What Is The Difference Between Master Test Plan And Test Plan?

The difference between Master Test Plan and Test Plan can be described using the following points.

Master Test Plan And Test Plan

  • Master Test Plan contains all the test scenarios and risks prone areas of the application. Whereas, the Test Plan document contains test cases corresponding to test scenarios.
  • MTP captures each and every test to be run during the overall development of application whereas the test plan describes the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of performing the test.
  • MTP includes test scenarios to be executed in all the phases of testing that run during the complete lifecycle of the application development. Whereas, a separate Test Plan exists for each phase of testing like Unit, Functional, and System which contains the test cases related to that type only.
  • Only for big projects, we need a Master Test Plan which requires execution in all phases of testing. However, preparing a basic Test Plan is enough for small projects.

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