following scenarios:


  • Log in to Facebook. Username and Password should be on a variable we can change.
  • Post a status message “Hello World.”


Create a light user account at https://wallethub.com/join/light and uncheck the checkbox to get your free credit score and report. This is the account you should be using for this test. Then, simulate the following actions:

  • Go to this URL: https://wallethub.com/profile/13732055i
  • On the reviews section of the page, hover over the stars and click on the fourth star.
    Your code should actually (a) do the hover and (b) make sure the stars inside get lit up when you hover over them, then (c) click on the fourth star. Simply redirecting the WebDriver to the next page isn’t an option.
  • On the page you get redirected to, click on the Policy dropdown and change the
    value to “Health Insurance”.
  • Click on the link “Write a review” and write some random text (minimum of 200 characters).
  • Press submit.
  • If you are successful, you should see a confirmation screen saying you have
    reviewed the institution. You then must go to your profile and confirm that the “review
    feed” has been updated.
  • Go to https://wallethub.com/profile/ and assert that you can see the review.

Note: We expect another tester to pick up your code and continue working on it with ease.
As such, we are interested in the way you code, and we want to see your take on implementing efficient, maintainable, and readable tests. So, the use of any existing wrapper or helper framework/library as a shortcut to achieving the above-mentioned goals is discouraged in favor of your own implementation.

About WalletHub

WalletHub is a prominent personal finance website founded in August 2013 and headquartered in Miami, Florida. Owned by Evolution Finance, Inc., provides a range of free consumer tools and resources to help individuals make informed financial decisions. Their offerings include the WalletLiteracy Quiz and the Financial Fitness Tool, which provides users with credit reports, credit scores, and credit monitoring services.

Its’s core mission revolves around empowering consumers to achieve better financial fitness. They offer daily updates for credit scores and credit reports, making it a valuable resource for individuals looking to improve their financial health. The platform also offers insights, advice, and comparisons of various financial products and services.

It has gained recognition for its commitment to helping consumers save money and make smarter financial choices. The company’s reputation as a reliable source of financial information and its user-friendly tools have made it a go-to destination for those seeking to navigate the complex world of personal finance.

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