Test Scenarios For Ola App & Swiggy

Test Scenarios For Ola App Or Test Cases For Ola App: Testing scenarios play a important role in ensuring modern ridesharing and food delivery platforms robust functionality of popular services like Swiggy and Ola.

For Swiggy, a comprehensive approach involves devising ad-hoc testing scenarios, addressing unexpected situations to enhance the application’s resilience. Simultaneously, Ola, a leading ride-hailing platform, necessitates specialized test scenarios tailored to its app and login processes.

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The Ola application, accessed via www.olacabs.com, is a critical focal point for testing. Crafting integration test scenarios for Ola becomes imperative, emphasizing the need for a seamless blend of features within the application. Additionally, a focused examination of the Ola login page ensures a secure and user-friendly experience.

For both platforms, end-to-end user journeys spanning login, search/order flows and final payments require thorough scenario testing. By leveraging a combination of scripted tests, exploratory tests and integration tests across critical customer e2e flows, key user paths on these apps can be well validated.

Test Cases or Test Scenarios For Swiggy Or Ola App

Validating a ride-sharing and booking platform like Ola requires thorough testing across user flows from account creation to successful ride completion. Key aspects to evaluate through scripted tests, exploratory tests and integration scenario validation include user authentication, accurate fare estimation, hassle-free ride booking and cancellations, integration with payment gateways, location tracking to reflect precise cab ETAs, robust notification mechanisms across devices and operating systems, and comprehensive profile settings to store user preferences.

Additionally, the app needs to provide a consistent experience across flaky 2G networks to high-speed 4G connectivity while maintaining background sync across offline usage scenarios. Complete validation requires evaluating compatibility with various phone models, platforms, and OS versions. By leveraging a structured test planning strategy complemented by extensive ad hoc tests, one can deliver a smooth, consistent and flawless ride booking experience for Ola mobile app users.

Test Scenarios For Ola App

  • Ensure successful installation of the app on diverse devices and platforms.
  • Confirm seamless uninstallation of the app, leaving no residual data.
  • Validate the app’s functionality post-installation.
  • Verify user login with valid credentials.
  • Confirm the prevention of login with invalid credentials, accompanied by an appropriate error message.
  • Ensure successful user logout from their account.
  • Verify the emergency contact receives an accurate SMS notification when the user initiates a ride.
  • Confirm the emergency contact is notified with precise ride information.
  • Ensure successful sign-up for a new user with valid details.
  • Confirm prevention of sign-up with invalid details, accompanied by an error message.
  • Verify accurate saving of user details post-sign-up.
  • Confirm the successful use of Ola money for ride payments.
  • Ensure Ola money transfer capability post-KYC completion.
  • Confirm prevention of Ola money transfer without completing KYC.
  • Verify accurate detection of the user’s current location by the app.
  • Confirm the user’s ability to mark favorite locations for future reference.
  • Ensure successful selection of desired pickup and drop-off locations.
  • Verify accurate display of vehicle availability time for different types.
  • Confirm “no availability” indication when there are no active drivers for a specific vehicle type.
  • Verify the app’s provision of route options for various locations.
  • Confirm route provision for interstate and inter-country land travel.
  • Verify “no routes found” indication for locations without roadways.
  • Confirm the app’s provision of routes for interplanetary travel.
  • Verify the user’s ability to call the allocated driver from a deep link within the app.
  • Confirm the user’s ability to contact the driver through the app’s calling feature.
  • Verify consistent fare display before and after the ride for the given route.
  • Confirm fare adjustments for longer or shorter routes taken by the user.
  • Verify accurate OTP generation by the app.
  • Confirm SMS notification receipt containing the OTP for the user’s ride.
  • Verify the user’s ability to start the ride only with the correct OTP.
  • Confirm successful cancellation of cab or auto booking by the user.
  • Verify the application of a cancellation fee after exceeding the monthly limit.
  • Confirm successful application of promo codes for each ride.
  • Verify accurate application of Ola Pass if it has not expired.
  • Confirm accurate fare changes for different ride variants (Prime, Mini, Micro).
  • Verify accurate fare calculation for Ola Outstation rides.
  • Confirm higher fares for late-night rides and notify the user accordingly.
  • Verify user notification of the driver’s cancellation through SMS and the app.
  • Confirm the user’s ability to book a cab or auto successfully even with a weak network signal.

