Test Cases for Hamburger Menu

Test Cases For Navigation Bar & Test Cases For Navigation Bar & Test Cases for Hamburger Menu: Navigation Menu bars are intended to help users navigate through important website pages. The navigation menu bar can be customized in different ways. Megamenu is one such customized menu bar with high usability compared to traditional navigation bars.

The main advantage of the mega menu is that users can view all options in one area without scrolling down the content. The user can access the mega menu with just a click or mouse hover, thereby saving his/her time.

Test Cases for Hamburger Menu

  • Check on Mouse hover or click a down arrow is opening or not with the menu item, displays the mega panel.
  • Check that the menus are displaying properly without any congestion and are properly displayed.
  • Check whether the menu is adjusting automatically based on the number of menus.
  • Check If more links are visible to see more content by clicking over that.
  • Check that reading more buttons/links on the mega panel directs the user to its corresponding details page.
  • Check the images of the Hamburger Menu displaying without cropping or not.
  • Check the positioning of the mega panel. The mega panel should be center-aligned.
  • Check the loading time for the mega menu.
  • Check the user-friendliness of the mega menu.
  • Check the browser compatibility of the mega menu.
  • Check that the mega menu is responsive on different mobile applications.

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