Cross Browser Testing Interview Questions

Cross Browser Testing Interview Questions: Cross browser testing ensures a website or web application looks and behaves consistently across different browsers. Different browsers have different rendering engines, which can cause websites to look or behave differently on each one. So it’s important to test how everything will look on all relevant browsers before launching a website or making changes.

When you’re in a job interview, and they ask you about your experience with cross-browser testing, don’t panic. Here are some of the most common questions asked about this topic and how to answer them like a pro!

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Cross Browser Testing Interview Questions and Answers

If you’re looking to get into cross browser testing, here are some questions you might be asked in an interview – along with their answers. You’ll be better positioned to answer any questions by preparing for these.

What is cross browser testing?

Different browsers can render web pages differently, and some may not be able to run certain types of code. That’s why cross-browser testing is important. It helps ensure that users will have a consistent experience regardless of their browser.

Why cross browser testing important?

Cross browser testing is important because it ensures that your website or web application works correctly and consistently across different web browsers, operating systems, and devices, improving user experience, increasing user engagement, and helping you reach a wider audience. It also helps you identify and address any compatibility issues, security risks, and vulnerabilities.

Here are some other benefits of cross-browser testing:

  • You can identify and fix issues with web pages, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • You can identify which pages are causing problems and fix them quickly.
  • You can test different design concepts and see which one works best.
  • You can test the performance of your website in various conditions.
  • You can validate the functionality of your website across various devices and browsers.

Can you explain the different types of browsers and their role in cross browser testing?

There are three primary types of browsers: web, mobile, and email. Web browsers are the most prevalent and allow access to the internet. Mobile browsers provide internet connection for portable devices. Email browsers enable users to connect to their email accounts.

Cross-browser testing checks how a website or web application looks and operates on various browsers. This is vital because diverse browsers can present web pages in different ways. For example, some browsers might not support particular HTML5 features. Cross-browser testing aids in guaranteeing that a website or web application will function properly on all browsers.

What are some common challenges faced when performing cross browser testing?

Different browsers can pose a challenge when it comes to web standards. One browser might interpret the code differently than another due to different levels of support for web standards. Additionally, different features might be supported to different degrees by different browsers, so you may need to tailor your code accordingly. Finally, cookies, caching, and JavaScript handling can vary from browser to browser regarding behavior.

How does the number of users accessing a website affect its performance across various platforms and devices?

Suppose you’re concerned about a website’s ability to handle many users. In that case, testing it on as many different platforms and devices as possible before making it available to everyone is important. This way, you can identify any potential issues like the application’s slowness and crashes and ensure the site performs well for all users.

What do you understand about responsive design?

If you’re interested in creating websites that look great on any device, responsive design is a technique you should definitely be familiar with. It uses a mix of flexible layouts, images, and CSS media queries to ensure your site looks and works its best on everything from small screens to large ones.

Why is it important to test web applications on multiple browsers?

It is important to test web applications on multiple browsers because different browsers can render web pages differently. This can lead to issues with the layout or functionality of a web application if it is not designed to work with all major browsers. By testing on multiple browsers, you can ensure that your web application will work as intended for all users.

Is it possible to perform cross-browser testing manually? If yes, then how?

If you’re interested in manually performing cross-browser testing, the answer is YES. There are a few ways to go about it. You can test your website or application on multiple browsers and devices yourself, or you can enlist the help of friends and family members. Either way, it’s important to ensure your site functions properly across all platforms.

Is it possible to perform cross-browser testing with Selenium WebDriver? If yes, then how?

It is possible to perform cross-browser testing with Selenium WebDriver using a tool like BrowserStack or Sauce Labs. These tools provide cloud-based solutions for running Selenium tests across various browsers and devices.

What type of data do you need to gather before starting a cross browser testing project?

If you’re thinking about starting cross browser testing in your project, it’s important first to gather data on which browsers your target audience is using. This information can be obtained through web analytics tools, surveys, or other research methods. Once you have this data, you can determine which browsers you need to test your website or application.

When should you start a cross browser testing project?

It would be best if you started cross-browser testing as early in the development process as possible to avoid any issues arising from browser compatibility problems. By starting early, you can make sure your website or application will work right on all major browsers and avoid any potential problems that might happen later on.

What are the different tools available for automating cross browser testing tools?

There are a few different tools available for automating cross-browser testing, including:

  • TestingBot
  • Headspin
  • TestGrid
  • LambdaTest
  • CrossBrowserTesting
  • Sauce Labs
  • Ranorex Studio
  • TestProject
  • TestComplete
  • Experitest

Can you explain what an object repository is?

An object repository is a location where you can store all the objects you need for your test. This can be useful in cross-browser testing because it allows you to switch between different objects needed for different browsers easily.

What are the advantages of using automated and manual cross browser testing?

Automated testing is a great option if you’re looking to speed up your testing process and improve accuracy. Automated tests can cover more ground than manual tests and can be run more frequently, making them super efficient.

What is your opinion on cloud-based testing?

If you’re looking to do cross-browser testing, one option you might want to consider is cloud-based testing. This can be a convenient way of doing things, especially if you don’t have the resources to set up your test environment. However, it’s important not to rely on this method alone since it might not replicate all real-world scenarios accurately. Try combining it with other types of testing for the best results.

Can you give me examples of real-world websites with poor cross browser support?

There are a few examples of websites with poor cross-browser support. A notable example is a website for the United States Department of Health and Human Services, which isn’t compatible with Internet Explorer 11. Another example is the website for the National Weather Service, which isn’t compatible with Safari.

Can you explain what accessibility testing is?

The purpose of accessibility testing is to ensure that people with disabilities can use a website or application. This includes testing for screen readers, keyboard navigation, and alt text. By conducting accessibility tests, we can ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to use the site or app regardless of their abilities.

Do you think mobile compatibility testing is part of cross browser testing?

Mobile compatibility testing is a subset of cross-browser testing because cross browser testing is the process of ensuring that a website or web application works well on more than one browser and device. Mobile compatibility testing specifically refers to checking if a site or app works well on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

FAQS on Cross Browser Testing

What are the tools which provide cross browser testing free trial?

Here is the list of cross browser testing tools that provide free trials: TestingBot, Headspin, LambdaTest, CrossBrowserTesting, Sauce Labs, Ranorex Studio, TestComplete, Experitest, Browserstack, Browserling, Browsershots, Browsera & Mabl.

What is cross browser testing with selenium?

Cross browser testing with Selenium can help you test web apps quickly and easily across different browsers. Selenium is constantly being improved, so you can always ensure your tests are up-to-date. You can also integrate Selenium with other tools to make your cross-browser testing even more efficient.

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