Test Scenarios For Swiggy

Testing a food ordering and delivery platform like Swiggy requires validating the entire user journey from restaurant/menu discovery to successful order fulfilment. Critical aspects to evaluate via scripted test cases and exploratory testing include user authentication flows, accuracy of restaurant/menu information, order placement and modification capabilities, integration with payment gateways, order tracking and cancellation mechanisms, push notification systems for order status updates, location tracking to reflect precise delivery ETAs, and integration with third-party food delivery partners. Additionally, Swiggy’s performance needs to be thoroughly validated across varying network conditions while maintaining background sync to refresh food items and prices even during offline usage.

Finally,Swiggy’s mobile and web experiences require compatibility testing across various devices, platforms and OS versions. By leveraging a structured test approach complemented by negative test cases, one can deliver a seamless, glitch-free food discovery and delivery experience to Swiggy’s customer base.

Home Screen

  • Confirm the display of previous orders on the home screen to expedite delivery.
  • Verify the precise depiction of the delivery location on the screen.
  • Ensure that restaurants featured on the homepage accurately reflect their distance from the delivery location.
  • Validate the visibility of billing discounts on the home page.
  • Confirm the functionality of filters on the home page, including options such as cuisines, non-veg and veg preferences, combos, rating, delivery time, etc.

Search Functionality

  • Confirm the ability to search for a restaurant’s name in the text box.
  • Validate the searchability of cuisine names in the search box.
  • Verify that the search results align with the keywords entered in the search box.

For Ordering Page

  • Confirm that the cuisines provided by restaurants are displayed beneath their respective names, including categories like Chinese, North Indian, Continental, etc.
  • Ensure that selecting the “add” option successfully adds the chosen item to the cart.
  • Check for red and green dots indicating non-veg and veg items respectively.
  • Verify the clear display of offers on delivery, delivery mode, and approximate time on the screen.
  • Confirm the accurate listing of all food items along with their respective prices.
  • Ensure users can effortlessly customize their selected food items during the ordering process.
  • Assess the filtering capabilities of reviews into categories such as “my reviews,” “detailed reviews,” “delivery reviews,” and “latest reviews.”
  • Verify that the restaurant’s name, ratings, and clear photos are prominently displayed.
  • Confirm the accuracy of ratings assigned to individual food items.

Cart Page

  • It is crucial to confirm the accuracy of the delivery location on the cart page.
  • Verify that the selected items are accurately presented.
  • Ensure the availability of the delete option to remove products from the cart.
  • Check for the presence of a tipping option for customers.
  • Verify the seamless capability to change the delivery location.
  • Determine that users can easily adjust the quantity of selected items.
  • Check the successful application of offers when users apply them.
  • Ensure the correct generation of the invoice.
  • Verify the functionality allowing minimization of the cart page.
  • Determine the presence of “pay now” buttons and their ability to open various payment options.
  • Confirm that the cart retains products even after closure.

Testing Home Screen Without Logging In

  • Verify the accurate display of the user’s location on the home screen.
  • Confirm the proper functionality of the filter buttons on the home screen.
  • Check for the correct presentation of restaurant names for top brands.
  • Ensure that nearby restaurants for users are shown on the home screen without requiring a logout.
  • Verify the visibility of the profile page for users.
  • Confirm the display of distance or kilometer range in the restaurant block.
  • Verify the capability for users to order food delivery without the need to log into the application.

Login and Registration

  • Confirm users’ ability to log into the food delivery application by entering their mobile number.
  • Ensure users can choose delivery locations following a successful registration.
  • Verify unsuccessful user login attempts.
  • Confirm the capability to register using an already existing mobile number.

Account Section

  • Confirm the accurate presentation of various account options to users.
  • Verify the visibility of the help button.
  • Ensure that the test case scenarios for food delivery apps display favorite orders, address book, and past orders seamlessly accessible from the account section.
  • Check the correct visibility of options such as “about,” “log out,” and “send feedback” on the screen.
  • Verify the accurate authentication process following the delivery of OTP to the customer.
  • Confirm users’ ability to log in effortlessly through different options, including email and password, Facebook, and Google sign-in.


The efficacy of Swiggy and Ola applications heavily relies on well-crafted and diverse test scenarios. These scenarios, ranging from ad-hoc testing for Swiggy to integration testing for Ola, contribute to the overall reliability and user experience of these platforms. As we explorer into the intricacies of testing, your insights are invaluable.

Share your thoughts and suggestions to further enhance our understanding of test scenarios for these widely-used apps. Your feedback not only refines our approach to quality assurance but also ensures a smoother and more reliable experience for users. Feel free to leave your comments below and let’s work together to optimize the functionality of Swiggy and Ola applications.

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