Teradata Interview Questions

Teradata Interview Questions: Here, we are trying to share the frequently asked Teradata Interview Questions for all types of candidates, like freshers & experienced. The below-given interview questions may vary from company to company. We may insert, modify/remove such questions based on our experience and knowledge. It will be helpful for beginners to find the FAQ of all Teradata Interview Questions.

Teradata Interview Questions is an online resource that lists some frequently asked interview questions with detailed answers. This resource aims to help you prepare for your Teradata interview so that you can land the job of your dreams.

Teradata Interview Questions:

  • What is the difference between static lookup and dynamic lookup?
  • How can you retrieve the recent records?
  • How can you get duplicate records?
  • Difference between joiner and router transformations.
  • Teradata and Informatica versions.
  • What are Indexes?
  • What is Spool Space in Teradata?
  • What is Fallback?
  • Explain Teradata Architecture
  • Write a query to delete duplicate rows.
  • How can we have the functionality of the RANK function in normal queries without actually using them?
  • What is the internal mechanism used for Ranking inside Teradata?
  • What is the difference between multi-load and fast load?
  • When do you go for multi load?
  • What is the difference between multiload and Tpump?
  • Diff b/w PI and PK.
  • Diff b/w PI and UPI.
  • What is Full Outer Join? Give a scenario where it can be used?
  • How to improve the performance of a query, consuming more spool space?
  • Meaning of join index.
  • Performance optimization techniques.
  • Diff b/w left outer and right outer join.
  • What is PPI?
  • How does compress work?
  • Diff b/w Teradata and Oracle.
  • Challenges faced in project management and technical areas
  • What is spool space? Does it impact other users?
  • What is multiset
  • What is the derived query?
  • Difference between the derived table and volatile table
  • What is collected statistics
  • What is Partition primary index
  • Can we use SET with NUPI or NUSI?
  • How do you choose an index for a table
  • What is Explain command?
  • What are the other types of Joins you have observed in Explain Plan?
  • Will the time displayed in the Explain plan be the time actually required? Ans-No
  • What does the time mentioned in the explained plan signify?
  • Help Command.
  • How will Teradata decide which row will have to be placed where? Ans- Hashing Algorithm.
  • Can 2 values get the same hash value? In which kind of scenario?
  • What is Hash Synonym?
  • How many AMPs‟s will a SQL using UPI use?
  • How many Amp‟s Operations will be required in the case of a secondary Index?
  • What is the Set and MultiSet table?
  • What is meant by Skew? Explain.
  • Which index- Primary or secondary will u recommend in ur SQL?
  • When will you use a Secondary Index?
  • Will the Secondary index be an overhead?
  • Distribution of data across AMPS.
  • What is Partitioned Primary Index?
  • How will the performance vary if the AMPs are increased with an increase in users?
  • What is the volatile table?
  • What are the other kinds of tables?
  • What is the difference between the Volatile and Global Temp tables?
  • What are the drawbacks of the Global and Volatile table?
  • Explain the Teradata utilities you have used?
  • Difference between fast load and MLoad
  • How do you transfer a large amount of data in Teradata?
  • How does Hashing happen in Teradata?
  • How to select first N Records in Teradata?
  • How to view every column and the columns contained in indexes in Teradata?
  • What is the difference between Sub-Query & Co-Related Sub-Query?
  • Is Like comparison case-sensitive in Teradata?
  • What does the DROP table command do?
  • On what basis it‟s decided to have the index for performance tuning as there is a space burden on the database.
  • Difference between Inner join and outer join?
  • How to find duplicates in a table?
  • How do you see a DDL for an existing table?
  • Which is more efficient GROUP BY or DISTINCT to find duplicates?
  • The syntax for the CASE WHEN statement?
  • How to handle nulls in Teradata?
  • How many columns can be there in a table?
  • How to find average sal without using avg function?
  • What all are different protection techniques in Teradata?
  • What is transient journaling?
  • How many amps will be used when we use UPI, NUPI, USI, NUSI?
  • What are the salient features of Teradata?
  • How data will be distributed in Teradata?
  • Why do we need to use Primary Index instead of Primary key?
  • Explain the architecture of Teradata?
  • How PE work in teradata?
  • Used of Bynet.
  • How AMP will store data
  • Uses of PPI.
  • Different types of Locks?
  • How to find particular table details in Teradata?
  • How to find particular column details in Teradata?
  • How to use Rank function and Row number functions.
  • How to use partition by concept in Teradata?
  • How to tune queries in Teradata?
  • Different performance tuning Techniques?
  • How do find the top 3 salaries in a particular table?
  • How to use String functions substr(), Like operator?
  • Difference between Where Having and Qualify?
  • How to use partition by In queries, scenarios?
  • SQL Concepts with all functions and operators?


Many questions are asked in the interview, and we have compiled a list of them. We hope that you can answer them and that it will help you in your interview. If you face other interview questions, please let us know by commenting in the comment section.

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